Man, I had this on VHS and haven't thought about it in a long time! Such a fun movie with so many memorable scenes. The tree climbing, the tiger biting that guy's leg off... I need to see this again!
The funny thing is AI is not really mentioned in the rest of the article. I don't think any of the new technology being introduced has anything to do with AI.
I guess "AI" is just a synonym for "new stuff" now.
The "to dispense" instructions are interesting. Put a tube 3/4 of the way into the water, pinch it, and then "pull downward 12 to 18 inches"... good way to create a vacuum and start the siphon action without putting your mouth on the tube.
I think you're mixing two different things here. Discussions about unions, working conditions, workplace policies, fairness, etc. have a direct bearing on the workplace and the people in it. Yes, these things are political but they also directly impact the workplace and the people in the organization. I think these topics are all fine.
That's different from Pam in HR reminding you that she Stands With Israel when you work in a company that has no connection at all to Israel, weapons manufacturing, etc. Or maybe they want to harass you for your own views or trade in conspiracy theories. Their co-workers are a captive audience for these rants because they have to deal with these people to do their jobs.
To me it's not about loving capitalism, it's about not wanting yet one more sphere of life to be a stage for performative displays of tribal affiliation.
Yeah this game was great... I must have played it after other Sonic games had come out. I never knew this was his first appearance. Such a cool piece of history!
Did the car have windshield wipers that you had to turn on when you got mud on the windshield or am I mixing this up with a different game?
We have oil tycoons run our climate summits, so sure, why not.
Maybe we can get SBF and Bernie Madoff to put something together on fiscal responsibility.
The Intercept has a long, detailed piece on NYT's coverage claiming systemic sexual violence on 10/7:
I knew the Times leaned pro-Israel, but this report was pretty surprising in terms of failing to meet basic journalistic standards.
Ears turn out to be a good way to recognize individuals. Ear biometrics is an evolving area.
Recently watched this with my kids after not seeing it since being a kid myself. My pet theory is that it's about coping with the death of a grandparent. When the scientists take E.T. away and hook him up to all the machines, it's like the experience of seeing grandma or grandpa in intensive care with tubes, ventilators, etc. We see things through the kid's eyes and there is a vague sense that the scientists are supposed to be trying to keep E.T. alive, but it looks like they are killing him.
In the end, the beloved companion E.T. goes up into the sky but says he will always be with Elliot in a sense (my memories of this part are pretty vague, but I think there was some message along these lines). Maybe this is just my personal experience, but it really brought back memories of going to see my grandparents in hospitals that were kind of threatening to me as a kid, and the idea that your relative is up in heaven now.
Right! They used to have a commercial airliner that broke the sound barrier.
I was confused about how the article kept saying "hypersonic" without defining it. Looks like hypersonic means 5x the speed of sound.
This thing is huge, it does 0-60 in under 3 seconds, has sharp angles, and its styling does not seem to target the sensible end of the market... It's like an industrial strength pedestrian destroyer.
The only argument in favor if this bill seems to be that the Ten Commandments were taught in our nation's earliest schools...
Imagine all the crazy things that were taught in 18th & 19th century schools. It's just a stupid argument on its face.
I would think it would also increase costs on the agency.
This is pure old-person "butts in seats == productivity" mentality.
This quote from Posobiec is amazing:
"Republicans still haven't internalized that the Left promotes abortion as a pro-feminism issue. They aren't voting to kill babies, they're voting bc of feminist movies like Barbie and pop stars like Taylor Swift influencing an army of voters," Posobiec wrote.
If they are surprised about the connection between the abortion issue and women's rights... wow. Are they really racking their brains to figure out why "killing babies" is a popular position? How stupid are these people?
The most recent episode of the Deconstructed podcast was all about the ISDS. I can't believe I'd never heard of this before.
At the risk of sounding like a hopeless optimist... Wouldn't it make sense for the Republicans to nominate more of a centrist with promises to work on common ground with the Democrats (whatever narrow terrain that may consist of now) and thereby sideline the MAGA crew to irrelevancy?
Yeah they would take a lot of heat from Trump & co., but maybe they could actually pass something for their constituents.
There were big protests in DC. I'm fairly apolitical but I was out there with a sign and everything.
Even standing there with all those people, though, I remember thinking "this will make no difference in the end."
Could all YouTubers everywhere please emulate this guy's style... no obnoxious edits, no "destroying" someone else's point of view.... he just calmly and methodically explains what he's done and what the issues are.
I don't think I followed a specific guide. I'm using the HifiBerry Amp2 amplifier with the Pis. The house I moved into had Bose in-wall speakers in a couple of rooms and I added some in-ceiling speakers and a couple of outdoor speakers. Most of the speaker wires are routed down to the basement, so I can have all the Pis connected right to the switch via Ethernet.
Running speaker cable is by far the hardest thing about this. You could also connect the Pis via Wi-fi; I haven't tried that but it is supposed to work pretty well.
On the software end, it's pretty simple. PiCorePlayer is just an image you burn to an SD card and boot up on the Pis. I run LMS in a docker container. As long as the PiCorePlayer instances and LMS are all on the same subnet, they will auto-discover each other. If they're not, it's just a matter of configuring the LMS server URL on the PiCorePlayers.
LMS configuration is also pretty simple... you point it at your music folder and it will scan and index your MP3s and other audio files. It has plugins for Spotify, Tidal, Youtube, and some other apps. You can control it via browser, or there are Android and iOS mobile apps.
Once you buy the Pis, amps, power supplies, and cases, you are looking at probably $140 or so per zone... so it's not entirely cheap, but I think it's cheaper than Sonos or other pre-built systems. It sounds great and the different Pis sync very well. I don't hear any sync issues walking from zone to zone.