proletarians_must_suffer @ proletarians_must_suffer Posts 0Comments 62Joined 2 days ago
- Left wingers are pro censorship.
- Wtf is exclusion?
- He wrote book about nazism, not fascism. But nazism is left wing as well. And since he wrote book about leftist ideology, it makes him leftist as well.
Tell me you just did a quick google without telling me
Tell me you did a quick Google without telling me
And the CNT/FAI?
Dunno wtf this is, but I bet another bunch of bourgeoisie
You said yourself that you think nazis are left-wing.
You said my worldview is internally inconsistent. Nazis being left wing contradicts some of my other beliefs? Or is it that my worldview contradicts your cringe communist worldview? Well, fuck your worldview then. You're wrong and I'm right.
The thing about class war is that one class takes the freedom to chose away from the other class.
Oh really? But that would mean that proletarian revolution is impossible since proletarians can't choose to conduct it, bc they have no freedom to choose. I wonder what Marx thinks about that.
Ah, yes. And Hitler clearly stated that he was a socialist… somewhere
I didn't say it. Although he did.
You have to read between the lines of “Mein Kampf”, where he clearly states that he’s right wing.
Btw are bolsheviks communists? Bc they clearly stated they are. No need to even read between the lines.
And all the companies who profited immensly from all that slave labour
And what's the relation between capitalism and slavery?
Got any proper points, or are you just gonna “umm actually” me to death?
The point is that socialists can be socialists without applying Marx works in any way.
You’re a weirdo who deserves to be ridiculed for having such a stupid worldview
What worldview? What is my worldview?
I disagree. Communism won the propaganda war in 20th century, and now what we consider left and right are all on the left side. US is slightly righter than Europe but still left from center.
They literally said that while people are born into a class, they decide their future and whether to stay in that class. I literally quoted it word for word.
You just don’t know shit about history, the terms left and right wing, or reality
Oh really? Let's look at the history of left and right. Where did they come from? Oh, French parliament after the revolution. I wonder where did nationalists sit? On the left? Or on the right?
You’re claiming to be a follower of Hitler
You were wrong before. Now you're just making shit up.
I don’t care about your incorrect definition of right wing
Definitions literally can't be correct or incorrect. Get some education.
Hitler is far right wing
And of course you won't provide proof of that.
No. They were state-capitalists.
You agree that companies made profits. That’s a capitalist policy.
Considering what was before, it was a gradual step towards socialism. Nazi Germany existed for like 30 years. Not everything can be implemented immediately.
All socialists apply Marxist analysis at least partially
Uhuh. Is Charles Fourier socialist?
You’re enough of an ancap
What is that even supposed to mean?
Morality doesn't come from empathy, unless you have some personal definition of morality which I don't care about.
Do us all a favor and follow the example of your hero, and shoot yourself in the head after covering yourself in petrol.
I just said that Hitler was leftist. Since you assume Hitler is my hero, do you think I'm a leftist myself? Well surprise-surpise, I consider myself right.
Leftist socialist scum who bathed Europe in blood of tens of millions of Europeans aren't my hero. If anything, he's your hero. You just don't know about it.
I’m not here to defend bourgeois revolutions
Ah, so you're a communist with the real-communism-was-never-tried flavor. Ok then.
Explain how e.g. Nestor Makhno or the CNT/FAI “exterminated” the bourgeoisie.
What about him? He was bourgeoisie himself, participating in bourgeoisie revolution. He's irrelevant to the question.
Yeah. I figured that you didn’t have an internally consistent worldview.
Where's the inconsistency?
He persecuted socialists
Are bolsheviks socialist? Bc they also persecuted socialists, communists, anarchists, etc, etc.
and had capitalist policies
He literally limited the profitability of companies to 6%.
Any reason to suggest he was fond of Marx?
He's non-marxist socialist. Not all socialist are Marxists. Btw, fascists are Marxists. They're what you call "revisionists".
Go bother someone else in some ancap forum, where you belong.
I'm not an ancap.
The far left would actually rather “expropriate” that certain “social group”.
Oh, but somehow they ended up exterminating that social group instead of expropriating. Given the experience of the 20th century.
To “exterminate a social group” means genocide done by the exterminators
But you centrists usually can’t tell the difference between violence and expropriation.
I'm not a centrist. I'm right-wing. I'm so far right, that I consider nazis to be far left.
How comes?
Any reason to suggest he wasn't socialist?
Yeah. Are you suggesting that I should be instinctively repulsed by the nature of humans?
It's not that leftists are fascists. It's just that fascists are leftists.
And I proudly declare that I'm repulsed by democratic principles. I have moral highground over anyone who supports democracy.
And Russia will answer
How about we skip this step and you just tell us your definition of "social groups" and it will turn out that people "far right" want to "exterminate" are social groups, but people "far left" want to "exterminate" aren't social groups (and aren't really fully fledged humans, if you ask me (dehumanizing you enemies is important)).
Sorry, but you're just uneducated on the subject.