Kairos Fateweaver as done as I can get em
Kairos Fateweaver as done as I can get em
Kairos Fateweaver as done as I can get em
I wanted a lord of change for my thousand sons army cause big bird demon wizard is too cool not to include, but was told kairos is only 10 points more and better so I slapped on the second head. One day I’ll hopefully be able to try the game and figure it out for myself~
Wonderful work. I haven't painted minis for 20 years, but this caught my eye and reminded me what I'm missing.
Ty! I picked up a brush for the first time ever last year, there’s an eternal pile of sick arts and crafts waiting for you to get back into
I know nothing about painting minis but this one is stunning!!!!
Please post more like these if you do them!
Absolutely love the wings.. Amazing work
Thanks! The wings were the first thing I did, felt most comfortable for what I was going to do with them and how, having done similar for other daemons in my army. Knocked that out quick. I spent the rest of the paint time being indecisive on how to do the skin, heads, greebles, and ya know, everything. Repainted soooo many times while avoiding touching the wings with all might
Are you a genestealer?
If I were, would I know?