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About that...
  • Most Arch users don't actually use Arch because it doesn't have a GUI installer.

  • Men losing their mind
  • Circleflick? Circletoss?

  • What are your favorite racing games?

    Sim, arcade, simcade, anything. I'm kinda disconnected from the genre and want to know what is considered the GOATs of racing games to try them out.

    Me personally, I'd say Dirt Rally 2, very addicting gameplay.

  • Gay and coldbrew, thank you

  • Were neon in this cyberpunk dystopia
  • Do you think humans can never try something new?

  • When is the best take to take supplements/protein?

    Right now, I just take 5g creatine about six hours before, preworkout immediately before, and drink a protein mix after my workouts, but I read an article about optimal creatine use ane now I'm wondering what everyone elsr is doing

    He's just loafing
  • panmigos

  • I'm looking at you, ubisoft
  • I don't think it's entirely a double standard. Yes Steam is still a launcher, but it's also the marketplace I buy my games. If I bought a game on Origin or UPlay, and then Steam popped up when I was trying to play my game, that would still be bullshit.

  • Any ideas?
  • Goddamn woke hipsters smh

  • Any ideas?
  • Hipster truly means anything huh

  • Empathic
  • Shut up removed

  • don't have to charge
  • the simplicity and immediacy of you plug something in and it's almost impossible for it not to work

    Amigo, what about the unbearable suffering of "the wires only work in this specific position"

  • Venom vs. Magneto
  • I didn't say boomers ruined everything, you're right that the young civil rights advocates in the 60s were also boomers, but the 70s is when they grabbed political control and never let go.

    Sure it wasn't all bad, but they wanted to change the system and did, and we are still dealing with the consequences today.

  • Venom vs. Magneto
  • Tl;dr boomers came of age and voted to change things and held onto that power ever since

  • It's time for change, it's time for Linux. | DankPods
  • Endeavour OS is both ime

  • Rule
  • Not critical thinking, but confirmation bias, yes.

  • Rule
  • You can tell by the serifs on the Google logo too

  • Political Memes abbotsbury
    Mormon church issues new restrictions on transgender members
  • Yeah, but like, at least LDS will be forthcoming about how shit is different now. Sure, they kinda dress it up about how the old rules were right "for their time," but otherwise that's pretty progressive for a church, IMO.

    Compared to JW which will just redact everything they don't like and pretend it's always been that way.

  • Mormon church issues new restrictions on transgender members
  • LDS is at least upfront about how they change stuff

  • What are your thoughts on crouch jumping?

    For the uninitiated, crouch jumping is a mechanic where you can increase the height of ledges you are able to jump on by holding crouch after jumping, like a simulation of pulling your legs up in real life.

    I never really thought much about it growing up, some games had it, some didn't, but it always felt natural/intuitive, and today I feel like it is a way to increase the ceiling of player movement by a simple combination of two existing movements.

    However I've heard that some people dislike it, and some actively hate it. Some of the arguments I've heard is that if a player needs to be able to get somewhere, then ledges should be lower and not gated, and that the whole mechanic is useless and just introduces an extra button press for no reason.

    I can see the merit in some points, and others I feel like are nitpicky, but I'm interested in broadly knowing how Lemmy feels about it.

    abbotsbury abbotsbury
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