Son, we need to have a serious talk!
Son, we need to have a serious talk!
Son, we need to have a serious talk!
Fucking obviously that’s not what I’m saying, you’re not that dense. Just say #notallmen and start harassing someone else. I didn’t realize I was communicating with an actual clown this whole time.
No, that is what you're saying. You started with choosing the bear because you said men are dangerous, then when it was shown how hateful what you said is, you refused to acknowledge it and attempted to paint me as an anti-semite despite the fact that all I did was use your words. Now you're saying you didn't actually mean all men, you just meant rapists, as if using "men" interchangeably with "rapist" isn't the core of the whole damn problem in the first place.
This is a Motte-and-Bailey argument and it's bullshit. You are a hateful bigot. Admit it.
when it was shown how hateful what you said was
You didn’t prove anything, you typed a bunch of antisemitic bullshit which has since been removed for being antisemitic bullshit.
I expressed something very clear, if you want to misinterpret it as a statement against all men, clearly you’re the one with the problem here. I’d suggest you work on some of that gender based hate you’re fostering, and I’ll go right on ahead harming nobody with my cautious approach to interacting with men.
After all, you never know when one will go all psycho-authoritarian and try to convince you you’re saying shit you’re very clearly not saying. Shit bud, that’s another thing the bear does better than you.
You didn’t prove anything, you typed a bunch of antisemitic bullshit
No you typed out a whole bunch of bullshit, all I did was change the word "men" out for "Jew". Suddenly what you said was so hateful it got deleted for being against the rules. You honestly don't see how what you said is against the rules if you say it about any other demographic?
I’ll go right on ahead harming nobody with my cautious approach to interacting with men
In America, black people are much more likely to commit violent crime. Using your logic, does that mean I would be justified in taking a "cautious approach" when being around black people?
In America, black people are much more likely to commit violent crime.
Showing your hand a little too much, babe.
Those are the crime statistics. I wasn't going to break out all the reasons why the stats are the way they are, I'm just using the same metrics you folks are using when you say men are more dangerous than bears. I'm using your logic applied to your data, but for a different demographic.
Interesting that it's suddenly bigotry, no? It's almost like you're a bigot.
I’m using my personal experiences, never have I tried to quote statistics to prove my opinion. You’re being so fucken aggro over something that doesn’t actually apply to you, unless you’re the type to harass women.
REALLY seems like you have some issues, bud. Do you take it personally when I say mean things about rapists? Because you shouldn’t, I’m very clesrly talking about RAPISTS and not EVERY SINGLE MAN. If you seriously cannot tell the difference, no one can help you other then yourself.
It’s really interesting that you jumped straight to jews and black people, it’s almost like you’re actually a bigot.
e: to the men downvoting all my comments in this thread, try expressing those opinions to any woman. it’ll be doing a favor for everyone involved 💖