Son, we need to have a serious talk!
Son, we need to have a serious talk!
Son, we need to have a serious talk!
The bear is honest, either it eats you or it fucks off. The bear would never pretend to be friendly to gain your trust, or pretend to fuck off and instead stalk you for days. I can more accurately surmise a bears intentions than i can for any random man because all the bear could possibly want out of me is a meager amount of food.
Men getting angry about this are being upset by the possibility that they could potentially be considered threatening, by a completely uninformed third party nonetheless. And their chosen recourse is to demonstrate threatening behavior.
Some men are real snowflakes tbh
I'm a man and I endorse this message.
One thing about being a man is other men drop their guards around you and say the things they believe about their roles regarding women and masculinity. In my experience, most men are fine. Many are confused about who they are and their place in the world but do their best to be good people. Other men are just rotten, selfish, and/or broken people for many reasons. They're often victims of abuse who perpetuate that abuse.
Some, though, are also confused and do their best, but what their best looks like is informed by people like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson. They believe women are somehow subhuman and that treating them as such is natural, right, and good. They believe in a social hierarchy and that might makes right. These are the men to worry about. The bad men I mentioned before generally know they're bad or are broken enough that one can notice. These guys, though, appear normal but will absolutely fuck you over to get what they believe they deserve, all the while patting themselves on the back for being such an upstanding person who is "just enforcing the natural order".
That's why I'd also choose the bear.
Ugh. I hate it when some misogynistic asshole assumes I agree with his views on women because I have the same downstairs anatomy as he does. Fuck you and stop "🙄 women..." around me. You'd be the first one to whine about a woman doing the same thing about men.
Animals fear men for a reason. Men's BO triggers an acute fear response in rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, mice and hamsters. This experiment did require the animal to be sacrificed, hence why it only involves common laboratory animals.
Anyway. They noticed men would underestimate the suffering of a laboratory animal. They already knew that prey animals hide their pain when they are scared. This is to make them less of an easy target for birds of prey to hunt. Because a limping rabbit, is a much easier meal.
The reason why there was a difference in welfare scoring done by men and women, was because this fear response got triggered. They did an experiment where they had shirts be worn by a man, woman or both for 24 hours. Found that the animals didn't care for smells of women, but feared BO from men. It wasn't a skill issue, or lack of empathy.
We also find in wolves who are used to humans, that they are more hostile towards strange men than they are towards strange women.
Testosterone is not a friendly hormone. It leads to being easily agitatated in all mammals. The only reason higher levels of androgens in humans, correlates with decreased aggressive behaviour is because when we produce more androgens, we produce more estrogens. Which in turn fascilitate communication between two regions in the brain that determine emotional impulses and whether or not the person acts on it. Hence why men are less aware of their emotions (it's not just societal influence), more impulsive and more easily agitated/aggressive than women.
With bears you know what you can expect. And there are even things that can be done to save yourself. But with men? You never really know their intentions. It's why women's intuition exists at the level it does.
It's on us as men to call out the bad men. They're much more likely to listen to us. There's one memorable time for me where I stepped in and the creep who was going to grope my friend tried bargaining with me about it. Many of them will shirk back when they see another man angry at them.
Men need to be better about calling out the shitty misogynists. Because the thing is, misogynists inherently don't care about women calling them out. When another man tells them to check themselves and shut the fuck up, they take notice.
I too would prefer the bear, and I say that as a man. My masculinity isn't threatened by acknowledging there's creepy men out there.
That is one thing I am trying to teach to my nephew and especially other adults. Best part is the teenager didn't need to be taught. I am always caught a little off guard when I bring something up and he immediately says the obvious. I don't have to fruitlessly explain why something is wrong. Silly quirks of Gen Z/alpha aside, I finally have some hope.
Everyone needs to call out shitty behavior. I get frustrated with people, even those I love, who don't want to "get involved" and just ignore it. I don't care if you think they are set in their ways, like that makes it ok. I don't care if they get upset. Fuck that. There are always exceptional situations where doing so will get you beaten, killed, disowned, or worse, but even then I wonder if it is worth the cost sometimes.
All I ask is for people to try and be better. It takes time and a lot of it is confronting yourself. First step is to stop doing X bad behavior. Next is to take ownership of every time you think that way and question why. Getting in the mindset of "I can't do X around "those" people or they get mad" is the wrong place to be in.
