Not sure what you mean by this.
Permanently Deleted
Also it's not like they could somehow take it over there's like 1.7 billion people in China, good luck causing any meaningful cultural shift on their own social media. I think if anything the influence will flow the other direction.
Jesus Christ stop with this great man theory. This has been the end goal of the entire US establishment the entire time, it isn't Trump's plan like he actually gives a fuck about what happens in Palestine. Fuck him obviously but framing it this way ignores the fact that all that led to this was enthusiastically perpetrated by Democrats as well as republicans.
This is garbage bullshit reporting that should not be tolerated on this site as it obfuscates the actual Zionist ideology of both parties.
You can pry my jack and coke from my cold dead hands goddammit
Remembering the brave poster that admitted to shitting themselves at work. Never trust a fart people.
Just pirate everything jfc
Yeah dude you were just spouting off some racist shit about China yesterday don't just pop in and mention Parenti's lecture when you have clearly done zero self crit since then.
We aren't just going to let you off on that shit you were posting.
lmao you are in the wrong place to spout that lib shit buddy "blah blah let me show my whole ass of its western chauvinism"
Honestly that is pretty funny. It sucks but I could not help but chuckle. Hopefully he comes around.
Better than my brother doubling down on transphobia because he "has trans friends who are totally cool with slurs" like bro I assure you they are not.
Honestly that would be funny as fuck and not undeserved.
This is exactly correct and describes both parties in the US as well. The old true believers did not actually believe the shit they were peddling but now we have people like MTG as sitting congress members who are true believers of the bullshit their fascist predecessors peddled.
Pwn2Own is so fucking corny lol
That would be amazing and also an indicator that the west is destroying itself.
There was recently a post on hexbear about people talking about leaving. I for one will be staying to help and to fight if it comes to it given my connections and experience.
The next decade is gonna be fucking wild.
As much as I love talking heads I am pretty sure Byrn was a fed asset.
Tarantulas are super cool though and largely (pun intended) Harmless.
I used to do rock climbing for fun and have climbed some pretty tall mountains but laying down on top of half dome in Yosemite and looking down its face freaked me out.
It is a nonsense term and I am inherently skeptical of any leftist that invokes it. We already have terms like recuperation and cooptation that better describe what you are probably thinking of.
"Identity politics" was literally coined by reactionaries.
What drink should I get before my flight to Seattle? Strong answers only.
Holy shit lmao this is the default front page of the Western Union page I did not select the countries.
Microsoft is making a Dune MMO and literally whitewashing it by just taking out the Fremen
People on twitter rating women's looks is so fuckin weird. It's like horny phrenology.