Upvoted just because scientists have some wonderfully whimsical names for their discoveries.
Choose your lemonade with care too - lots of lemonade these days has never been near an actual lemon in its life!
Its a good ideal and I'm totally in favour of better pay and unions. Our canadian friends this year have been forced to try emailed christmas cards because of this strike. They've found it much easier, more efficient in terms of time and cost. Unfortunately if that trend catches on, the postal system is only going to be further refunded 😒
It amuses me that top experts in the field can't definitively say if a product is genuine pure honey. At that point, why are we stealing the bees' hard work?
the article states that drax burning wood produces four times the CO2 of radcliffe burning coal; however it fails to mention how much electricity was produced by each one. i expect better from the guardian, but we didn't get it in this report.
trailers always make a game look good, that's their job. when it's released, if it really is any good, you'll hear about it if you keep an eye out!
a big factor here is dogs. if you have your pet with you on a lead, and there are calves(baby cows) in the field, sometimes a normally docile cow herd will be very protective of their offspring. generally if there is no dog, cows realise you are not a threat.
in the uk texts are usually free unlimited, and a majority of people have rcs (rich chat services) enabled which means they are end to end encrypted - and uncensorable. RCS is very similar to imessage in results, though it works in a different way.
i wonder if he annoys the elk as much as the one from 'shrek' !
i genuinely laughed aloud at the clever ending. thank you for posting this.
that's true, but usually the bank's policies/systems were not decided upon by the minimum-wage call handler who is being abused down the phone.
the spreasheet is really good, but rcs is not there - i'd love to know how that compares.
well for a start it produces 0 gas emissions at point of use. we still have to sort out tyre fragments and brake dust, and ensure the electricity grid is non-polluting too. but every hybrid car is burning petrol or diesel, just the same as we've been doing for the last 100 years or so. recent research in the uk has shown that plug-in hybrids are often not plugged in because it's too much bother.
this is a complicated balance between plastic in the environment and pesticides in the environment !
aren't set in stone yet? you must be a dad :-)
it only works if you both have the 'RCS' chat option enabled within your sms app. so if you switch your rcs to off, you won't be able to edit your sent texts and senders will not be able to change messages you've received. however, rcs messages are often faster than standard sms.
the impact of the wage increases can be gauged already - fast wood workers can now afford living costs. the rest will sort itself out.
this is very insightful. if she hates trans people, so be it, hard to change people's opinions. if she spreads that hate all over the internet, that's exactly what this law is intended to prevent. I have a trans friend, I don't understand why they would want to be the opposite sex, but if they do, why not? they are a friend. Doesn't cost me anything to let them dress/behave how they wish. live and let live. I would love to see Ms Rowling arrested. She should keep her hate to herself.