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Not "Appropriate"
  • I grew up in a rural Utah town. Here are things I attempted to correct my teachers on while in elementary school with the result of them telling me if I continued to disagree with them I’d be sent to the principals office:

    • Evolution does in fact exist and “monkeys aren’t turning into humans today” because that’s not how evolution works.
    • There are different methods for multiplying numbers (lattice)
    • The amount of protons in an atom is equal to the number of electrons not neutrons. Yes for lighter elements they can be the same but isotopes are a thing (yes this actually happened and the next day we watched a bill nye that said exactly what I was saying. Of course bringing up the fact I was right and she was wrong was not a wise course of action.)
    • If the earth was a few feet closer to the sun we would not die. The earth actually is closer and further throughout the year on the scale of a few million miles. (Asserting that this was also not proof of god’s existence was similarly not a wise thing for elementary me to do)
    • “Foot zoning” has been debunked and you should tell people to see a real doctor when they feel sick
    • Those white homeopathic medicine pills don’t do anything
    • If we know how disease spreads and it’s due to human action/choices then it’s not gods punishment because he couldn’t control the spread unless he controls those people.

    I’m sure there were more seeing as I frequently had to “pull a card” in nearly every class and most times had no idea why what I said was wrong. There were definitely some on global warming but I don’t remember the specifics.

    Anyway, it is almost certain that I would argue some things that were wrong, after all, I was like < 12yo and surrounded by people who would constantly tell me the encyclopedias I read were wrong (I didn’t like chapter books and encyclopedias had pictures) but even then, there still definitely were things I was and still am right about.

    And it probably would have been better for my mental health growing up if I hadn’t thought “wow if all these adults believe this thing then it must be true and I must just be an idiot” No past me, you were right, they were wrong. Essential oils are bullshit and definitely don’t cure cancer, animals do feel pain and deserve to be treated with respect, and yes the cult you were raised in makes no sense whatsoever. Basically the entirety of your hometown, and most of your family members are just delusional. You’re not wrong and they don’t just not believe you because you’re a kid, they just don’t believe in evidence, and there’s no evidence one can use to convince people who don’t believe in evidence.

    Edit: to clarify, this was a legitimate public elementary school not some weird religious institution. Its just the typical education found in small Mormon towns in Utah.

  • Hiding in plain sight

    cross-posted from:

    > Has anyone let David Icke know about this?

    It's true.
  • Well actually it’s the other way around. The reason imaginary numbers were invented was to solve a problem we’d been crying over for centuries.

    Then, as in most cases, solving one problem opens the door to millions of other problems like why in the fuck does the universe use these imaginary numbers we made up to solve cube roots?

    Why is i a core part of the unit circle with like ei*pi ? “Oh that’s because i is just perpendicular to the real number line” ?! Say that sentence again, how the fuck did we go from throwing sharp sticks to utterly deranged sentences like that? More importantly why do utterly deranged sentences like that accurately describe our universe and what is the next ludicrous math concept we’re going to discover is integral to the function of the universe?

  • Share your stories
  • “The Yellow Wallpaper”

    Tap for spoiler

    It’s written as journal entries by a woman who may or may not have been insane before she got locked in an asylum or possibly just a room in her house by her husband. There’s a woman in the wallpaper who creepily crawls along the wall but actually it’s her shadow because she’s the creepy woman crawling around the room and rubbing up against the wall. Of course you don’t really know this until she starts really sounding crazy and starts ripping up the wallpaper trying to free the woman in the walls. In the end her husband returns home and either he faints or she fucking murders him with the blade she uses to sharpen her pencil. The book ends with her thinking she’s been freed, not by escaping through the now unlocked door but by entering the yellow wallpaper. There’s also a creepy film adaptation we watched that was… unsettling.

    It was quite scarring for most of the kids in my 7th grade class.

    Also I’ve only just now realized that wallpaper back then could have contained arsenic so going insane from being in contact with it constantly enough to stain your skin is a very real possibility.

  • Effort post: corruption is loosely defined in capitalism, and comparisons with socialism are inherently unfair
  • Some people even call that “networking”

    Yes! Fucking preach! I loathe how many times I’ve been told by even my university that I need to “network” in order to be successful and what they say is “make friends with these people so they can help you get a job” But what I hear is “use friendship to manipulate this person for your own career goals.”

    Sure I should talk to my professors and get involved in research, but not because I want the possible job advantage of knowing people in the industry. I should get involved because it’s cool fucking research!

  • What are your favorite examples of 'media within media' (e.g., shows, stories, or movies inside of other shows or books)?
  • “Scary door” from Futurama

    It’s a play on the twilight zone and it’s quite something.

    “A casino where I’m always winning? This must be heaven!” “A casino where I always win… I must actually be… IN HELL!”

    “No Mr. smith. You’re not in heaven or hell. You’re on an airplane!”

    “Help! There’s a gremlin destroying the plane! You’ve gotta believe me!”

    “Why should I believe you?! You’re Hitler!”

    For those interested: The Scary Door

  • We have been played for fools

    cross-posted from:

    I think I might have ADHD
  • Bro are you actually able to plan and make routines? Because I definitely tried this multiple times only to fail repeatedly until I got meds.

