brrt @ brrt Posts 0Comments 30Joined 1 mo. ago
Better late than never. If shit hits the fan things will speed up that for sure. At least they facing the times ahead.
Ohje Waldemar haha, dann noch ganz viel Spaß im Leben und auf dein Nacken erstmal Hartz4 Urlaub gebucht. Galigrü
The Mule with Clint Eastwood
Überall im Netz zu den jeweiligen Themen die dich interessieren. Gibt unzählige klare Fakten basierte Analysen. Es muss definitiv mehr gegen falsche Aussagen getan werden.
I'm in that Foto and I don't like it!
Would it be space limited like the mousetopia too? If not you could have everything you desire and just go hiking for the Dopamin would be my dream lol
Which one? Sorry English is my 3rd language.
Murder -> ethnic cleansing -> genocide -> Dantes Inferno!
It's called Swasticar for a reason ;)
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You must try Salzburger-Nockerl, mostly air with ~2500 kcal
I wish I was an otter baby
I forgive you.
No wonder you guys are the happiest in the world if this is allowed.
It was some Czech Porn back in the days where a dude picked up 'random' girls on the streets and offered them money for doing porn.
Bullshit they actively promoting anti corona, pro Putin and far right wing plebs for the last 10 years now! I live in Austria and it's ridiculous you try defend them. Yes they were an awesome tv station back then )until 2017. But nowadays it's just a hate tv!
Didn't get you were talking about individuals.
Dude do you think in Arabic countries anyone beside Israel & in Europe anyone besides Russia likes Amerika nowadays? You can go on with South America and Afrika & Australia. Now how many countries may like you at the time?