limer @ limer Posts 0Comments 274Joined 3 mo. ago
The bad part is four things:
- the op either deliberately or legitimately did not understand what was being said
- the vast majority of the comments just read what the op wrote and not what was said
- having this many comments out of whack with this many upvotes gives ammunition to the bigots
- this is a tech forum ??
- list of donors that are not all left
- parent organizations that get money from above
- mozilla gets money from parents
Op latches onto one donor; pulls some other stuff out , and the crowd goes wild
The original op took some things out of context, Ford, last I checked, was not a bastion of the left. He names big donors.
Then he describes how that money trickles down; and the last I checked the not so polite description is more accurate than not.
I don’t mind people bashing bad guys here; and I’m sure this fellow has spent years raiding your hackles. But some people like me, it’s just embarrassing to read
Oh dear, here I go.
Do you have reading skills?
Strange they can only introduce new user tools now, for this. I thought they were absolutely incapable of innovation or improving any if its service
I understood what he said. Strip out some rude terms and it sounds accurate. The comments here sound like someone shouted “squirrel” to a pack of rabid dogs.
I also lack common sense and am posting this comment. In my feeble defense I really don’t know the guy, and suspect he likes baiting others
Most people who care what happens to others they never met are not murderers.
People who know people affected are usually powerless.
A good team can make any of these strategies work. A bad team will make a mockery out of them all. Most teams are neither good or bad, and stumble forward, or backwards, doing the motions
A mix of unprecedented political persecution and toxic leadership. Members, caught between the two, saving themselves by running .
But the real story is the attack on act blue; talk about the lede burying the headline!
However true, nature abhors a vacuum, so there will be actual journalism coming from unlikely sources: and not just tech.
Oh people, they already did. We just don’t know yet
Repeat over a dozen times the next two years
I suspect that has more to do about how nerfed the two other papers are, than the wsj finding this a bridge too far
And the religious community in Texas that is ground zero to this outbreak? I bet they have generations of documented “insights” and prayer. These go deep, and are not just a fly by night community, and there are many of these.
Vaccinations for all I think. These fuckers travel
I like having no exemptions except medical due to other health conditions . It used to be this way in most places until the generations who suffered the diseases moved on
Large religious communities who hate vaccinations, will only respond to large fines against the parents.
Stiff penalties for not vaccinating, and a local and state government less corrupt that is able to provide enforcement and better assistance.
I don’t get the education angle here, the anti vaccination parents can’t be fixed like that, and many of them were not educated in the state ; but they can be made to follow health codes.
That said, Texas needs better education system. But this another issue entirely
Education can’t fix it (lead horse to water ..)
Not that poster, but it’s really easy to be an ass in these discussions because it’s normally filled with liberal middle class Americans who have a unique set of blinders and hopes that can get frustrating .
And I say this as a middle class American more deluded than most
That is a great story that inspires hope!
One of my friends had his dad killed at a rally decades ago, for protesting against them. So I am grateful they are much weaker now, almost a Boy Scout troop, far from the fear and mayhem they caused earlier.
Fortunately their replacements are as hampered by the changes in the times as anyone else