I think he meant he doesn’t sleep with conscious women
Ummm… sorry english is not my first language but what is the connection?
A joker took advantage of this format and replaced a word accordingly
We do that when people say stupid stuff:
1: Tate says serious thing about women that is related to “””positive””” Tate trait
2: Joker reframes it to be negative Tate trait - a classic switcharoo
tl;dr Tate - and not a news story you’re missing - is the connection
How long do you guys think it's going to be before Andrew Tate is caught in a massive gay orgy?
At this rate, I give it a year.
Tate might just be one of the most insecure men of all time, and that probably means he's repressing something.
Does Tate even get any women? I mean... Besides the ones he trafficked of course.
He gets tons of women bro. He coerces and drugs them but it still counts amirite?
Weeding out those kind of people is an unexpected, but sweet, side effect
How exactly would someone prove they are unvaccinated anyway?
Apparently you shed like a lizard and that's how you join the lizard people in control of the government and learn their secret handshake... or so I have heard.
They'll be sick with a once eradicated disease.
Somebody call a doctor... oh, wait...
Time to invest in vaccine makers right away, it's going to the moon