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Venezuela arrests Spain, U.S. and Czech nationals for 'destabilization'
  • that's one country out of the three - what about the other two?

  • NATO apologism
  • Hey, as a non-authoritarian leftist, I can assure that MLs are just a subset that really wants to pretend they're spearheading the Left to fulfill their bloodbath fantasies. There's lots of us that don't like them and aren't like them at all.

  • 1,000,000x Magnification with Atomic Force Microscope (a video about how AFM works, with a macro-scale analogy demonstration) 1,000,000x Magnification with Atomic Force Microscope

    Today we're looking at Atomic Force Microscopy! I built a "macro-AFM" to demonstrate the principles of an atomic force microscope, then we look at a real AFM (an nGauge AFM from ICSPI) and do a few scans in the shop to see how it works. CONSIDER SUBSCRIBING đŸ„° ☕Buy me a coffee? https://www.buymeaco...

    1,000,000x Magnification with Atomic Force Microscope
    Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh killed in Iran, drawing threats of retaliation against Israel
  • IMO they targeted the worst one... but that's assuming they're interested in peace and not Bibi's continued rule.

  • App that tracked fuel tankers in China used to transport cooking oil is disabled
  • Example #253 of why the Chinese capitalist system sucks.

  • Holy Duat!
  • Priest went on vacation, never returned

  • French artists, DJs and musicians unite to fight threat of far-right government
  • Well... i don't know how to break it to ya... but the fascists got way less than expected

  • French artists, DJs and musicians unite to fight threat of far-right government
  • I am pleased to announce that the far-right party lost.

  • Average World modlog
  • "banned for being too white"

    Where's the image of the white person from family guy wearing the "King of the Black people" ribbon? Because that's what might be happening here

  • 'More Unhinged by the Minute': Senior Israeli Lawmaker Suggests Nuclear Attack on Iran
  • That doesn't mean what Israel is doing isn't brainwashing. You know, maybe multiple things bad?

    Also, congrats to Israel on creating conditions necessary for the rise of radicalism by forcing misery so bad people would rather become terrorists.

  • Israel-Gaza war live: Israel warns it could take Lebanon ‘back to the Stone Age’ as defence minister wraps up Washington trip
  • This quote could've been passed as from Putin and would be believable. Astonishing that people still don't notice the parallels.

  • mod is really into acupuncture.
  • to be honest, painting acupuncture as a way of CCP to take over the world is a reach. However, that doesn't warrant removal and even less a ban, and that's the tankie thing here

  • Caption this.
  • Thanks to this brain area, the rat found me!

  • No, I don't want to design a logo for a coffee shop in fucking skype.
  • Earthquake:"Why must you give me the shakiest ground?"

    Taiwan:"Because you're my strongest earthquake"

  • why not both?
  • people when they haven't discovered you can care about more than one thing yet: (see person you're replying to)

  • if this post gets 512 upvotes, i will post again with twice as wide en passant
  • if there's any sub capable of inviting more users it's this one.

  • Any funny/interesting misheard lyrics in songs?

    I will say that one example for all is Abba's "Mamma Mia" which I interpreted the beginning of chorus "Mamma mia, we are collagen" and the beginning of the second part of it "He'll something broken hardly". Don't ask past me why I had to make it about intercellular matrix.

    Do you have any smell you like/dislike even though most people don't?
  • For me, coffee is okay, and I love vanilla, so I'll have to disagree here

  • Do you have any non-political/non-religious/ things about yourself that you're less afraid to share online than IRL?

    I'll start, people I talk on Discord with know more of my music preference than IRL people I meet with, because rejection sensitivity i guess

    Do you have any smell you like/dislike even though most people don't?

    I'll start with the fact that I kind of like the smell of gasoline, and also bleach for some reason.

    Authoritarian is just a made-up word
  • The funny thing is that nothing shields you from a bad outcome. In the 50s, Czech Communist Party's "capital punishment recommendation guy" himself got executed.

  • Authoritarian is just a made-up word
  • "Reactionary is just a made-up word to justify lumping in non-MLs with fascists"

  • Mercator Extreme:

    An interactive web app that shows you how much Mercator distorts the Earth by allowing you to set the center of it anywhere you'd like.
