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  • Reason why it was removed according to this guy:

    • makes a false equivalence that living in a ‘privileged first world country’ means you must be a pro-corporate lapdog

      • Not all westerners are corporate shills, but all corporate shills are westerners. When you're able to afford media and a decent lifestyle, you start to look down upon those who can't, you berate them for being "parasites" at worst and for "not supporting the poor corporations" at best.

        I remember a time when piracy was the norm, when they wanted to show us a movie in school, they would either bring a burned CD or go to a streaming site, now they have won the "cultural war" and those things would be considered on par with armed robbery. 15 years ago we had people selling pirated games on the streets, good times those were. For context I live on the poorer side of the westoid core and our school system is chronically underfunded, it's not rare for a school to literally fall into pieces.

        They tried to argue with me in a post I made about the banning of my post but at this point I think I'm not even gonna argue with them, the only thing they can do is reinstate my post but they won't, having a cheap laugh at their expense is better. Having an infinite discussion with them is less productive than having it with my (fantastic, beautiful and far smarter than them) cat.

        These people can't be argued with, if I have the time I can find another guy from lemmygrad talking about it1: you can always win the conversation with libs (as their arguments don't contain any substance) but they always want the last word on anything, if you take the bait, you're gonna be engaged with them till the end of time, and frankly I don't have too much time to spare rn.

        1 here's the full exchange:

        And a selected quote:

    • authoritarian states

      I sure do love vibes based liberal politics

      • Bidet "uhhmmm we'll forgive 😴 $2 of student loans for every American, we'll put a mortgage on the white house and send the money to Ukraine! "

        (lib crowd explodes into cheers of "heil 99% hitler, heil the lesser evil" )

        Lib pundit: "sure Biden is a fossil, a weirdo, a genocide apologist and a warmonger, but at least he's not putler the baby eater! LESSER EVIL 99% HITLER"

        Trumpet "folks, I'll personally manage interest rates, build a wall surrounding the Atlantic Ocean and 😴 make Atlantis pay for it! Yes folks we have the biggest walls we have the most handsome walls in the world"

        (conservative crowd explode in cheers of "stop the Atlantidean caravan, build the Atlantic wall" )

        Conservative pundit: "sure trump is a fossil, wears diapers, he's a warmonger, and has fascist militias on his side, but at least he's not a commie tyrant like Xi! DON'T YOU LIKE FREERUMB?

        Since I started looking at amerikkkrakkker politics my brainworms rate has skyrocketed, it's at the same time the funniest and the saddest shit ever. At the same time I don't and I do get how Americans don't revolt immediately.

        Brainwormed rant over

    • Ah yes, Unruffled.

      One of the "anarchist" admins of the "anarchist" dbzer0. I remember this clown defending Nazis in Ukraine when he commented on a Hexbear post. I then went to check his profile, and had a good laugh when I saw that he claims to oppose apologists for authoritarian states.

    • Oh that guy, he got owned by a bunch of hexbears on a thread about Ukraine news, he's probably just gonna find a reason to take that out on whatever hexbears he sees.

      • Lmao db0 (instance owner) literally confirmed it 💀

        The admin probably was a bit too uncharitable in interpreting the meme due to who was posting it

        (Remember that many 🧠🪱ed libs like to equate, hexbear and lemmygrad, so as far as he's concerned I'm a sovereign citizen of hexbear)


        Y'all need to chill with the hate though. It's what causing these situations as admins and mods immediately assume bad faith from hexbears and .ml

        Tankies stay winning!

    • If he's anti-authoritarian, why ban people?

    • authoritarians will be banned

      Criticizing first world is verboten

    • The fuck is "Noopolitik?"

    • doesn't like authoritarians

      riled up by the word "bootlicker"


    • The Dude profile pic. Guaranteed libertarian

    • I had to look that one up:
      I think he means Xi and/or Putler bots, because he suffers from BlueAnon conspiracy theories about social media.

    • I had to scroll back up, it literally just doesn't draw that equivalence?? Tankies on the brain I guess :rent-free:

    • At least McCarty was paid lol

      That bio is basically "no fun allowed" smh literally 1986

    • First worlders aren't all corporate bootlickers waah waah has anyone thought of the first worlders 😭😭😭

    • Reading comprehension is not strong with this one.

