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WhyEssEff [she/her]
WhyEssEff [she/her] @ WhyEssEff
5 yr. ago

  • fishing a big teal rock out of a tree in the schoolyard (someone elses yard that intersected into it) and thinking it was aquamarine so we broke it into pieces between us three. the one guy in the mix got too cocky and tried to threaten us to call the cops which would make us give him our rocks (he thought he deserved them) but we just stopped talking to him. still have the rock.

  • yelling at the TV in my foyer with a friend, trying to sing along to the skylanders drill bot. we kept hearing it because we sucked at the fight

  • my dad (trying to advocate for me) having a 4-hour long conversation with a teacher about my accommodations that played out like when a chatbot gets caught in a dead-end and refuses to iterate

  • also duping the Terra Blade for this friend on Terraria Mobile with the old chest glitch

  • hitting my friend (aforementioned face-puncher) with a visitor lanyard (multiple times) (stimming) on an overnight field trip where the school didn't let me have my ADHD meds

  • getting so excited after hatching the Century Dragon in DragonVale that I forgot it was 4am and I woke up my Dad who was absolutely ticked and made me uninstall the game (probably for the best tbh)

  • also Help Wanted (do child labor to avert the apocalypse), Spectrobes: Origins (space pokemon) and aforementioned Ape Escape (no notes, banger)

  • another one was one of the ben 10 games for the wii. don't know which one. just one of them

  • some fuckass game on the ps2 that was not spyro (nor ape escape as I vividly remember playing that) that was a collectathon (I genuinely can't remember any further even though I've scoured through my dads old stuff)

  • without doxxing myself all I can say is I was too enamored with my lunch to not continue eating it during my answer and I also interjected some asides about how good it was in the middle of answering

  • at a certain point, what can you say? you can make all the Holocaust analogies you want, there is no appealing to that sensibility. They don’t care and they resent you for holding them to any standard of behavior whatsoever.

    Axis of Resistance

    obliterate these hitlerites

  • got interviewed in a bulk thing and my vibes were so immaculate the newscasters commented on me specifically after-action

  • stapled my thumb through the thumbnail on the last day of school because I thought it was unset and I pushed up on the staple hole (attempt at Good Samaritan behavior) (it was a curved-back stapler)

  • gross simplification of the utterly baffling circle that is Eliezer Yudkowsky and his sycophants but it’s all you really need to know to get the essence of it

  • imagine a group of people lead by a guy who dropped out of middle school who are collectively afraid he’s so smart and logical that his ideas are going to lead to the creation of a time-untethered computer who will torture other people in the past that didn’t help build it (unclear whether they want this to happen)

  • Affinity in 2 is a general mess and annoying to parse. Doesn't help that you have to actually go to the screen to unlock the new nodes and start progress on the next level (from scratch, IIRC, because fuck you for assuming its a passive unlock)

    Also, Ursula's blade quest, extremely tedious. so many fucking merc missions. stop

    also I pulled everyone but KOS-MOS

  • oneshot criticism: i have to say goodbye to niko

  • Never had a Wii U, pre-ordered X DE! v excited since they kept talking like it'd never be ported because the codebase was apparently switch-hostile

  • chapotraphouse

    whoever is responsible for naming a historical epoch the "modern" period needs to be spiritually punished by mysterious forces in an unusual manner




    divine light severed


    digimon's just one of those things that I simply do not think I will be able to grasp the essence of through osmosis


    gen Z is not a uniquely reactionary generation nor is it a uniquely revolutionary generation


    if there was a party in the US that was truly concerned with uplifting and protecting marginalized groups, it would simply not turn into the Large Hitler Particle Collider the second it lost power


    They sent Ritchie Torres to Dearborn


    I may not be Dale Earnhardt


    wokest person at the speed networking event had a Kissinger book on display


    Picture, if you will:


    could it be the thing we've known about for over half-a-century* coming to roost in the ways we basically projected it would?


    good morning. weather's great today. the sky is partly clouded. it is apology form-o-clock


    i totally get why people think chiropractic is real on a primal monkey-brain level


    neurotically doing something practically pointless, repetitive, menial and unfulfilling because my brain clicks to it like a puzzle piece


    Alleged Trump shooter (second) wanted the Republican ticket to be Vivek/Haley


    crafting a take that the modern minimalist movement was aggro-glommed onto by tech because the modern internet is so maximalist that front-loading minimalism is stimulatory damage control


    there is nothing that makes me feel closer to divinity than doing my Abstract and Discrete Mathematics coursework unaided


    thank you Cenk, very cool!


    founder of Bellingcat accuses political adversaries of being psyopped by malicious government actors


    cooking with a fresh pinch of MSE