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Arch Linux and Valve Collaboration
  • ,False. Literally just objectively false.

    If I self publish my game on steam, I get every dollar from it except for the ones that valve takes.

    Congratulations, you poked a hole in my argument by agreeing with me that indie devs are the only possible people who would benefit from lower fees! Do you want a medal, or do you want to actually finish reading before trying to pull off a "GOTCHA!" moment?

    Yeah bro, some developers are not owned by Microsoft, what's a twist!

    The other twist I absolutely, totally, did not expect today was no comment about my paragraph on publishers taking that juicy 15% from devs. Shocking!

    No dumbass, it's just fundamentally more efficient. Your premise of giving Gabe Newell 15% of every game sale and then deep throating him while you thank him for the opportunity, for literally no benefit or reason, is just asinine.

    Have you never ever heard the phrase "the devil you know"? If my $10 isn't going back into my own pocket, but into the bank account of one of two corporations, which do you think it will be?

    A private company that doesn't have a track record of fucking me as a consumer, or a corporation legally obligated to inflate its own share price that sees the consumer as a means to an end?

    Don't worry, take your time. It's a tough question.

    No. It doesn't. Your position is that you want to waste 15% of every gaming purchase on enriching Gabe Newell instead of the developers who actually made the game. Congratulations, that makes you a dumbass.

    I'm going to assume you read my previous comment and are willing to acknowledge that self-published indie devs would be the only demographic of developers who would actually get that 15% instead of the game's publishers.

    Do you know how many self-published games I purchased through Steam in 2024? Exactly one: Hades 2. And that's only because my the only options available were through Steam or Epic Games, and Epic Games is a wannabe monopoly with an egotistical and hypocritical manchild as its CEO. Everything else indie gets purchased directly or through Itch, then saved to a NAS for permanent ownership.

    But hey, between enriching Valve and enriching some other company that does nothing for you as a consumer and entirely exists to profit off the work of the actual developers, go ahead and support the one that has no incentive to treat it's customers as anything more than a one-time sales figure.

  • Arch Linux and Valve Collaboration
  • It's about shifting money to the people actually creating something. Every dollar Valve gets, is one less that a game developer had to spend on staff and creatives to make a better game.

    You're just not getting it. That hypothetical money isn't going anywhere but the pockets of the people a level above the actual developers.

    Are the developers a studio owned by a large publisher like Microsoft? Microsoft is funding the entire project and studio operating costs, and all the revenue is going back to them. They set the budget, and anything above the projected sales figures a nice bonus for Microsoft execs and shareholders.

    But hey, maybe it's not Microsoft—maybe it's a couple friends in a garage who went with a publisher to help fund development and set up distribution for all the major platforms. In exchange for their services and marketing, the publisher will take 60% of the sale price. Valve or whoever takes their 30% cut from them before it hits the publisher's bank account. The guys in the garage still only get the remaining 40%, even if the sale came from EGS with its lower fees.

    Your premise of lowering platform fees leading to better games is only ever going to happen for early-access indie games where the devs quit their day job. Those devs are a tiny minority of gross PC game sales, and while it would be nice for them to be paid a bit more, it's not going to change anything for the average Joe Gamer consumer.

    My point still stands: you're proposing something that doesn't actually benefit the typical consumer, but merely shifts the profit ratio between two profit-driven corporations.

  • Arch Linux and Valve Collaboration
  • I'm not defending landlords or rent gouging. I'm pointing out that when production or operating costs become lower in a for-profit entity, they increase their profit margin instead of passing their savings down to the consumer. Welcome to capitalism.

    If you can't see how that connects with the hypothetical scenario of having Valve to take a 15% cut instead of 30%, let me do it for you:

    Ubisoft makes a new Assassin's Creed game. They publish it on Steam, PlayStation, and Xbox. All of them currently take a 30% cut, so they sell the game for $70. Now, suppose your petition to Valve works, and they lower their cut to 15%. Ubisoft is still going to charge $70 to buy the game on Steam, and the only thing changing is that they now make an extra $10.50 from Steam purchases compared to the others.

    But, that's Ubisoft. What about an indie dev? Absolutely nothing different. Microsoft and Sony's distribution agreements make it a contract violation to have a lower MSRP on a competing platform.

    In our current reality, that 15% more-than-necessry fee will never go into the hands of the consumer. You are not being a champion for the consumer by rallying against 30% platform fees, you're literally arguing to change the ratio of money going between two corporations.

  • Arch Linux and Valve Collaboration
  • I just downloaded and installed EGS to a Windows VM.

    strings EpicGamesLauncher.exe | select-string "unreal" returns some interesting results:

    • FCommunityPortalManagerImpl::SetUnrealEnginePortalViewModel
    • {USER}Unreal Engine/Engine/Config/User{TYPE}.ini
    • UnrealHeaderTool
    • Cannot call UnrealScript (%s - %s) while stopped at a breakpoint.
    • UnrealVersionSelector
    • Created with FUnrealEngineFileAssociationServiceFactory at D:/build/++Portal/Sync/Portal/Source/Programs/EpicGamesLauncher/Layers/Domain/Private/UserDomain.cpp:866

    A search for "electron" only matches the words "Electronic Arts"

  • Arch Linux and Valve Collaboration
  • Is it Electron? Someone elsewhere mentioned it was actually an instance of Unreal Engine running for the webview component. Something about the EGS install directory containing the same UE settings file that games use for initializing Unreal

  • Arch Linux and Valve Collaboration
  • Or, more likely, the publisher. But, that's beside the point.

