- Mandelbrot Set Under Transformation, OC, 2023
Made this when I was learning Rust a couple years ago. Take the complex plane, then apply 1/z, and evaluate whether the point lies in the Mandelbrot set (well, evaluate how long it takes to diverge) and map that to a color gradient.
- skinshifter ceremony
Quickie dominons fanart experimenting with heavy stylization. I think it turned out pretty fun and shapey. I'll probably try more stuff like this.
- Process Time-lapse - Uphold Bill Burr Thought! Art Timelapse - Chairmen Burr
Bill Burr continues to say based shit in public. He might not be a leftist, but his populist ideas align with the left.
- only necessary brushstrokes!
visit my youtube channel, if you would like to see my work process occasionally.
- First drawing I've finished this year and of course it's of my smelly demon-consuming angel Goodie!! (Progress pictures + full resolution 2000 x 2000 px drawing in description!)
cross-posted from:
> Full resolution drawing is HERE > > Progress pictures are HERE > > Beware this angel, he acts animalistic on purpose despite being as sentient as you or me, eats demon bones and smells like wet dog > > This is a VERY belated Christmas themed drawing that I started in December (shh). I was originally going to have him have his tattoos, but they looked weird so I decided against it. I really enjoyed drawing this, especially the parts with fur! Been trying to improve more on drawing textures lately!
- quick portrait painting study in krita
visit my youtube channel, if you would like to see my painting process for my art.
- A character
I have such mixed feelings about 90s color palettes, but I think it's really working for them.
That hand took a lot of work and it still is kinda fucked up, but it's better than I've often done for a more challenging pose.
- my first character design in krita
cross-posted from:
> watch the timelapse process here
- Live on Twitch painting "Mangione Taken at the Heliport of New York"
I'm painting the UHC shooter (or at least the person that mainstream media claims is the shooter) for fun.