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2 yr. ago

Warhammer 40k

Some of my Alpha Legion Phobos Squad

  • The Infinite and the Divine. Follows two Necrons, but you don’t need to know anything at all about them or 40K beforehand. It’s standalone, but connects with another set of books should you want more. It eases you into the density of the lore, while having the over the top charm we love about 40K.

    Having read I don’t know how many warhammer books at this point I disagree with the Eisenhorn starting point. It’s good, but if you’ve read any sci/fi fantasy novel in the last 20 years then you’ve basically read Eisenhorn, but now it has a 40K paint job. Follows humans, which granted are interesting in the universe, but we’ve read enough about humans check out some immortal space robot mummies instead!

  • You’d think this would be a career suicide film but it’s aaaaaaalmost okay. At times the creator’s heart is in the right place, but fumbles the bag pretty hard by, you know, making this. It’s possible the script folks read was different enough that they only saw the wholesome parts. That or they were paid a shit ton.

  • Bad Movies

    Loqueesha (2019)

  • This is an interesting take because I would expect the complete opposite. I find it extremely tedious when AAA games force the player into situations where they have to climb or walk slowly so they can pan the camera to whatever fancy graphical set piece their art team made, and more time doing that then any gameplay. Why not just watch a movie at that point?

    When playing a game I want a game. It’d be incredibly frustrating if every time I solved a square in Sudoku I had to then watch an episode of a TV show. Heartening to hear AAA is swinging back the other way and wasting less time.

  • When the game pitch is a cinematic trailer, then a whole bunch of name drops Directed By X, Starring Y, Soundtrack by Z, and not a single mention of what the heck the player is even gonna do in the game, when will AAA studios drop the pretenses and do what they actually wanna do and just make movies

  • cats

    No games, only cat

  • I saw all 5 Highlander movies for the first time this year and this one was my favorite by far.

    The aliens send people into the future as a punishment? Then when the punishment isn’t punishment-y enough, they send goons into the further future to kill the guy?? And then when the goons point out ‘why bother? Why not just wait and he’ll die anyway?’ Also why even wait because time is apparently a pointlessly easily accessible plaything but NO QUESTIONS go to future kill old man???

    Incomprehensible, hilarious

  • Thanks! The wings were the first thing I did, felt most comfortable for what I was going to do with them and how, having done similar for other daemons in my army. Knocked that out quick. I spent the rest of the paint time being indecisive on how to do the skin, heads, greebles, and ya know, everything. Repainted soooo many times while avoiding touching the wings with all might

  • I wanted a lord of change for my thousand sons army cause big bird demon wizard is too cool not to include, but was told kairos is only 10 points more and better so I slapped on the second head. One day I’ll hopefully be able to try the game and figure it out for myself~

  • Warhammer 40k

    Kairos Fateweaver as done as I can get em

  • Nice to know, but it’ll really come down to VST support. I can relearn a new DAW, but I can’t magic up new libraries. I also don’t really wanna have to learn futzing with Linux when I have enough hobbies. As much as windows sucks, it’s convenient that their product supports everything I want out of the box. Once a Linux distro can do the same for my needs, I’m all in.

  • Warhammer 40k

    Anyone have any tips to make my Thousand Sons Rhino to look more like it's erupting with tumorous growth?

    Warhammer 40k

    Finished my first kill team, how are my kommandos?


    Made 2 more cars, some terrain, and a display for it all. Next step, finding other players


    Finished my first cars after learning about this game last week


    My NerdzDay haul has arrived

    Progressive Metal Music

    New Tesseract next week!