hypoproteinosis96 [comrade/them, he/him] @ hypoproteinosis96 @hexbear.net Posts 0Comments 4Joined 1 yr. ago
This post was banned from dbzer0 for being "Tankie" lmfao what a joke of a so-called piracy instance
Pen-testers test said vulnerabilities to point out that, yes, it is 100% possible to upvote bot on lemmy out of the instances w/ no safe guards.
Anybody federated w/ them is at the will of what "my" main account thinks (or gets paid to think in their case)
This post was banned from dbzer0 for being "Tankie" lmfao what a joke of a so-called piracy instance
Correct. Oftentimes we disagree on dumb shit, and the best course of action is to not let it devolve into childs' play.
You can't be a ePiCuReAn ReVoLuTiOnArY lIbErTaRiAn SoCiAlIsT and spam shit like this and then end the last line w/ "disengage" as if they can't now respond to the 3 paragraphs of text.
It's insanely bad-faith.
This post was banned from dbzer0 for being "Tankie" lmfao what a joke of a so-called piracy instance
Call out the mods? Believe it or not, ban.
Glad to see he's been banned in here FINALLY. Sick and fucking tired of libs trying to pretend like they defend a leftist ideology.
But honestly, why stop at just DBZ? The other 2, RandomLegend and Flatworm7591, are just as bad if not worse offenders.
Because I know you're still in here lurking DBZ, good fucking luck axing the other 43 accounts I have on your instance (or the >200 on Blahaj or the >500 on LW)
Lord knows you have NO ability to prevent bot accounts on your instance.
Best of luck with the DMCA takedown requests, because I just absolutely LOVE corpos and their profit-margins ;)
This post was banned from dbzer0 for being "Tankie" lmfao what a joke of a so-called piracy instance
I am SO GLAD to have caught a perma-ban for this shit. Fuck you DBZ, and the defense of your liberal bot storm.