Remember all the women getting angry about the Pence Rule (never be alone with a woman who isn't your wife) and some men saying they follow it because it's a good idea because while most interactions aren't going to result in false accusations any of them potentially could and the stakes are too high to leave it to chance? Remember all the claims that that is wildly misogynistic?
This bear thing is essentially the same.thing with the genders flipped.
anyone who even for a moment considers 'bear' is just showing they have absolutely no real experience in any sort of wild situation. Never choose an encounter with a bear, it is a predator and the apex predator of wherever you are to boot, its a ridiculous exercise meant to rile people up.
with this same argument id 100% take a dinosaur over any woman, because hell, she might knife me when I least expect it, but the allosaurus has a clear motive.
The fact that you don’t understand why women think the bear is safer is exactly why we’re picking it.
Let me spell it out for you - the bear will either kill me and eat me or leave me alone.
The man may try to rape me. And leave me alive with the suffering that results from that rape. And there’s a chance he may impregnate me and in many states in this country, I will not be able to abort it and will have to give birth to it, which is another assault on my body.
I would rather just be eaten. At least in that case the pain ends.
Women here. I too would choose bear. Everytime. I'd rather get ripped apart than take a chance on a strange man.
Don't blame you, I'd pick the bear too, and I'm a man.
This is the same thing I said but it’s downvoted. The only difference I can tell is that you mentioned you’re a woman.
There’s even other replies saying the same thing, but also specifically mentioning they’re written by a man. They’re not being downvoted en masse.
That’s pretty fucken stupid, huh?
quick edit: except for other guy replying to this, but he’s obviously being too much of an ally to get the upvote treatment, y’all are inconsistent.
The bear would never pretend to be friendly to gain your trust, or pretend to fuck off and instead stalk you for days. I can more accurately surmise a bears intentions than i can for any random man because all the bear could possibly want out of me is a meager amount of food.
idk, as a man i've been toying with the idea of just being threatening at all times. I still don't know how i feel about it at a philosophical level. But it keeps people away from me, and i don't like people so.
But on the other hand it's probably worse than just being a decent person to decent people? I don't know. Sociology is complicated as fuck dude.
This seems like a slight mischaracterisation:
the possibility that they could potentially be considered threatening, by a completely uninformed third party nonetheless.
The statement is actually that the possiblity of men potentially doing something is so high or so severe that the average bear is preferable.
The rest of your post is opinion though, and if you genuinely believe that the average man is more likely to be dangerous than the average bear, I don't think it's possible to change your mind
If you genuinely believe that the average man is more likely to be dangerous than then average bear.. that's just statistics.
"The chances of being injured by a bear are approximately 1 in 2.1 million, according to the National Park Service. You are more likely to be killed by a bee than a bear, and way more likely to be killed by another human than by either bear or bee.
And when bear encounters do happen, they are most often nonviolent. Bears are as afraid of you as you are of them, and bears want to avoid humans at all costs. The most common outcome of a bear encounter is that the bear flees."
"One in five women in the United States experienced completed or attempted rape during their lifetime." And that's not counting all sexual assault, and it's not counting regular violence, just rape.
If that doesn't change your mind, I don't think it's possible to change your mind because you're not interested in facts.
You don't know anything. There's a reason that the real name of "bears" is taboo in many cultures. Just the act of saying its true name made the ancients shit their pants in fear of accidently summoning one. Bears are no joke. They kill on a whim. You can't reason with bears. You can't plead with bears. Bears are equal opportunity killers. They kill men, women, children, trans, straight, queer, ponybros, attack helicopters all the same. Your only chance is to make yourself appear too much a hassle that they rather go eat something else. Let all these women and men who approve of the OP's post be tested irl. See if they will sing the same tune.
I've been in the woods, alone, with bears in the same woods, countless times, and I clearly haven't been eaten.
I mean, you even say in your post that being too much of a hassle to eat is all you need to do. Can't say that any men I've ever talked to wanted to have less sex with me when I indicated I'm a hassle to eat.
This is terrible logic to go by.
If you generalise half the population and insult them then of course people are going to be mad at you.
This is like some boomer saying "All feminists are easily offended lesbians that just like to shout out people"
Then smugly being like "haha you proved my point" when a femininst rightly takes issue with that statement.
This is also an indicator of the world’s best insult as per the comic Basic Instructions:
“I find you argumentative and easily offended.”
Basically no one is allowed to respond to it.
