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Lets check-in with the libs
  • this is the same take as when chuds think they've solved mass shootings by saying "everyone in the venue should have dogpiled onto the shooter! They can't beat 200 people with sticks!"

  • Legalizing Sports Gambling Was a Huge Mistake
  • America did have a large problem with alcoholism at the time and needed some sort of intervention. The problem is with how it was implemented, with the feds deliberately poisoning batches of alcohol to trace where it went and mobs gaining control of everything. There was a way to get help for the huge portion of society that were antisocial violent and abusive drunkards without throwing them in jails or driving them into the arms of the mob.

  • When the supposedly smartest man in the world misses the joke by about 1 AU.
  • Same with going to go live on Mars and the moon and Jupiter’s moons, etc.

    Like homies. We ain’t even brought civilization to our oceans or mountains right here on Earth, which are much closer and more hospitable.

    You would think the next big bazinga thing would be seasteads and terraforming new islands and the like on Earth, but they blew right past that. China, Saudis and the gulf states are the only ones trying to do the terraforming sci-fi stuff.

  • Legalizing Sports Gambling Was a Huge Mistake
  • nah, any bookie or house or casino needs to go. There shouldn't be any "officials" allowed to take bets whatsoever, as this leads to gambling industry. Small scale bets between individuals is fine, but once a house is involved and taking a cut it's crossed the line

  • Legalizing Sports Gambling Was a Huge Mistake
  • I couldn't care less if someone wants to smoke themselves to death.

    do you really truly believe this? would you say this about your parents or loved ones if they were smoking a pack a day and had emphysema and lung cancer? You wouldn't stage any kind of intervention to try and get them to quit and get them help? If they kept smoking, you wouldn't take their cigarettes away from them?

    I extend the care that I feel towards my immediate loved ones to society at large. I am deeply saddened by deaths of despair, of millions of people killing themselves slowly with alcohol, tobacco and opiates. I don't think it's right to let them die without trying to help, just like I don't think it would be right to let someone you notice struggling to swim drown right next to you. We have obligations to love and help each other, and I would never let a loved one drink themselves to death if I could help it, so why would I let my fellow humanity do it just because I don't personally know them?

    Libertarianism, individualism and voluntarism that you espouse completely ignores human interconnectivity and our obligations and duties. It pretends there is no obligation or duty to society.

  • Legalizing Sports Gambling Was a Huge Mistake
  • oh ok lets get rid of labor laws, since I signed a contract agreeing to the risk of harm for the money. It's all part of the voluntary exchange and I don't want no nanny state government telling me I can't sell myself into contract slavery! It's my body!

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