theUwUhugger @ theUwUhugger Posts 1Comments 217Joined 3 mo. ago
I think it’s largely dependent of the specific crevice of the specific field in my ever subjective and biased opinion! In the army in Hungary? They definitely try pushing woman out, our company(?) in basic camp were ran the shit out of us until they dropped out…
In bioengineering? Assuming that the multiple studies proving that the two larger genders capabilities equal on average are correct, then Is it weird that out of the 50-ish of us that applied to an internship program the one woman qualified? No not rlly! But was she a cunt that refused to clean her work station and almost killed all of us by using dirty tubes, causing a fire? Yea she was
I am starting to think that you really are retarded…
@aushtan wrote
Brave of you to wear your mental health issues on your sleeve like this bud
To which you replied
Why is some pansie gonna jump outta the bushes and and tell call me a racist, bigot Nazi? Yeah, those words literally mean nothing anymore. Well done on that BTW
Where were you called or insinuated any of those? It physically cannot be said in any other way, you were called retarded for saying retarded things
Its an opinion now hm? You know crumbmuffin, all that regurgitated nonsense bordering on propaganda from the party that opposed seat belts are objectively untrue? Wowsies what a shocker!
In fact, its so nonsensical that I doubt that even you believe in it!
Please ask someone to read to you!
That was not an insult, @aushtan called you retarded! But your victim complex is so incredibly strong that you defaulted into hiding behind into your lil excuses!
Can I ask you to pull your head out of your ass briefly, just so that you can read? Tho I really am starting to think that won’t even help you…
Is your issue with it thats its true unlike your lil list of lies? Is that whats making it so incomprehensible for you?
But you are? Your inherent reaction to a contradiction in the mindless dogma of m religion that you plug your ears in and scream-cry ‘NO YOUUU’
He called you retarded luv, i wonder and wonder how do you not posses second grader reading comprehension?
Awww someone is rlly butthurt! Is this hitting that close?
And this is such a conservative thing to do too! Giving urself an anal prolapse to be able to pretend ‘you too’ to be able to point back as if that were a response at all… But can I ask you to be frank with yourself, do you even beleive in that shite that you jerked into there?
Sooo its a nothing burger?
How often does he check the news to ne able to possibly catch that?
That guy def is not working!
But… do they need to access it during their work hours? Isn’t this a nothing burger, like with tiktok?
Someone else already explained it, but without any connection to anything; why would you say that without sharing the understanding that your delirious state gave you?
That would be a new whole level of miserable! Since Elons great innovation is somewhat reusable rockets and hauling unnecessary constructionary materials is silly (especially so if it cost 50 billions usd to get one adult there), you would get to live in comfy hole in the ground!
Come on now! I support calling him a honorary romanian, lets pipe bomb his arsehole but lets not break our backs bending backwards to pretend that made any sense!
Yea, I knew he was a fuckmappet! But what does that have to do with vaccines?
Yea I knew that, but what does that have to do with vaccines?
Ummm… sorry english is not my first language but what is the connection?