“How you find me has nothing to do with the conservation. Anyway, conditioner is better.”
"I'm sorry you feel that way. I hope you get the therapy you need some day"
Can't a simple answer be: "You're wrong" ?
This is like some boomer saying "All feminists are easily offended lesbians that just like to shout out people"
Then smugly being like "haha you proved my point" when a femininst rightly takes issue with that statement.
Worse than that even, as feminists are less than half the population and an ideology you choose to belong to, rather than a demographic you are born into.
If you generalise half the population and insult them then of course people are going to be mad at you.
As a random man I don't feel insulted by this at all. I would also rather be in the woods with a random bear than a random man. The bear is more predictable in preferring to have nothing to do with me.
i think i would probably be more concerned if i were alone in the woods with a woman honestly, like what the fuck did i do to be put in that situation? Why am i here at all? Is this an act of god?
Being alone in the woods in it of itself would be fucking weird, but a lot less fucking weird that being alone with someone else for some reason.
I havent read the article, but from the heading and the teaser of it it seems to be a personal opinion piece of what she would prefer and asking other women about it.
Where exactly does she actively insult all men?
Where exactly does she actively insult all men?
The part about saying she would prefer being alone in the woods with an animal that would maul and eat her alive than being with [insert trait you were born with].
If you don't think it's insulting, switch out the word "men" with gay/jew/trans or any other group of people and ask if those people would feel insulted.
It's a statement that very likely would be removed by moderators and gotten you banned on certain instances on Lemmy if you did. I honestly don't believe you're asking that question in good faith.
Okay, let's reframe this to be about a different specific group.
Let's say this woman wrote this exact same opinion piece, but instead of it being about men in general, it was about black men specifically.
And she is just saying that she would rather take her chances with a wild animal than be alone with a black man. Is that perfectly okay and not insulting/demanding to black men in your eyes?
See, the difference is that the OP didn't use the word "all" anywhere. If you're not one of the untrustworthy men, then it isn't about you.
Would you accept this logic about any other group like that?
if someone said "Black people are thieves" then when you called them out they said "I didnt say ALL black people are thieves. If you're one of the good ones, then its not about you." would you just accept that as a perfectly reasonable statement or would you still call them racist?
Some men feel the need to prove their masculinity to this woman who’s obviously rage baiting, the rest of us are thanking the bear for taking one for the team.
To be fair, usually women don't have to be rage baiting at all and still get the same toxic responses. We still have a loooong way to go for real equality. But we've also come a fair ways, so keep up the good work! ❤️
I don't see why you think the author is rage-baiting, rather than stating a simple truth.
Posts bait. Catches idiots. Stays relevant.
Words to live by
I’d generally pick a bear too, most of the time you could just walk away. A human might try to talk to me or something.
My first thought would be "maybe we can be friends"
With the bear, obviously
Maybe it's because i'm a man, but this trend saddens me. I don't often see what the other gender thinks of us, but the fact that a big part of us are a bother that all off us should be seen as more dangerous than a bear. Damn...
Men in real life (in my experience) are mostly lovely folks. Men in places like Lemmy and Reddit can be pretty decent too, depending on the thread. But honestly, at what point has it been 'safe' to self identify as a woman on the wider Internet? Like to have a female voice in a game chat? Or in a random chat room? Between a lot of online harassment (which only needs a small slice of men participating in to be felt much more broadly) and the political and cultural attempts to strip women of power, I get this kind of outlook happening. It just really fucking sucks.
It's because casual misandry is socially acceptable.
Not entirely. It's also because men have historically been bad about telling creepy and misogynistic men to back off and shut the fuck up.
I would sooner see men step up and call out the bad actors -- and I say that as a man who's done so. Don't teach your daughters that they need to be wary about what they wear, teach your sons to respect and not rape women.
The people complaining that she is being derogatory to men are the same people who would say "what do you expect going into the woods alone with a strange man? What did you think would happen?"
What species of bear? Because that makes a lot of difference.
Imagine the stupid Pence Rule (never be alone with a woman who isn't your wife). And framing it as you'd rather be alone with a velociraptor than a strange woman because a velociraptor is less likely to falsely accuse you of something.
I get that the point of the joke is that women think men are dangerous, but any nuance or discussion is completely out the window due to how stupid and inflammatory the framing is
I would also like to add, actually educating people about average bear behaviour would help.
