Plants ! Members 314 Posts 27 Active Today 68 Created 3 yr. ago Moderators
Life urm........
I have to admire the survival skills of this Prickly Pear. How did it get there. How is it still alive ?
From the perspective of plants we are all rich and in the long run they will eat us all.
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From the perspective of plants we are all rich and in the long run they will eat us all. @plants
This little plant, identified as Equisetum arvense by a colleague, appears to have grown right through one of the metal posts of the bridge of Amsterdam University College (#AUC #UvA #VU).
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This little plant, identified as Equisetum arvense by a colleague, appears to have grown right through one of the metal posts of the bridge of Amsterdam University College (#AUC #UvA #VU).
I think it should be the mascotte of all students at Science Park:
"Those who persevere against all odds find the light at the end of the tunnel."
How to ripen a pineapple
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TL;DW: You can't, unless it is still attached to the plant. Just eat it right away, it will not get any riper.
Hibiscus moscheutos on my balcony
The plant is frost-hardy, but all parts of the plant above ground die in winter.
Some very heavy variegation
Singapore Cloud Forest. Not sure what plant it is, but I guess from the Araliaceae.