    I guess everyone’s ADHD is different, so maybe this works for you and will work for OP, but this kind of advice never worked for me no matter how many times or how hard I tried.

  • This is pretty accurate for me
  • One of the effects of me getting medicated is being able to make phone calls and schedule meetings. Do I still hate that everyone would rather I call and stumble over my words and forget what I’m going to say rather than let me write an email that allows me to clearly and concisely ask my questions? Yes, fuck them for doing that. Hell, it’s stupid and inefficient to try and find times your schedules are both open to have a meeting when you could just write a fucking email and reply to it when your schedule allows. But yeah, anyway, now I actually have enough executive function to make those phone calls and meetings when I have to.

    Also here’s a reminder to take your meds because I definitely would have forgotten to take mine if I hadn’t seen this post and remembered.

  • How Do You Manage Emotional Dysregulation?
  • Unhealthy coping mechanism: take a break, put in headphones, put on the most overstimulating sad/manic/violent vocaloid music, proceed to engage in megalomaniacal fantasies of battle, world domination, and self destruction until you get bored.

    Healthier coping method: try to do mindfulness meditations. Doing them even when you’re feeling more normal will make it easier to try when you are. Just trying to take a few deep breaths or focus on breathing could help and at the very least won’t hurt.

    Another thing is just venting to someone or writing in like a journal. If something is getting to me or I’m feeling an emotion for no reason and it’s frustrating, venting about it in my journal seems to help me calm down and manage it better.

  • I can't make the jump from nihilism to absurdism (Update)
  • I’ve been in the same boat and still am from time to time, or think I am. I’ll share my thoughts and even if they don’t apply to your situation maybe they’ll give you some ideas.

    What got me into a better, though not necessarily good, state of mind was thinking about killing myself. If you can’t/won’t kill yourself, then you have to keep on living. Once you realize you have to keep living the question becomes what is the better life? Then you can rationalize that obsessing over morality/purpose is not useful especially when you know it doesn’t reach any conclusions.

    If you’re spending hours trying to find the “best” thing to do, you’re wasting time that could have been spent doing good things. So really, at a certain point, obsessing over the most moral or purposeful action is really preventing you from doing good rather than facilitating it.

    It’s better for you to live in the moment or even give into some (non-destructive) hedonism rather than cycle around in moral distress wasting time and only making yourself more exhausted and unhappy. Sure maybe spending time playing video games or just chillin isn’t the very best use of your time, but it’s better than being in a constant state of moral confusion and discomfort.

    When you recognize that you’re having a crisis that’s not going anywhere, choose to let it go because at least you know that will make you feel more relaxed. Try to do something that makes you happy if you need a distraction because making yourself happy is better than making yourself anxious or depressed even if it’s not the very best thing you could do.

    I mean Hell, in some circumstances, choosing to make yourself happy instead of something else might be the best thing to do anyway. Happier people are able to think more clearly and act more charitably. Plus, through empathy, the people around you are affected by your mood. So even from a societal, not-selfish standpoint, choosing to be happy and relaxed or be a beacon of hope and laughter for others is much better than being depressed and adding to the melancholy of the world.

    Yeah it sucks having a desire for purpose in a universe where there is no objective morality. But if you can’t bring yourself to end it, just choosing to be happy is a more moral option than choosing to wallow in sadness at that fact.

    Even if you lived an otherwise average life, just trying to be hopeful and helpful will be better than stressing and obsessing over purpose.

    You can also try to see it as a battle if that helps. The world is trying to make you depressed. Fascism and capitalism win if they can make you feel like there is no hope for change, no way to make the world better. Do you want them to win? Or do you want to rise up and fight to the end? Do you want to give up? No! Fight! Scream at the monsters of this world! When others lose hope you can bring it to them! Fight back against the complacency and melancholy and hopelessness of this life! Laugh! Smile! Find joy in the world and in your fellow men! Be a beacon of hope and happiness for those around you! We might lose in the end, the world may fall to pieces, maybe we’ll all die horribly, but you cannot and should not seek to control the world, but you can control your life and how you react to it. Isn’t it better to live a happy life? To die laughing rather than suffering forever? Rage against life. Mock those who try to take your happiness, who try to take your hope. Don’t give them the satisfaction. If you can do that, if you can be happy despite all the bad that surrounds you, that is a good life, a worthy life to live.

    Anyway, before I give a list of reasons to keep living, I’d like to note that personally I’m not against suicide. I can’t do it and feel like living is better than not living but that’s just me. I can imagine lives I’d feel weren’t worth living, so I understand euthanasia. That being said, just in case you or anyone needs/wants reasons to live, here are some reasons not to die that might work for you:

    • If you give in to the hopelessness that surrounds you, that’s kind of a defeat and I’m petty so I’d rather die fighting than lose like that.
    • If life is as rare in the universe as it seems, you are one of the only beings in the entire universe who is capable of experiencing it and comprehending it. Eventually everything around you will be gone. Even the stars will fade, but you have the chance to see them. You have this one chance to experience things that may never happen again. Isn’t it a waste to cut your life short? To leave so many experiences un-lived?
    • If you’re worried about morality, the world probably is better with you in it. Don’t give in to the eco-fascist whatever shit saying “humans are the virus.” Chances are any negative environmental impact your living would require is negligible compared to any major country or company. Maybe you dying would lead to people taking more flights or eating more meat just by the butterfly effect, negating any positive effects your death may have had. But see, your impact as a human being, your impact on the lives of others, even if only as a good friend, is certain to be impactful. You can help many people directly even just by being hopeful or letting them vent to you. In my opinion, even just doing those tiny things outweighs whatever chance that your death would be ever so slightly better for the world.