Most bears will flee if given a choice, and are very unlikely to attack. Globally, there's only around 40 bear attacks a year, and less than 5% are deadly. A lot of how they react is driven by how the encounter starts, if you're within 60m before it notices you, you're significantly more likely to be attacked.
Meaning that seeing a bear from a distance off is basically always just going to be neat and maybe a nice photo.
They are huge dangerous creatures, but so are people, and they'd rather not take the risk.
Knowing that makes the argument a bit more reasonable than just pointing out how bad/unpredictable men are
Puns away, I take my kids hiking from time to time and the conversation of bears comes up naturally (I bring it up), and I try to tell them about what to do, what to look for, this and that. It's almost like literally everything else, education is a key to understanding.
And bears, for all intents and purposes, are robots, they tend to do what bears do. Now people, on the other hand, they're a mystery.
Soo many people in the tread showing their true colours.
i mean, to be clear, you don't post some shit like that without expecting to piss off some less than favorable people. I would certainly know about that.
Sometimes a little bait is a good bit of fun.
Just once I would like to open one of these threads and not see a bunch of lemmites embarrassing themselves by deliberately misinterpreting something.
Yeah, I was kinda hoping for better when I posted. Seems like many of the sons who need this talk are on here.
The sad part is, you can tell some of them understand the point being made. But are either over reacting and making this about gender warfare. Or taking the scenario seriously, and trying to mock it that way.
If you don't fuck with the bear, the bear probably won't fuck with you. Just steer clear of it you'll be fine.
Humans on the other hand, could do anything.
You don't hike in bear country obviously
I mean is the bear hungry or the man horny? These are critical questions.
I mean is the bear hungry or the man horny? These are critical questions.
The fact that those two are given equal weight in your post speaks volumes.
A bear won't eat you unless it's a polar bear or almost starving to death.
I'm a strange man and I'd rather be with the bear too
The bear is more predictable and would rather have nothing to do with me.
Well...I'm a strange bear, so... What're we gonna do about it?
Probably not your user name, for starters.
I'm a strange man. I think I would quickly leave this baggage behind to increase my chances of survival.
Thank you to the men in the comments who react like humans with empathy!
But god damn there are a lot of people on this thread that are taking this VERY personally.
HOWEVER, It is really shitty some people commenting decide to take a clear example with obvious intentions and then make it about themselves, and then abuse women in the comments... you are proving the point, and in fact, you are a huge red flag already.
This question already sets the scene, you are alone in the woods: there is a strange man OR you are alone in the woods: there is a strange bear. The man's intentions (AND the bear's intentions) is not clear, we only know that he is there, and he is strange. No need to make up reasons why the guy is OK, minding his business, etc. Because in the situation given, the point of the question was to ask people how they would feel lost in the woods with a man or a bear, with such a small amount of information!
The question is trying to shed light on WHY the women asked said they prefer the bear. Do they think every man -at all- is a threat? Do they think that all men will overpower and harm them"because all men want to use their strength to rape/hurt women" because they are "biologically meant to*?* and, then, where do the fears come from and what can we do to change that? Why assume the worst when everything could be just fine?
I wish people would react more like "this is very depressing, and I understand why women are sometimes afraid of men in situations out of their control" or "I am doing my part to be a safe man ". But ask yourself, "do I know someone that would clearly make a woman feel unsafe to be around?" You might know more than one person like this, and they are why we talk about this in the first place.
The best way I've ever heard to describe this fear women live with is this: "when I approach a bees nest, it is highly unlikely they will attack me, they are usually docile!. That does not mean I won't try to avoid being stung. "
Ah just what we need, more gender warfare, rather than focusing on the 1% who increase inflation and make wars, and steal your paychecks.
Our society is f*cked
Mostly by the likes of iNews who are giving up the opportunity to report some actual news, in favor of whatever the hell this is.
I mean, do I know if the bear is hungry? What type of bear? I'd take a well fed black bear over a random person, they ain't gonna fuck with you. Pretty much any other scenario and I ain't messing with the bear.
Water bear. Ravenously hungry.
Awh. Cute lil guy
A spectacled bear that has eaten his fill of marmalade sandwiches.
