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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
3 mo. ago
  • You're right and Israel (and by extension the US) is and should be the main focus of all leftist communities but there is this sort of prevailing feeling that Japan is "tragic" or "fallen" in a sense, and treated too much like a victim.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not referring to or defending the nuclear bombings - they were an inhuman act of pure evil - committed by the US. But as for why Japan is declining by itself or why Japan is suffering so much as a whole in the modern age, I feel that many people tend to overlook the fact that much of what happened - and what is happening currently - Japan did it to itself. Yes, the US has its hand deep up its ass, but then nations like Cuba are arguably getting fucked much harder than the US, and they still maintain a sense of moral decency in which its society is largely relatively happy.

    Maybe its just me and I'm overthinking it but I feel that Japan as a whole deserves much more hate than its due

  • What makes you think they won't catch him? It took the government 12 days to find John Wilkes Booth. Although, the US government does sound like doing shit like you mentioned considering how dystopian and fascist it is.

  • chat

    Viability of the shooter escaping to North Korea?

    Title. I know that he's a fucking high profile criminal in the Empire right now and sooner or later, he's gonna be found - which is, unfortunately, the most likely outcome. However, what are the implications if he is to theoretically defect to a country where the Empire has the least jurisdiction in such as the DPRK? Is it feasible? I mean, I know how the DPRK is known to he strict with immigration and stuff but he is a big fucking enemy against the Imperial Core now so like...

  • what I don't get about Insta is how unlike 4chan, all your shit is literally far from anonymous, but yet the people there comment the most reactionary, Hitlerite shit that rivals Stormfront/old school 4chan.

    Hell - Instagram reels kinda reminds me of 4chan but without its distinct culture and instead of being closeted genius neurodivergent Nazi weeb mass shooter degenerates, they got cringe ass 15 year old teens tryna be edgy saying the same racist shit over and over again

  • games

    It's not just gaming, it's also anime, manga, and so much entertainment as a whole being monopolized

    what the fuck man, I know the entertainment industry as a whole is already plagued to the brim with capitalism but holy hell - I suppose capitalism truly knows no bounds. As if fucking over healthcare, education, food, along with other basic necessities of life isn't enough, it goes on to (even further) fuck over the entertainment aspect of life too?