    TL;DR: If you’re committed to not killing yourself, then you’re going to have to keep on living. If you’re going to keep on living and want to help/improve the world, just being happy will do that more than spending a lot of time and energy focusing on purpose or morality or the lack thereof would. If you need more reasons to live, thinking of happiness as a battle is a useful option. Fascism and corruption win when people give up hope. Want them to lose? Then fight. Choose to be happy, choose to be hopeful and inspire others to do the same. That is a fight worth fighting and a life worth living.

  • dude has got drip
  • We also don’t talk enough about the fact he was a pedophile.

    Sexual Abuse Allegations

    Schrödinger being "infatuated" with a twelve-year-old girl, Barbara MacEntee, while in Ireland. He desisted from attentions after a "serious word" from someone, and later "listed her among the unrequited loves of his life."

    Remember kids: don’t idolize people. Even Nobel Prize winning physicists can be fucked up

  • Can you blame them? ...yes, yes you can
  • I’m leaving this up despite the report of antisemitism, but I’ll sticky this comment with my explanation and my apology because I believe accountability and explanation is better than erasure.

    I’ll admit I posted this without realizing it could be taken in a truly antisemitic way, and I am sorry. The purpose of this post was not intended to be “Jews control the media/government” (especially since it’s clearly Reptilians doing that). It was not meant to imply that Jews are somehow inherently evil either. In fact, slaughtering civilians is actually sin in Judaism believe it or not. Hence the fact that many Jews are against the genocide.

    Regardless of my intent, I now realize that many people could have taken this meme as support of the antisemetic tropes that Jews are evil or control the government. I am very sorry for that and I’ll do my best to watch what I post here more closely.

    Now to address something else. If someone marked this antisemitism because it’s drawing attention to the genocide that Israel is currently committing and they think that calling out a fascist state for killing children is somehow antisemitism… fuck off. Schizoposting is largely based around calling out corruption and atrocities committed by governments and organizations.

    It does not matter what nationality someone is, what religion they choose to believe, or even if you’re secretly a robot. All individuals and organizations are capable of committing atrocious acts, and it is one of the purposes of this community to derive irreverent (and possibly masochistic) humor from that seemingly inescapable corruption which surrounds us all.

    Genocide is wrong and if it can’t be fought, it at the very least deserves to be mocked, as do the systems that ensure its continuation.

    TL;DR: I really am sorry if you took this in an antisemitic way, that was not my intent. The genocide being committed by Israel and the corruption in the US are not caused by the Jewish faith (Zionism not included). They are both caused by corrupt individuals, and corruption is not specific to any religion or race.

  • pondering the orb rule at 3 am
  • Holy shit I just had a memory flashback. Did anyone else play a game online that had orbs that looked like this that you had to drag through like a maze without touching the walls and avoiding other obstacles?

    Edit: found it, it’s literally called “orb” and it is on coolmathgames

    Edit 2: yep just as frustrating as I remember

  • Brain listen, the taxes are important.
  • Bro I know the feeling. I’m still in uni, but I’ll have my life put together, getting homework done on time, cleaning regularly etc. and then there’ll be like something wrong with one of my grades and I procrastinate writing the email to my professor for no reason at all and suddenly I can’t do anything and I get overwhelmed by everything I’m not doing and that just makes me dread doing anything.

    Anyway, sorry you’re feeling depressed right now. But if you want my opinion, if it’s impacting your life negatively, I don’t think it matters if someone has it worse than you. If your life could be better, that’s what matters.

    Honestly, finding a psychiatrist and setting up the appointment was probably the hardest part of getting medicated. I put it off for multiple years even though I knew that I probably had ADHD, but let me tell you, that first day on my meds, sitting in class and realizing I am actually getting information out of the lecture, it was so weird. Like wow people actually learn things in class? I can actually write emails and make phone calls without having to build up the motivation over several days? I regret not doing it sooner.

    Anyway, if you feel like medication would help, once you get your “pinball machine” running again, I think getting diagnosed may be worth a try. You deserve to try and make your life better just as much as others do, even if you don’t have it as bad as they do.

  • Role model

    cross-posted from:

    > An eventful life

    The perfect place!
    the rule 🤗

    cross-posted from:

    > the rule 🤗 > > Found in a bin(reddit).


    cross-posted from:

    > benzene posting

    they will not dessist!

    cross-posted from:

    > easy there slugger

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Engineer/Mathematician/Student. I'm not insane unless I'm in a schizoposting or distressing memes mood; I promise.

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