Ugly Americans. Older (2010-2012) animated comedy series from Comedy Central, follows a social worker based in a futuristic NYC where lots of aliens/monsters/animatonics/etc are now a part of society, his job is to help them with integration to the city, shenanigans ensue. It only got two seasons, aired while I was in high school and has a special place in my memories. Stumbled across it on Paramount+ and promptly binged it all.
Right?? Haha, at first I was worried she got stuck in the petals, but I watched her dive in and out of multiple flowers so she's just a determined little lady c:
There's a video in this article of the moment, tho you can't see her hit him. He's holding the camera and she walks up behind him and clocks him. From the sound of it, the bat was aluminum
I'm probably not the best person to explain the party's structure because I am just some degen who finally got mad enough at the world to pull out of my depression doomscrolling, but my understanding is that it's not a party specifically owned/run by unions. Rather, the people running for office must run with the endorsement of at least one labor union, if not more. It was founded sometime in November by 3 people but they are currently working on registering the party and filling out structure, and plan to flesh out platform and policies post-holidays. FWIW, when I popped into the discord to see what was going on, it was like 580 people there, now a couple weeks later it's at 717. Their goal is to start getting people on ballots at the local levels as soon as possible, ideally challenging unopposed Rep/Dem candidates, and only later after there are many Labor Party candidates in offices nationwide will they try for a presidential nominee. Until then, there are channels for every state so people can organize with their state peers. I recognize that it is a young party and it's hard to say how things will go, but it feels better to work with them on what the workers in this nation need instead of melting further into my couch while reading yet another headline about Dems not following through and Repubs being sadistic pedophilic billie-sucking fucks.
Imagine being such a jaded fuck that you can't simply allow someone to identify how they so choose. Eat shit, PugJesus
Holy shit I need this in sticker form so I can slap it on every vehicle with a MAGA sticker in my town.
It's fledgling, but check out It's a small but growing group of Americans who want to start a party that advocates for the working class. I jumped in yesterday and am gonna try to do my part. There's channels for every state to organize amongst their state peers, national channels for overall organization, policy discussions currently under debate, and desire to start getting people on ballots and in seats as soon as possible
Right?? I was blown away. From TrueBlueGenetics if you're looking to do some of your own research c:
Thank you, I was so pleased to see this transfer grow out so vigorously, knew I had to share!
For starters, I do all my work under a laminar flow hood. This is from a liquid culture syringe, it took about two weeks for the first blob of mycelium to grow out on the agar and was a bit sporadic but with sections of nice rhizomorphic growth. Once I had enough good sections to choose from, I transferred a few wedges to fresh plates. From there it was about 12 days until I had the plate above, but it was very consistent growth across all transfers (took 3, this is just the one I ended up turning into LC).
For agar, I make my own using this video by Fungaia as a general recipe base. It's more involved to make because it calls for more than just water/agar/sugar/peptone, but rather all that plus a mix of pulverised grains, straw, hardwoods, and other trace minerals. I strongly believe in it, though, I feel like the industry standard recipe for agar is easier to make but lacks complex nutrition. In the video, it is equated to a person drinking nothing but soda. Sure, there's calories there that our bodies are capable of processing, but that doesn't mean you'll be healthy, especially when compared to a person eating full balanced meals.
For capturing and storing genetics, I like using a tube like this to drop some of the best agar wedges into, top that up with sterilized water, cap, wrap the cap with parafilm, then fridge.
Got this lil guy at a plant giveaway with just the one bitty pitcher, now working on 3 new pitchers! So proud c:
Just made this into liquid culture, stoked to grow it out when it's ready c:
Fungaia's video on pressure cookers may be very helpful to you! It doesn't go over the specifics for chicken manure, but goes over pressure cookers in general and is very informative. It also goes over lots of different types (instant pot/presto canner/etc) so you can choose the scale/price range that fits your goals. And besides the PC video, there's quite a few other diy cultivation videos to watch. Hope something there might be helpful c: Good luck, and mush love!
I hear you on just wanting what's best for your community, but checking out will only harm them further. Our communities need support now more than ever. I'm not trying to harp, either, I get it. I am demoralized as fuck these days, and honestly have little to zero hope for humanity in general. But even so, I won't be a part of letting these fucks just walk into office unopposed. Votes matter, and especially at the local level. Vote for the best candidates at all levels, every election. I am not even suggesting that means your choices must be for a democrat, vote independent if that's who the best option is. I live in a blue state, but my county historically leans red. What's promising is that even in this shit show of a situation, a couple postions that usually go red went to non-red people this time (yes, someone who ran without party affiliation won, AND they were running against a Republican). I hope my community can keep that trend moving. Nobody good is going to get through without support. Be there to support the people who have the guts to try to unfuck this mess.
Listens to too much music
Loves to grow shit
Alive by the grace of dairy products