    • liberal: SCRATCHED

  • If you're pro-corporation, what the fuck are you doing modding a piracy forum?!!?

    • People are hypocrites is the easiest answer to this I think.

      They want free media on their invented terms, but want to criticize the free media consumption of others. It's been a thing in piracy communities since the beginning unfortunately. The great "debate" over "ethical piracy" or some shit. Everyone thinks they're fucking Batman out here with the correct moral code.

  • The "lib who thinks they're an anarchist and serves as a keyboard warrior to fight anything progressive" guys are so fucking annoying to deal with. At least stop making actual anarchists seem so miserable

    • I'm thankful that at least some people know there are okay anarchists, the best ones don't really post online much so I feel like there is a disproportionate representation of the ignorant ones on social media.

  • Anticommunism leads to liberalism or fascism? I'm hearing this for the first time, terrible news, terrible news. It was a great instance, a beautiful instance.

  • If hating on multimillion media companies makes you a tankie, we may as well open up the gates of the CCCP to... literally everybody? What battle are you picking here? Whose back they got, Sony?

  • Instance creator in here explaining that if you remove all instances of "piracy" from the meme then it stops being related to piracy.

    I'm just gonna say that Eugene and his ilk are very common in video game communities and I hate them. I remember reading through the a famous FF7 (original) modding forum for a famous translation mod and they would show open contempt for people acquiring the PS1 era game through illicit means. In a modding forum of all places.

    • But how will the poor indipendent dev Mr. Square Enix eat if you don't purchase his 80 year old game😭 he has a family you know?

      Seriously though, it should not even be controversial in society at large to pirate things older than a couple years. Publishers make 90% of their revenue in the first year anyway.

  • Imagine being a corporate bootlicker in a fucking piracy community. What's the point of piracy then if you're just going to lick the boot? So are they just a corporate bootlicker who's too cheap to pay for slop lol

  • I’ve seen some dogshit takes come out of dbzer0. I think they are just a bunch of libertarians.

  • Be like Enegue. Use your disproportionate buying power as a first worlder to purchase and rip media to upload for those locked out of it by the dominant systems. Buy the highest speed, uncapped internet and seed all those torrents. If you don't have a 200:1 up/download ratio and you live in the first world then shame upon you, son of Eugene.

    Also on a serious note, I was ignorant for a long time of the huge disparity in buying power of US citizens vs even Eastern European and it gets worse from there. For example, taking into consideration wages and taxes, buying a game for $60 (or €60-70 I suppose) in a non-EU but bordering the EU Eastern European country is like... out of my ass mental conversion, like an American spending like... $150? Honestly might be even more, I'd have to go check some current prices. That's why these countries and like Turkey, Arab countries, Russia, etc. all have high piracy rates and it's just seen as normal there because no one can justify buying media at the same price to US/EU buyers without consideration for local economies. (Some efforts have been made in the last decade or so to even out the disparity but it still exists. Also hardware suffers the same disparity)

    • Not beliving those snakes is necessity. In Poland we had tons of piracy, but the legal games market was improving - pretty low prices, many fully dubbed games, etc. Then the piracy declined rapidly because of that and general trend, and now we have literally higher prices than in USA and barely any Polish versions (and no dubbing anymore, just text in the case there is polish version).

      • Same thing here, publishers use the same blanket pricing for all the EU although the average wage in Italy is half the average wage in Germany or in France, when piracy was rampant a decade and a half ago we had most games (at least the AAA ones) fully dubbed and localized, low prices and everything. Now we have the same €60 price that Germany has although due to an average wage of around 25k vs 50k you're effectively paying an AAA game 120€

        plus 90% of the games don't get dubbed and like 30% aren't even subtitled (speaking of big games, not games from indipendent publishers who may not afford to do so)

        I, for one, only buy good games (and in these times the good games are usually from indipendent/small devs) expecially when they have tons of mods (modding a pirated game is tedious) everything else? 🏴‍☠️

        Also I believe it is a moral duty to pirate textbooks, research papers, courses and news articles. Knowledge should be free 😁