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Democrats Spend Millions to Kick Third Parties off the Ballot for the 2024 Presidential Election
  • no no, you misheard. I said I like it when states are democrats-y, not when states have democracy.

  • The public intellectuals at The Atlantic review Ta-Nehisi Coates' new book
  • Yeah that baruch goldstein apologia was especially disgusting. Of course they lightly breeze past it by prepending the word "unforgivable".

  • Eric Adams has been indicted
  • Timeline doesn't line up, onion article was published back in 2021

  • Thinking the 'unthinkable': NATO wants Canada and allies to gear up for a conventional war
  • I knew this would be written by Murray Brewster before even opening the link. CBC pays him a fat salary to shit out three articles per week with the thesis that Canada needs to spend 50% of its GDP on the military. A total fucking hack.

  • Non-Euclidean Doom: what happens to a game when pi is not 3.14159…
  • This was probably mentioned in the video (idk I skipped through it) but a full game was made based on this premise called Hyperbolica

  • i seriously cannot comprehend why kruschev was ever allowed to fuck the SU up so badly
  • Why wouldn't people just make good criticisms of the general secretary that would be received well? Are they stupid?

  • Message from Greta Thunberg about boycotting Chevron Raoued Jebali (

    Attached: 1 video Swedish environmental #activist Greta Thunberg  joins the Palestinian call to Boycott #Chevron: Chevron is fueling Israeli genocide and apartheid, as well as environmental devastation. #BreakingNews #Gaza #palestine #GazaGenocide #news #BREAKING

    Raoued Jebali (
    That's a lot of jargon to hide from having to say "people who get some perspective on the technocapitalist grindset life tend to realize that it fucking sucks and run screaming in the other direction"
  • Eh I kinda get it, some of the work I do is fun and rewarding and brings meaning (such as it is) to my life. However I had a dalliance with some strong devil's lettuce about a decade ago that led to a hospital visit and general de-realization and such and it did send me through a "this is all pointless and stupid and life is a joke" nihilistic spiral for a few years. I'm now in a fairly happy place and wouldn't want to risk fucking that up by going on a wild trip.

  • Man fuck reddit and it's "advice" and fuck the anglo internet for gatekeeping actual answers to questions behind that nazi hellsite.
  • CW: Abuse

    My now-wife was previously in an abusive relationship and asked on the relationshipadvice sub for, well, relationship advice about this and all the redditors told her it was in her head, her fault, she needs to learn to work with him, etc. So yeah fuck that website and everybody who frequents it.

  • Every house in Lebanon according to Satanyahoo
  • Nassim Nicholas Taleb (who is Lebanese) started out in October of 2022 being all "my Israeli friends, I am sorry but you are too biased to understand why what you are doing is deeply wrong" and now he is just 100% posting like "israel is an enemy of truth itself" mr taleb welcome to the resistance

  • Remember the "Ground Zero Mosque"? It's instead the most expensive condos in NYC.
  • according to an August 10–11 Fox News poll [in July 2010], 64% of Americans (a majority of each of Democrats (56–38%), Republicans (76–17%), and Independents (53–41%)) thought it would be wrong to build a mosque and Islamic cultural center so close to Ground Zero, and 30% felt it would be appropriate.

    the democrat brainpan

  • Build Your Own Mini FM Transmitter / Other Networks for Everyone Build Your Own Mini FM Transmitter / Other Networks for Everyone

    At long last, we (libi striegl and Lori Emerson) are ready to send our pamphlet, Build Your Own Mini FM Transmitter, off to the printer! This is the first in a series of pamphlets we’re calli…

    Build Your Own Mini FM Transmitter / Other Networks for Everyone
    Hezbollah: 10 Things You Need To Know Hezbollah: 10 Things You Need To Know

    Plus an extra one and a list of resources. Most of the text is free.

    Hezbollah: 10 Things You Need To Know

    >The occupation of south Lebanon occurred during the term of multiple Israeli administrations, from Shimon Peres to Yitzhak Shamir to Yitzhak Rabin to Benjamin Netanyahu to Ehud Barak. This is good to keep in mind to understand why anyone who lived through this has no reason to believe there is any difference between the main Israeli parties.

    >The actual Lebanese army, in case that thought crossed your mind, does not have the capacity to fight Israel, and it is a barely kept open-secret that Hezbollah is stronger than them, despite the latter having the USA as its main funder (add that to the long list of US victories in the Middle East).

    >Any accusations of Hezbollah being a terrorist organization that doesn't include a thorough denunciation of the only nuclear-armed US-backed state in this 'conflict' that deploys terrorism as a routine practice is not just meaningless but, at best, reckless and, at worst, complicit in Israel's crimes against humanity. Anyone who ignores these facts are not weakening Hezbollah, but simply reveal that the terrorism accusation is meaningless - letting Hezbollah off the hook in the process, ironically.

    What's the most "scratched liberal" you've ever spoken to in person?
  • A boomer who had spent the past half hour of the car ride talking about how much he related to Buddhist concepts of compassion mentioned that he thought the homeless people behind his house had stolen his telescope, so he wanted to give them IV drugs coated in rat poison

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • South Africa had nukes (which they developed in cooperation with israel incidentally, see the Vela incident) before they gave them up so black people wouldn't control a nuclear-armed country, making South Africa the only country in history to voluntarily undergo nuclear disarmament.

    I agree South Africa is the best model we have but there are also important differences, like how israel & Palestine have an approximately even split in population whereas it was like 90% black/10% white in South Africa. Black people were also much, much more integrated into the South African economy as they worked for the benefit of white people. At this point israel does not make very much use of Palestinian labor.

