We're all allowed a lazy day here or there.
We're all allowed a lazy day here or there.
We're all allowed a lazy day here or there.
Unable to follow directions.
Unable to have an erection.
Which would be better? Running out of ideas and going with "this, that, and that other street" or letting the internet name them "Streety McStreetface III"?
I think Canada made the right call, but also, "Streety McStreetface" would be awesome.
I'll be a killjoy and answer sincerely: just number them. 1st Ave, 2nd Ave, 3rd Ave, etc.
I'll be a silly little gremlin and name the people on those streets then.
You've got Who's house on first, What's on second, and I Dunno's on third.
This Street I, This Street II, This street 95
That's what we do here in Utah: 100 E, 200 S, etc. If you give me your address, I can find it without knowing anything about the area, though it might take a little longer without directions if there are non-uniform blocks. Also, I can quickly approximate how far another address is since I know how big a block is.
We name a bunch of streets too, but they all have a number name as well, usually written underneath or in the corner.
It works really well.
Why do we always vote for somethingMcSomethingFace when asked to name stuff? It's funny, but i never understood why we do that.
Eh. Notice how all the buildings are long and narrow? It's because it's a trailer park. So, you know, it's tiny. The direcions are gonna be "once ya get to the park, b'y, hangs a left. It's the blue one."
I saw the layout and instantly recognized it for what it was. The trailer park loop is unmistakeable.
But otherwise, man private developers love thematic street names. I got some pirate themed, herb themed, and gemstone themed developments around me. Worked with someone who lived in a house on the corner of Zircon Ct and Zircon St. But not the other corner which was the corner of Zircon St and Zircon Ct. Also a Zircon Ave.
Uranium City, Saskatchewan
It's dumb to reuse the same name but the themed names are useful. In our city we have a few and it's helpful to know what area of the city you're going to even if you don't know the exact street.
Can confirm. Grew up just down the road
That's hilarious. Also, here's the coordinates for y'all.
44.7383848, -63.3054787
And a link, if you're into that geo:44.7383848,-63.3054787?z=15
It's part of our national defence strategy. Believe it or not, you can contain an invading force just down this street and that street for a surprisingly long time 🇨🇦
Go to Bonnaroo.
That Tent, This Tent, What Stage, Which Stage, The Other Stage.
THANK YOU. It was bugging me trying to think where I had heard this joke used before.
Yooouuu, You got what I neeEEeed
I grew up just a few minutes down the road from there! Had a friend who lived on That street.
I love whenever I see this pop up every few months or lol.
When people get bored of naming things in rural areas of Finland it's always something like cunt valley, ass hill , shit rock, ugly lake, piss river and there are ton of them, with same or similar names repeating.
No wonder you guys are the happiest in the world if this is allowed.
Probably not anymore, but the old names stick in places that nobody cares about.
Just meet me at post office rd, I'll show you where.
Iqualuit has a street named "Road to Nowhere" which is hilarious.
I was looking at the 44° very confused. For reference that would be 110f.