Huh, I just realized that this is what futurama was referencing in the balls episode.
I was talking about the 3d printed gun instructions
Like China won't censor Rednote in a few weeks.
And those are the people that the democrats ignored.
I live in such a place. You'd think it would be a bluish county because of it, but it's deeply red.
It's not about reducing the number of trees. While the tree is alive, it's sequestering carbon. Once the tree is processed, it's just a matter of a hundred years or so before most of that carbon is back in the system.
It's a short term one, though. Better to not cut down trees unnecessarily.
Twitter is a weird platform for that
They've been allowed to take power in basically every system that has ever existed. The entirety of human history is a showcase of the fact.
Sure, we might be able to be better on small scales, but there's a reason communism has never worked, and will never work on a large scale.
It looks great on paper, but not so much in practice. There's always going to be evil people who are only interested in personal gain at the expense of others who are charismatic enough to dupe the population into letting them and participate in the committing of atrocities.
Humans are just too easy to corrupt. I think it'll likely be our Great Filter.
Yeah, but humans are awful animals and true communism is a pipe dream.
Idk if I'd call the deck light.
I've been embarrassed for my country since 9/11.
Tomorrow is fascism, so it super doesn't matter.
What? Why would the SC care about looking corrupt? They're clearly not hiding it anymore.