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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
3 mo. ago

  • All I’m saying is better for most people if chip production was distributed across many countries and not the plaything, soft power, or negotiation chip ( pun intended) of any specific nationality or political grouping.

    I know that probably is not possible but I can dream, and one country trying to get a monopoly gets in the way.

    And historic trade practices is so yesterday

  • They are trying to be old Reddit? I don’t think there is the demand.

    Too many competing services, they don’t have anything that distinguishes themselves, and also took a reputation hit. And many super users there left over mismanagement.

    Too many hurdles if good management, and their management sucks

    Edit: the only thing that gives them value is their old pages; a makeover would at minimum, hamper that I think

  • I don’t know much about this. But I do remember a time the GOP did not criticize Trump before the threats started.

    What changed? In my personal view nothing. Either the fear is overstated or used as a crutch for advancement in the gop. Maybe I’m wrong?

  • Show my work ? You know it’s been done many times already? My point was, that anyone can verify it.

    Anyway, there are so many issues, untruths, misunderstandings and downright denial here there is nothing to really reply about. I’m not saying you are deliberately acting in bad faith, but shows how much bs is circulating around and how invested people are to not follow common sense. Or understand some basic truths, just science, math and tech truths.

  • When the exit polls are off, 300 years of exit polls suggest the ballots are off. When many states flunk basic stats when doing tests with precinct size and candidate ratios, generations of using these suggest the ballot counts are off.

    So what is happening here is that somehow the ballot counts are off for several important states. And most USA politically active people look at this, what I said, and think I just spoke Greek.

    There has long been a disconnect between the politically chattering social classes and the nerds who have been saying the tech here is too easily manipulated. I have yet, in the last decade, to see a political commentator who knows what they are talking about when discussing this. People like me have been frozen out of the discussion in both major parties since before 2016. It’s why I stopped being active in the Texas Democratic Party when I could not influence them a few years ago.

    I’m not wrong in any of my points; and it sounds like you are generalizing a very complex picture and throwing out a few terms for emphasis.

    There is much much more to all that, I promise you. If you or the reader is curious to learn more, but don’t need a tech heavy approach. Learn more about the history of exit polling or learn how the United Nations tests for ballot stuffing. Then apply it to a selection of states of your choice. You will find about a 2:3 ratio of questionable results.

    Then learn how other democracies count their ballots and check out the sane tests performed there. The uk has an easy to understand system if need to compare.

    Ballot stuffing is nothing new in USA politics; all political parties have indulged in it since the founding of this county, many people usually turn a blind eye. But sometimes more criticism did occur. What is different now in the last few decades is how it’s done, and how it’s dismissed and overlooked .

    This discussion is happening because USA politics is weird. I’m totally freaked out I still, after many years, have to take a kindergarten explanation to many, not just here.

    Look, bottom line is if you have to trust the vote counters then there is cheating. Period

  • I study history a lot, also I’m older so I have the perspective of two or three generations now.

    Things have normally been not the idealized concept of Disney princess goodness in government. Evil shits normally have been doing stuff for as long as civilization has existed. So all this is not new.

    What is new, and makes this newsworthy, is the masks have fallen off. Those masks and idealized fantasy much of the population indulges in took decades, generations to build up. In many ways this is a very rude culture shock.

    The other reason this is important now is the climate is rapidly collapsing while the trade systems have reached unprecedented complexity. So a group of particularly thuggish people rising to power in several nations at once, as they tend to do with regularity. May have epic and disastrous consequences! It’s a really bad time for this to happen

  • It’s a very large country dominated by few sources of news that at best, will give an idea about what some of the population is feeling.

    Social media is not much better an indicator. Usually with a very small percentage of people participating who probably don’t fit the demographic of any large group of people.

    More so, opinion polls can be inaccurate at this time because most people don’t reply to spam calls, text or mail.

    In my area most people are not political at all, the people I know who identify as conservative either don’t care, know or support what is happening. Most people I know who identify as not conservative are out of the loop or cynical.

    Regardless, most of either persuasion would regard my comments and this thread as odd. Meanwhile I am sure I can tune into, and read about, how evil liberals or conservatives can be.

    Neither label applies to most. When I grew up, many years ago, conservative to me meant going to church once a week and not robbing banks, and liberals were seen as promoting reading and planting trees.

    People really have not changed that much, but those words certainly did. I miss the old definitions, and am not making any sort of political comment here

  • Hold on to your design, don’t let some critics change it.

    I design web gui stuff a lot, and I am hyper sensitive to most designers including me, being constricted to some conventions. So I really appreciate well designed non conventional stuff, like used to be more common years ago.

    Your web stuff adds value which will go away if you conform too much

    Edit typos

  • Musk is a fascist evil villain, not a conservative. He is also not liked much by the conservatives I know.

    One day I want the word conservative to go back to what is used to mean decades ago. Conservative used to not mean whatever is happening now

  • Folk heroes are great in all sizes; but I am in more of the mindset of “what have you done for me recently?”

    One increased some health benefits for some people due to fear of people copying him; the other got noticed by the press yet changed nothing. One was inconvenienced for a few hours, the other threw away his future

  • In my campaign I used to have a cursed scroll of reading. Which provided such provoking and interesting content based on one’s feelings and desires, it trapped the person into reading it for a very very long time unless saving throw.

    I can imagine how much more effective it would be if one could reply to that reading, and enter another level of entrapment.

    And here we have cursed scrolls in real life. Me 30 years ago would never have guessed .

    Unrelated, but this is where I stop doomscrolling for the day. So long until tomorrow, unless I make my daily saving roll