Though honestly same could be said about the man in question, is he nice or hostile, can he control his urges or not, is he stable or a complete psycho. This question really goes both ways
Gummy bear. It's not hungry, but you are.
imo for pedants like myself, it needs to be made clear if the bear is LIKELY to harm you
If its a black bear, red panda, or the like that is not even fair, EVERYONE would rather be with a bear that doesnt want to be near you rather than some potentially dangerous rando
From what I've read, unless you're doing something like going between a mother and her cubs, if it's not a grizzly or polar bear, it's likely more scared of you than you are of it.
red panda
I don't think that's a concern, because pandas (red or otherwise) aren't technically part of the Ursidae family and wouldn't qualify.
I'll spot you that polar bears and brown bears would likely be more of a problem in person. I believe the other kind of bear could conceivably be more of a threat online, but only because they tend to have sharper wits and tongues than the heterosexuals in their genus.
That is probably their point though.
Too many humans act like dangerous randos (men and women alike, but men are usually more physical), so being near a bear that for the most time just fucks off and mind their own business is more preferred.
Yes, but you encounter at least 1000 people a year, assuming you leave the house. Most people never encounter a wild bear.
If a bear doesn't kill you 99.9% of the time, and a man doesn't kill you 99.999% of the time. Which would you rather have 1000 encounters with?
The "point" is that men are dangerous, it's just being poorly made and is clear rage bait.
This feels a lot like a certain image board talking about FBI crime statistics
it's strange tho. could it be strangely rabid?
I am a pretty tall, broadly built man, so obv I'm a little biased because I'm reasonably confident that I could kill another man if it came to it. However, the concept of this question bothers me, because it doesn't indicate what kind of bear. Trust me, if you ever come face to face with a fully grown grizzly, you'd prefer the man. Monsters are real, and they can destroy you on accident, while men have weak necks and unprotected kidneys.
If I was dead either way though, obv I'd rather it be an emotionless grizzly who'd tear me apart pretty quickly.
Honestly it doesn't matter too much what species. Black bears will happily eat you too, playing dead also doesn't work for them. Polar bears are basically instant death whenever the bear feels like it, they don't fear humans. Koala wouldn't be so bad I suppose. Pandas are somewhat dangerous if they decide to attack
Koalas aren't bears though. So I guess that pushes up the average danger of your set of bears.
If I mer another man in the woods I would say hi and walk by. Bears are fucking dangerous. I really dont understand why all of you are so afraid of other people.
Black bears are less dangerous than nearly every other larger mammal. They are terrified of everything and not violent. Grizzly attacks are caused by you being perceived as a threat, if given the perceived option, most grizzly bears will run away. Fatal attacks are far more rare than people think 3 in all of north america in the last year. Humans are far far more dangerous to encounter.
Way too many men are fucking dangerous. At least the bear won't rape you.
Because the women who answered bear on the survey have extreme contempt for men. They see men as evil predators and not people.
disclaimer - i haven't read the article/opinion. anyway, if someone said this to me, i think i would understand what is really being communicated, which is something like "i don't trust men i don't know, men i don't know feel very unsafe to me." i don't think i would get hung up taking the statement literally. my thinking would be something like, "why do men seem so unsafe to you?" (knowing the answer is likely based in experience or observation of some kind), rather than "what kind of bear?"
Pretty much all points from all parties in this thread just reinforce my ever growing refusal to leave the house or interact with anybody unless absolutely necessary.
Eventually, I'll probably be the strange man in the woods because that's as far away from people as I can get. Should we meet at that time, then by all means, I encourage you, regardless of gender, to move along and go get you some bear love.
This. You are 100% right
I can guarantee that she would have received zero emails from bears.
As a man, I'd never be stuck in a forest with Kate.
Forests are scary. Can't we go to a zoo?
I wanna see the strange bear, and I don't wanna see a strange man, so the choice is fairly easy
Ms Lister,
Rrrrawrrr RRRRaAArrR roaaAARR ROOAr roarr ROAAar rrrRooaarr rroAARR ROoaar.
The question is loaded, see, because men can be bears, but bears cannot be men.
Yes, I know the question is about actual bears, leave my terrible, repeated joke alone
You can teach a man to fish.
Bears already know how to fish. So aren't they just innocent men? alt.
And I don't think anyone could teach a fish to bear what's going on in the world.
It's so bizarre to me that people are taking this so personally. Usually I don't associate myself personally with the concept of "random asshole" and tend to have a pretty poor opinion of said random asshole.
People actually taking a probability and risk assessment statement as if it's talking about them.
Telling on themselves.