    As it has been demonstrated when Epic tried the "developers pay less fees here" approach, the average Joe Gamer doesn't benefit in any way whatsoever. Your premise of the savings being passed down doesn't exactly pan out.

  • Arch Linux and Valve Collaboration
  • Lock-in != Monopoly.

    The fact that you can't transfer your purchases [...] to other platforms

    This is ridiculously unrealistic in a capitalist society.

    It costs the platform money whenever a user downloads a game, and a user who didn't buy from their store isn't a user that they make money from. No other platform would voluntarily accept a recurring cost like that unless they profit from user data.

    Also, it's not like they stop publishers from doing that themselves. Ubisoft and EA use the cd-key generated by steam to associate the game with your U-Play and Origin accounts.

  • Arch Linux and Valve Collaboration
  • At the expense of literally every single game player

    How is it at the expense of the game player? Even if they paid less, the publisher and developers aren't going to pass the savings on to the consumer. That's wishful thinking in the same vain as hoping Starbucks would make their drinks cheaper because their rent went down.

    If anything, one can argue that the 30% fee shelled out by the publisher pays for the various nice-to-haves that players get on Steam, like: a functional review system, free cloud save syncing, the workshop, game discussion forum, friends system, family sharing, game streaming, Steam input (which is a godsend for accessibility), etc.

  • Arch Linux and Valve Collaboration
  • No, they don't. Literally every single gamer across the world pays 15% more on every single game purchase, for literally no reason except to make the 1% at Valve even richer.

    Do you seriously believe that if a developer pays 15% less in platform fees to Valve, that savings will be passed on to us? Epic Games tried that. Guess what: games still cost us the same there as every other platform.

  • Arch Linux and Valve Collaboration
  • Being cautious of a corporation is never a bad thing, but remember: Valve isn't a public company. They don't have the same incentives and fiduciary duties that led to the enshittification of most other companies and services.

    Ultimately, yes, everything they do is entirely for their own benefit. But, they're also free to focus on their long-term growth and returns. As long as the leadership doesn't get changed to a bunch of shit-for-brains golden parachute MBAs, they're going to want to keep their customers happy. It's good for them, and it's not terrible for us. Everybody wins.

    I would prefer they were a nonprofit, but I'm not going to complain when the mainstream alternatives to Steam are mostly comprised of shitty sales-focused storefronts created by companies beholden to their investors.

  • Arch Linux and Valve Collaboration
  • In reality, it's likely a self-preservation move. Microsoft made what appeared to be a monopolistic move to control the entire Windows ecosystem when they added their own app store and the locked down S edition of Windows. If Valve both hadn't invested in Linux and Microsoft hadn't halted going down that path, they would have been screwed.

  • Arch Linux and Valve Collaboration
  • They have a monopoly on video game distribution.

    They have a massive marketshare, but that doesn't make them a monopoly. Developers are still free to distribute their games through any other storefront/launcher, and Valve isn't going out of its way to engage in anticompetitive practices like exclusive publishing deals with third-party studios.

  • NIST proposes barring some of the most nonsensical password rules
  • Use a library. It's far too easy for developers or project managers to fuck up the minimum requirements for safely storing passwords.

    But, if you are wanting to do it by hand...

    • Don't use a regular hashing algorithm, use a password hashing algorithm
    • Use a high iteration count to make it too resource-intensive to brute force
    • Salt the hash to prevent rainbow tables
    • Salt the hash with something unique to that specific user so identical passwords have different hashes
  • Settlement for the Yuzu Nintendo Switch emulator also resulted in takedown of the Citra 3DS emulator created by the same developers. Switch Emulator Yuzu is dead, 3DS emulator Citra also affected

    The Yuzu dev team has decided to end the project, marking the end of a great Nintendo Switch emulator.

    Switch Emulator Yuzu is dead, 3DS emulator Citra also affected

    The Citra website has been replaced with the same statement made on the Yuzu website, and the GitHub repository is now gone as well.


    Other build dependency repos taken down with it:

    Nintendo Switch emulator, Yuzu, developers settling lawsuit from Nintendo with $2.4M payout, handing over its domains, and agreeing "Yuzu [is] primarily designed to circumvent [DRM]".

    Crossposted from !


    This also includes ceasing development and destroying their copies of the code.

    The GitHub repo page for Yuzu now returns a 404, as well. The website is still up, though.

    Nintendo Switch emulator, Yuzu, developers settling lawsuit from Nintendo with $2.4M payout, handing over its domains, and agreeing "Yuzu [is] primarily designed to circumvent [DRM]".

    This also includes ceasing development and destroying their copies of the code.

    The GitHub repo page for Yuzu now returns a 404, as well. In addition, the repo for the Citra 3DS emulator was also taken down.

    As of at least 23:30 UTC, Yuzu's website and Citra's website have been replaced with a statement about their discontinuation.


    Other sources found by



    There is also an active Reddit thread about this:

    TIL the history behind the "space melody".

    You may know it as Space Melody by Luna Park or as ResuRection by ППК (English: PPK), but the original melody was composed by Eduard Artemyev for the 1979 Soviet film Siberiade. The original name of the song, as titled in the movie's soundtrack release, is la mort du héroes (the death of heroes, if my French is correct).

    Here's a link to the original composition, if you're curious.

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