  • Microsoft deal would reopen Three Mile Island nuclear plant to power AI
  • The promise of quantum computing isn't to break encryption, that would make it a pointless billions-dollar Y2K-like makework project to reconfigure all our systems to use post-quantum cryptography schemes. Quantum computers are primarily interesting because they promise to get a "native" speedup at simulating quantum-mechanical objects like molecules and proteins. So drug & material design could benefit. However, the field has been stalled for the past decade.

    I do disagree that technological advancement has hit a wall, though. Things are moving faster than ever. To choose a single example, the impact of cheap energy-dense lithium batteries has been enormous. Displays also really have improved a lot.

  • Cold War II: US Congress passes 25 anti-China laws in 1 week, funds propaganda campaign
  • libs will see agencies get twice the annual budget of CNN to dedicate solely to fostering anti-Chinese sentiment and think they don't have a propagandized view of the world

  • Leftoids will be like "My Inostrancevia would never hurt anyone, it's the owner, not the bread."
  • “However, nothing can be done about him pissing in the building stairwell.”

  • Keeping Up With TV Shows These Days
  • fain-cool haven't watched a single TV show since andor

  • Turning Everyday Gadgets into Bombs is a Bad Idea « bunnie's blog

    This goes deep. I've seen people say things like "US customs are too good, this wouldn't get past us" and nope that is definitely not true. This was all based on a lot of trust that is now broken.

    Microsoft deal would reopen Three Mile Island nuclear plant to power AI Microsoft deal would reopen Three Mile Island nuclear plant to power AI

    The Three Mile Island Nuclear plant, home of the worst nuclear accident in U.S. history, would restart under a deal in which Microsoft purchases all its power.


    >The tax breaks in the Inflation Recovery Act are crucial to making the deal economically feasible, according to Constellation. They provide a credit for every megawatt hour of nuclear energy produced.

    lmao so instead of this funding the energy transition it's just subsidizing the AI grift

    My birthday is coming up. Should I go paintballing or try airsoft?

    I haven't gone paintballing in over a decade but did it a few times as a teenager at birthdays and it was really fun. Thought it might be a good time to go again for my upcoming birthday. However, airsoft has also become a big thing over the past few decades so maybe that would be more fun instead. Thoughts, experiences, opinions?

    State department worm pinned down about the interminable israeli "investigations" that go nowhere nullagent (

    Attached: 1 video At this morning's State Department press briefing reporters questioned the Biden administration's position on waiting for Israel to investigate the murder of American citizen Ayşenur Eygi. Reporter Prem Thakker points out that its been over 200days since the death of Hind with no ...

    nullagent (
    Balatro is coming to mobile on September 26th

    Recently picked up Slay the Spire on my phone so I could play it on a long car ride and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Will probably pick this one up as well.

    What games fall within the genre of youtuber video essay bait?

    Been thinking about this since I've been playing Rain World. I feel that Rain World is solidly within the genre. There are definitely video essays out there about it being about existing in an ecosystem or whatever. Pathologic is another obvious one. The original Dark Souls is probably paradigmatic of this category.

    What traits define this category? I think:

    • Difficult, you struggle to make progress
    • Inscrutable narrative motivation
    • Hidden depth to the world that can be teased out through intensive study
    • Possible to find it fun, but much likelier to just bounce off (and watch the video essay instead!)

    Is this a valid category?

    Finally starting to vibe with Rain World

    Bounced off this game at least twice over the years but am finally gelling with it. It works well with the steam deck since each run between storms isn't very long so it's easy to pick up and put down. I think when the game finally clicked for me is when I realized it was less about progression to the next area and more about learning to live in and occupy each space, integrating into the ebb & flow of the local flora & fauna. Like:

    There's some corn I can get if I go over here. And some bubble fruit over there, as long as I take care to evade the lizard who hangs out near it. Sometimes the scavenger tribe comes through here - what can I give them as a gift so they won't attack me? Time to venture out to this area so I can collect some bats. I bet that corn I ate a while ago has regrown by now. I get a bonus if I go six days in a row without eating meat, can I do that? Gotta take care in this section and watch for the shadows cast as vultures come down. Time to start heading back to the den for the day.

    My enjoyment increased quite a bit after I stopped turning my arrival in each area into a quick springboard to get to the next area, and instead sunk into it for a while & mastered the art of existing in that ecosystem. Only after perfecting a routine would I start venturing further out to see what's next. Very unique game.

    Kill the sportsball redditor inside your head

    "Yes I want to be part of a proletarian mass movement but liking sports is normie boring low-IQ primate brain behavior" -statements dreamt up by the utterly deranged

    You joke about trots

    but when they finally abandon newspapers in favor of newer technologies like radio transmissions it will be over for you all

    How the authoritarian Middle East became the capital of Silicon Valley

    >"But Middle Eastern money has become the most powerful geopolitical force in the tech industry virtually overnight. “The Khashoggi era is over,” said a prominent venture capitalist.

    >“Everyone I talk to is either going to or coming back from the UAE — the same way we used to swing by Sand Hill Road,” said Feldman, referring to the street that’s home to Silicon Valley’s storied venture capital firms. Feldman will visit Saudi Arabia later this year."


    >"Some Silicon Valley companies have personal backchannels with U.S. officials: OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, who has taken at least four fundraising trips to the UAE to raise hundreds of billions for a massive new infrastructure company, internally dubbed InfraCo, is on a text message thread with Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, according to four of the people."

    and people say the government doesn't respond to peoples' needs, that's top tier service
