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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago

  • I had a friend that would play stuff like that over his mic. Load up a juicy YouTube video with lots of drama and let everyone in the lobby think it was real. Especially if he went AFK.

  • The worst thing a video game can do is be boring. Buggy games can be fun as you laugh at the absurdity of the physics. That was honestly one of the reasons I stuck with fallout 3, because I loved that you could turn someone supersonic with enough landmines. Even if the game crashes and you lose progress, you can't lose the fun you had playing the game.

    I recently replayed fallout 3 after starfield failed to scratch my Bethesda itch, and I realized how much more alive the world felt (and how much less often I saw a loading screen when doing quests).

  • I'm not opposed to the idea of exchanging gifts... But can they be at least useful stuff that's not going to sit on a shelf until it's thrown in the trash?

    Also, Christmas day is the worst possible day to give someone a Christmas themed item that's not immediately consumable.

  • Almost like the entire country was built over Indian burial grounds.

    Let's be real though, there's no such thing as curses. This is a human situation problem.

    First, you only read the headline of the article. If you're going to read headlines and speculate the rest of the story, you're going to create the most extreme version. Headlines are intentionally misleading and catchy to get you to click and share them. Read the actual story from multiple sources, and you'll probably find that the full story is a lot less crazy.

    But yes, there are some stories that are just as gruesome as their headline. There's not much more to a story like "6 elementary school students dead after another school shooting" and these things happen here significantly more than elsewhere in the world. There's lots of debate about why and no one can agree on an exact reason, but it's definitely a situational issue. Meaning that if you took the exact same person who murdered children and gave them an entirely different life from birth, they likely will be an entirely different person. It's not something that some people are just "born" to do, it's something their situation points them to.

    My personal opinion on the solution to the issue is to have ten to a hundred times more guidance counselors at school, with mandatory, regular confidential counseling/therapy for each student. (Of course with strong firearm regulations in the meantime.) But honestly I don't think the problem is going anywhere any time soon. The absolute craziness shown by millions of people during 2020-2021 shows that the people who need help the most will fight that help every step of the way.