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How can we boost Lemmy membership?
  • Sync has been available for well over 2 months, I don't think that many former users will still follow. Sure, each new app will bring a fraction of its former users, but that's not sustainable.

  • Boost for Lemmy is now live
  • Long term sustainability is going to be challenging. The Lemmy userbase is way smaller than reddit's regardless, and for 3.50 EUR one-off it will be challenging to cover future development efforts.

  • Voyager seems to be the second most used client, according to poll
  • Hm, I like it way more than RiF.

  • Voyager seems to be the second most used client, according to poll
  • It actually has, if you scroll down to the bottom there are plenty of users stating default UI plus some plugin.

  • Voyager seems to be the second most used client, according to poll
  • You could argue that 25% for sync is quite something, and almost double that of the next largest competitor.

  • Doesn't hurt to pick up a little for the listing picture.
  • Surprised there's no litter box.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • And in the next corporate social responsibility report:

    We had excellent feedback from our customers related to the reduction of whatever that was, already forgot, with a 100% approval rate, showing that our green agenda is fully un track and highly appreciated.

  • Google says it can’t fix Pixel Watches, please just buy a new one | With no official repair program and no parts, broken Pixel Watches are just e-waste.
  • I'm happy with OnePlus. Will never touch an Apple device, they are so unintuitive and locked down. If android follows that trend, I'd rather have no phone.

  • How many people actually dropped Reddit for Lemmy?
  • Deleted my two main accounts and I think 3 alts that I could still remember, and haven't been back since. I can't use social media without Sync.

  • According to Elon Musk’s own math, the company formerly known as Twitter has lost 90% of its value and could be worth just $4 billion
  • Worthless =/= insolvent.

    The value is determined based on a shareholder valuation, insolvent means having a negative cashflow and depleted reserves.

    You can technically run a stock absolutely into the ground if everyone would place sell orders at market (i.e. without limit) and the only buyers would offer 1 cent.

    That changes nothing about the profitability of the company though.

    And while this is a very hypothetical scenario for a listed company, for an unlisted one you can freely adjust your list price. If he were to sell 1% for $1 to his neighbor, the company valuation would be down to 100 bucks.

  • Musk's interference to protect Russia allowed Russian attacks on Ukrainian cities, and resulted in the deaths of civilians including children - Zelensky advisor.
  • Because Russia blew up domestic infrastructure, so satellite based communication looked like a decent alternative.

  • Locked
    Sync for Lemmy Beta 50 release notes
  • Huh, that might get me to try mastodon again. The browser experience used to be crap.

  • Microsoft is using malware-like pop-ups in Windows 11 to get people to ditch Google
  • Linux loves dual boot, windows is the problem and always has been. But as long as you install windows first and Linux second, there's no problem whatsoever, the installer detects your installation and automatically adds multiboot. Installing windows after Linux means that you will have to restore the bootloader.

  • Reject modernity. Embrace tradition. -
  • Hope you throw the batteries in last, when they explode they might otherwise extinguish the flames. Very inconvenient.

  • plans for mitigating image upload abuse
  • For now it's all or nothing. Better safe than sorry.

  • Can you drive a manual transmission?
  • Yeah I was also a bit confused about the "mad respect" for what I'd call standard driving :-D

  • Can you drive a manual transmission?
  • Not OP, but yes manual permits to drive both types, automatic doesn't allow driving manuals. I believe that's an EU regulation.

  • Can you drive a manual transmission?
  • German, late 30s. Automatic cars are rather uncommon in Germany, we sure like our manuals. Not being able to push my car into high RPMs when needed to overtake or accelerate quickly takes the fun out of driving. I'd never switch to automatic as long as I still have both arms and legs. And yes I know kickdowns are a thing, but it really doesn't compare.

  • I don't like Wagyu beef

    There, I said it. Had some Wagyu A5, genuine certified import from Japan prepared by an actual chef on a handful of occasions. The last one was on Saturday as part of a business conference in the exec suite of some fancy hotel, talking to potential investors.

    The set menu cost the equivalent of $700 per person, wines not included.

    And. I. still. don't. like. it.

    The meat is simply too rich, too soft, too greasy. There's no bite to it. Every time I try it, it reminds me of sucking on a piece of beef flavored butter. A slightly solidified cube of beef lard.

    Just give me a Black Angus rump or sirloin steak if you must, that's pretentious enough at a fraction of the cost and provides such a nicer eating experience.

    And please, PLEASE, for the love of everything holy, don't give me Wagyu cubes topped of with steamed foie gras. That's akin to buttering your lard. Maybe in 50 years when all my teeth are gone, I'll appreciate being able to grind down a piece of beef between my gums. But as it stands, the Wagyu hype couldn't die fast enough.


    Looking for non-bot news community

    Hi all,

    New to the instance but not to Lemmy in general, I've moved over from due to their federation/blocking policy and hope I'll find my new home here.

    Now, one thing I've been looking for anywhere in the fediverse is a news (worldnews) community where bot posts are not allowed. Is anyone aware of such a project?

    I know that I can block bots or hide bot accounts altogether, but that's not really helping - the bots are still there, other users see their posts, and there's no incentive to post the same news to the same community by actual users, meaning I'm missing out.

    What I'm mightily annoyed with are that bots spam communities with just about every story in the books, from actual newsworthy events to clickbait rubbish, and of course they don't have any actual interest in the topic nor means to engage in discussions.

    So I'd love to have a place where actual humans post articles they personally consider useful, to have higher quality content as well as engagement. Curated news, in a way.

    Is anyone aware of such a community, be it here on the instance or elsewhere?

    Thanks a bunch!

    coffee coffee
    Posts 2
    Comments 58