I'm a guy and I'd probably pick a bear over a random person. At least with a bear I know it's not safe. A person? Could be useful, could be aggressive and follow me, etc. I know enough to know that I'd have no idea if the person was telling the truth about anything survival related.
You can kill the bear and make a nice blanket. Human skin is way less useful.
Wish I'd read this before I commented, you're a lot more succinct. Agreed, you know where you are with a bear, humans have a high enough percentage of crazy to be a risk.
I read her post some days ago and thought "she got some kinky humor".
Now I think "She has no humor at all and was dead serious".
From listening her podcast it's the former.
Irony on the public side of internet died with Gamergate. It's all been downhill since then.
Edit: In case this was misinterpreted, I meant that irony died when Gamergate started, because vitriol and far right dogwhistles infested everything.
I still wonder what kind of bear it would be. A Koala or Sun Bear would be OK I guess.
I'm a man, but can I still pick bear? I don't really like being around strange people.
Honestly I'd rather have the man. I would stand a chance against him. Can't say the same about a bear.
what kinda bear we talking? Black bear, grizzly bear, teddy bear, a large anthropomorphic bear? I mean come on we need something to work with here.
Frankly, i'd rather be out in the woods alone, but that's because i don't like people.
Do not let the 1% divide the sexes.
Solidarity amongst all human beings, and whatever gender they may be.
That said, people who are a smaller stature deserve the ability to defend themselves from other larger individuals. I wonder how the handmaids tale would have gone if all the women had AK-47s?
I wonder how the handmaids tale would have gone if all the women had AK-47s?
This is known as 'The Nazi Gun Control Argument.'
How do people have the energy for all this
Some people bearly do.
You know what? If I’m out in the woods alone I’m probably having some me time and I don’t want any women around anyway. Go hang out with the bear.
For real, if I eat some edibles and go walking through the forest and see a random woman appear, I’ll be just as freaked out as her
A gay bear would indeed be the safer choice
Its usually the woods behind a truck stop. Oh boy is it wild at the truck stop
Depends on the bear
Yes keep fighting on twitter while the ruling class take away your rights.
This entire conversation is ridiculous from start to finish.
Yeah...honestly I'd also prefer the bear.
I don't agree that this kind of article is useful overall, but I propose rewriting the question a little bit to understand the response better:
"Humans, would you rather be stuck in the woods with a strange human that was most likely physically bigger and stronger than you or with a strange bear that was most likely physically stronger than you?"
The original question plays with subconscious bias and fears a little too much relating to men, and doesn't address the true nature of humans in general.
If the question was instead:
"Humans, would you rather be stuck in the woods with a strange human or a strange bear"
My answer would still be a bear. I believe I could take care of myself for a few days and don't want some other person there that I have to discussions with, compromise with, help survive or be scared of. Humans are too fucking random.
Bears are a simpler problem with easy to figure out motivation.
Humans are complicated with the capacity for evil and a willingness to lie. If I'm cornered in the woods with a bear I know what my options are. Humans, not so much.
id take the bear, unless its a grizzly bear or polar bear
Bear would probably make a better blanket and dinner
I have received messages from angry men
Does she actually say how many? Two is "men"
Just curious how few she's basing her opinion of all men on.
I think the word is "misandry", no?
Two men is two more than the bears that wrote in, so it's a gamble that bears are less likely to cause her harm.
Anyhow, she doesn't generalize it to all men, so my brother why are you picking up a hat that doesn't suit you? That's sort of her goal, she's being inflammatory so that the angry responses can prove her right.
If she wants to go poke at bears in a forest, then god speed and I hope she takes a rifle. I'll stay home chilling and watching netflix.
I can't take anyone seriously that cries about "misandry."
That was an article designed to provoke that reaction. Everyone involved in this situation is an idiot.
I can't speak for the strange bear, but I've been camping enough to know I make a noise when I shit in the woods.
Gotta appease the voyeur bears
...bears cannot type...
Yeah, their claws are too big for most keyboards.
Yes we can.
What kind of strange are we talking about?
Dick don't pay for strange. Just look at his coffee mug:
Grizzly Woman
You can be a bear woman in dwarf fortress' adventure mode.
Does the bear have matches?
Throw in a pig and only Al Gore can save us
i consume a quite frankly absurd amount of content on survival and bushcraft.
while i don't have a lot of practical experience (although i do have some) i reckon i could get at least a couple weeks into a survival situation