_danny @ _danny @lemmy.world Posts 1Comments 197Joined 2 yr. ago
Kids are going to be weird and use their imagination. They'll pretend to be an NFL player breaking tackles as they run through a crowded school hallway. They'll pretend to be Optimus Prime and pretend to transform into a truck. Or they'll pretend to be iron man blasting bad guys with their lazer palms.
The issue is when your friends have aged out of that behavior and you think it's still cool to Naruto run up to them all the time.
I actually kinda like my model 3 quite a bit, but I got it used for an absolute steal of a deal. I would never pay full price for a new one or even recommend someone to buy one themselves. If you're into Teslas, you don't need someone to recommend them to you.
It is so close to being a really good car. It's fun to drive, pretty comfortable, lots of head and leg room and it's really efficient in city traffic.
It feels like a team of mechanical engineers were cut midway through the design process and a team of software engineers finished the job.
It's just so freaking quirky for no reason.
There's a really good book that helped me put my own realizations into more concrete terms.
And this book literally changed how I view behavior and how to permanently change behavior: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22544758-triggers
Thank you. This made no sense to me at first.
the handles won't work if a button breaks,
This isn't quite right, there's a button to open the door (one of like nine buttons in the entire car) but there's is also a lever you can pull in case of emergencies.... Like if the car's electrical system fails.
Everything else is true.
There also is no physical way to open the glove box, you have to use a voice command or dig through the settings on the built-in tablet.
There also is no physical way to set the wiper speed, that's also done through the tablet or voice command. There's a button to do a single wipe, or clean the window if you hold it down, but no way to keep the wipers on without taking your eyes off the road.
Don't even get me started on how absolutely stupid it is that you have to remove two inner body panels to change the cabin air filter.
There's so many of these types of things, it's ridiculous. The sad part is that it could have been a pretty nice car if someone on the design team had just an ounce of common sense.
The Tesla models are S, 3, X, Y, and cyber truck. Tesla models 3 and Y are comparable to the BMW i4 and the Ford Mustang Mach-E
(yes, the dipshit made an immature sexy joke out of the car names. )
Same, even the stupid door handles are like on the 3 and Y. If I'm picking someone up who's never been in my car before I often open the door for them because it's exhausting to keep explaining it to them.
I think you could have both a unique looking car, and one that is somewhat sensibly designed.
So many sacrifices of the cyber truck are done just to be different. Like the $100 windshield wiper that spans the entire windshield. That's just bad design for the sake of uniqueness.
I'm aware that 90% of memes are fake or extreme versions of a half truth.... but it's fun to play along and call OP a moron for encouraging their mom to buy crypto.
It hurts kinda bad if it's properly done. Otherwise it just tickles.
I was also a fan back in those days too, I didn't start listening to cortex or subscribe to Patreon until 2020ish, but I've been subscribed at least since the AI video, probably since "humans need not apply". I won't deny that his content flavor has changed, but he has adapted to the new YouTube dynamic pretty well.
Wow I don't remember this at all, honestly I don't remember him having a gap longer than 8 months between video releases. Are you sure it was him?
His recent (ish) stuff is amazing imo. SHARKS! and the Tiffany companion video are my two favorites by far.
I think this is the best answer. Just because magnetism is not visible doesn't make it magic. The source of the forces doesn't change where those forces go. A lot of these perpetual motion machines can be simplified to a situation that makes intuitive sense.
Technically it's just the caffeine. So you could have decaf in heaven.
That's more or less what drove me away from religion.
You're telling me an all knowing, all powerful god has a plan that involves children OD'ing on the baggies of drugs their "guardian" made them swallow, just so that heroin could get from point A to point B? Or a plan that involves a newborn baby being born with it's heart outside it's chest, so it will immediately rupture and bleed to death?
No one gonna mention anything about how that dude is lucky to be alive? Holy shit I thought this was going to be a different kind of video.
I'm still constantly weirded out by Destin when he talks about anything relating to personal life. Gives me "creepy preacher that beats his children for not saying yes sir" vibes
Glad she is doing better and has a very supportive spouse.
I think it's important to consider why you think this. Try and explain what makes someone stupid.
I do tend to agree with the general statement that most people are pretty fucking stupid. If IQ were a meaningful number of intelligence, I'd wager that it's heavily skewed left. Meaning that the common saying of "think of how stupid the average person and realize half of all people are below that" is even worse when you use the median.
For me, what makes someone stupid is lack of curiosity, lack of drive to learn, and lack of critical thinking. I think stupidity is a learned trait, and our modern society is doing its damnedest to make sure children learn it as soon as possible. Never question authority, you only need to memorize so you can pass the test, and you will be spoon fed the information.
Then soon as you get out of school, you have to get a job and occupy most of your time with work or sleep, you'll likely get only two-three hours of time to yourself each day, meaning you'll lack the time to break out of the cycle. And the system compounds at most jobs. Your manager is likely stupid, meaning they want you to never question authority, just do what they tell you, and ask them very little questions.
I also think the trillions of dollars that are spent on advertising strongly influences this. And being constantly bombarded with psychological manipulation encourages stupidity.
I also think stupidity is compounding in and of itself. The less you know, the more you can just make hasty assumptions, then use those assumptions as fact for your next set of assumptions.
It's also contagious. Being around people who are less stupid than yourself makes you feel bad, so you aren't around them much or encourage them to join you in being stupid.
There is a massive difference between not knowing something, and choosing to not know something. Just about every person in the world has access to the greatest source of information that has ever been created. There are free courses on just about every topic you could ever desire to learn, fingertips away.
There is also a massive difference between knowing something and rote memorization. Being able to follow the logical chain of facts is very important, so is being able to critically think about a topic. I think being "bored" is great at combatting stupidity in this way. Spending time with no stimulation is great for engaging your brain in actual thoughts. Consider dedicating time to just thinking: no audiobooks, music, podcasts, video games, movies, TV shows, social media, books etc. Just sit and be bored for a while. Meditation is a great entry into this.
I used Smart Audiobook Player to listen to an audiobook recently and it worked great.
If you have to try to be straight, I've got news for you.