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Orange Pi Neo is new handheld powered by AMD and comes preinstalled with Manjaro
  • Manjaro... yeaaaah...well just make sure to stay away from the AUR.

  • WADs are the WAY.
  • DOOM4 My house Chex Freedoom Plutonia TNT Evolution

    To name a few.

  • WADs are the WAY.

    Some of us still playing OG DOOM to this day. The WAD community has been unbelievable.

    Chicago Deep Dish Pizza
  • Inb4 "tHiS iSnT piZzA RAAAAAAAGE" damn too late.

  • Gender-affirming care clinic burned down in horrific arson: “This is terrorism”
  • American conservative genocide boners at full mast.

  • The Invisible Man (2020)
  • Same here. I immediately dismissed it after I first saw the trailer before release, but then I was hearing all sorts of positive impressions.

  • Ohio, Michigan Republicans In Released Audio: "Endgame" Is To Ban Trans Care "For Everyone"
  • Yep just keep on stripping life away from those of us with firearms until we have nothing to lose. You think people who had surgery and totally altered their physical appearance can just "go back" to their birth gender? Nah fam. What you're doing is backing these people into an inescapable corner who are armed and have nothing left. Let me know how that works out for ya.

  • The Invisible Man (2020)

    I FINALLY got around to watching this one today. Unfortunately I had forgotten about it after these past couple years but it was as pleasant a surprise as finding a $20 in your pocket.

    This film does an impeccable job of translating the feeling of physical and psychological abuse to the audience wrapped in a scifi horror package. You want to know what gaslighting is? Watch this film.

    Definitely a recommended viewing for thriller/horror enthusiasts.

    So... is Sync abandoned?
  • The android app hasn't seen an update since Lemmy .19 which we're now on .19.3. That was back in November of 2023. LJ hasn't made a Lemmy post in over 2 months. If this was FOSS software I wouldn't be complaining, but Sync has pricey features that carry with it an obligation of better support/communication with your users.

  • So... is Sync abandoned?
  • No in app scaled sort feature (which is one of lemmy's best updates yet) and the "Instances" button on the home feed that lets you change instance locations is entirely broken. There are quite a few other bugs listed on this community feed that have yet to be addressed.

  • So... is Sync abandoned?

    I get it. Being a dev is hard. Sometimes you need a break.

    However it takes a few seconds for LJ to pop in and say "all is well everyone I'll be back soon!" Like, Mr. Dawson, just copy and paste that sentence and everything would be fine.

    I'm irritated because the man is selling a relatively expensive app that even has a $100 purchase option and disappeared for months on end with complete silence. I think if you're selling an app with these kind of price points it's important to reassure your community it's not abandoned by simply acknowledging your existence once a month.

    It's especially important on the fediverse where projects are abandoned frequently with little fanfare. The difference being most of these projects are donated time without a ticket price. Can we PLEASE get something here, LJ? Especially for us $100 patrons as to not feel duped? Even if you just say, "yeah I'm done, sorry" I'd appreciate it. As it stands Sync has broken features and bugs galore so I've already moved on to Boost, but I'd be very happy to hear things will either be A) fixed soon or B) abandoned so I can just uninstall sync from my phone.

    Thank you.

    jeze3D Jeze3D.exe

    > Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. - Steve Jobs




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