limer @ limer Posts 0Comments 313Joined 3 mo. ago
It’s compatible with banning original links, and can break later
I think many people asked had heard about the issue for the first time and decided their opinions on the spot, usually without deeply thinking about it, often in the context of other questions, how they react to the polling, and what they heard in the last week, which varies.
I don’t see these polls as fixed positions.
The process makes file to read via http (not https), it’s just a nonce ( some random characters). Once their server reads that file, using the domain (and not the ip) and compares with what is expected, this shows you own the domain , and they give you a new ssl cert, modifying your server’s https configuration file (usually). And deletes the file it made .
Hi, just a guess. But
The retryafter=86400 value is too large (> 600), will not retry anymore.
Seems to me like the call to your server in the verification step is failing.
Do you have port 80 blocked or stopping the call in another way ?
Politics stopped working at the federal level, and only some states are full democracies.
So running for local office either won’t help at all, because the fight is not there. Or it’s a dangerous futile thing to do - if one were to be outspoken and all public against injustice.
The only hope for many is to make new things while breaking as little of the old as possible
In all fairness there are non violent support roles
I remember when these were heavily discussed in the 1980s; perhaps it will be ready one day.
Some tech always seems out of reach yet possible soon
Americans, especially liberals, have a phobia of calling out mass cheating by authority figures.
It’s like they need law and order so much, they are willing to ignore what is obvious. When a subject is taboo it’s not talked about , not dismissed, not encouraged
If exit polls don’t work in your state, and there is no physical ballot counting. And when tests on precinct numbers show strong suggestion of altering votes and the democrats always always underperform, it’s obviously a new phenomena, totally ok. Let’s just stop predicting elections early based on exit polls!
One such test post election for any state:
Arrange all precincts in the state by population and see if there a curve on the more people there are there, the more percentage of votes a particular candidate gets: if it’s only that candidate and it’s a smooth curve upwards that’s unnatural: California has no such correlation but some other states fail.
One should see a random looking up or down plot, or a straight line, or sorta straight. Not a growth curve. That’s because common tactic world wide to alter computer votes is to ads the extra votes based on precinct size.
Usually each state has easy to get data this way to one’s own source if amusement and the dozens of others who are thinking this might be interesting. Occasionally someone publishes graphs of it to thunderous uncaring.
It’s not the only problem but it’s the easiest way for non computer people to understand there is more to this
Not to mention rejection/loss of their mothers.
So here are some hybrid elephant/mammoths (because take modern elephant egg and replace parts if it with edited dna, keeping most of the modern cell) ; who probably will experience constant pain and unhealthy feelings due to the editing; having life long psychological issues - with no real place to live except in a nature preserve.
The first viable generation will probably be so messed up they need humans to raise the second generation; and the future generations will probably not feel healthy.
Has anyone ever had to deal with several tons of grumpy issues ? I’m fist it’s not me helping
This is why I totally do not support such efforts, done for things other than the new life’s value
That’s why the standard dick was introduced
My advice is not let the corporate media divide you on superficial concepts between snacks and meals. Reclaim your freedoms. Feed cats more
Proper zodiac it is
Are these maps on a website ? I want to compare with 2020 more in different cities
I secretly have forgotten a lot of the working code I wrote months ago; and whenever someone asks, I need to go back and read it like new
Both; at the same time ( same week ). 1:10 odds
Sometimes it’s better to hope while closing eyes
Oh my! This is very violent