TheGreatDarkness @ TheGreatDarkness Posts 60Comments 131Joined 2 yr. ago
This is because WotC designs for mass appeal, so their monsters need to be fair challenge even for an underoptimized group. Which makes them pathetically weak if you're playing with anyone else.
Also, because playtesters at Wizards don't use any magic items for some reason
Yes, it was in Acts of Vengeance, where Loki gathered various supervillains and suggested they switch their enemies in a grand alliance to destroy heroes. Loki assumed they're all evil so they'll get along...and then had a surprised pikachu when Magneto used portals, that Loki set between villain bases and their meeting hall, to go to Red Skull's base, wreck it and kidnapp the guy.
Angela is a great example of a Paladin.
It's not ai, I remember seeing this art years before ai art theft was a thing.
One Year of TTRPG.Network!
happy birthday
Always gotta love when the villains fight smart and dirty
Always happy to see a page of this comic
I still got videos with titles like "Five Rule Changes that PROVE One D&D just return of Fourth Edition" or "Did Pathfinder 2e Remastered steal these rules from Fourth Edition?". Like a new clickabit fad, declare everything 4e or something.
og TSR was the one publishing 1st edition.
I think one way I have seen was to at first session get list of few details about PCs, then pull out an adventure based on it. Eg. If your cleric told you there is a food his religion forbids, he is suddenly ordered to deal with a heretic who argues othertwise.
Wow, that last comment sure sounds dismissive and kinda rude of the person who tried to paint the franchise in a non-mocking light.
I have a player who is also very clearly there to be vibin with the friends. She's an elderly lady, who I had trouble adjust to because she will pivot to most simple playstyle possible (when she was playing Bard/Rogue she would each turn do sneak attack plus healing word and ignore other spells or bardic inspiration) and ignores plot hooks I place for her. It took me time to realize she is there to hang out with her friends and I don't have to press her to participate more, she is having fun just being in the group and watch others roleplay. She is okay to play any rpg, however, not just d&d. I actually plan to ask her, after we finish this campaign, to try moving to my other group, which plays more narrative games, as I see she struggles with d&d ruless.
I see Hunter the Parenting becomes great source of WoD memes
You never know if vampires aren't witholding blenders from being sold at 99p store
The issue with the rolls arises when you have modifiers (like skills), which are in percentage, so you need to sum them up and then cover result and apply it to the roll. Oh and also, you apply Difficulty Levels to your relevant attribute, which are really weird. Easy is -2, Average is 0, Problematic is -2, but then Hard is -5, Damn Hard is -11 and Lucky is -15
So in theory your action should be "roll 3d20, see if you have two successes under relevant attribute" but in practice it's "add DL to your attribute. Sum up all the modifiers, then convert the sum to a percentage of 20.Roll 3d20. Apply the number you got to the roll results. If two or more results are equal or lesser than Attribute, you succeed, othertwise you fail".
And THEN you add complex rules for every single minutia thing on top of it. Or lack of rules for things that were deemed to important, because those were relegated to one of many, many expansions.
Oh and in combat you instead roll a d20, and you need 3 different d20's for 3 different phases of combat.
And then you add the poorly organized book, sometimes contradicting itself (eg. you are supposed to fill a questionnaire to explain character's concept and what they do BEFORE rolling dice in order for your attributes)
Didn't knew that. Not using this template in the future, thanks.
To be fair, even Neuroshima fans think this book only comes out to capitalize on Fallout show's popularity, everyone sees it as a cashgrab.
Well, that's one way to make your villain despicable. I need to use it in my games one day
Thank you :)
And on the way shareholders fire you for not doing what other companies are doing, or exert pressure to force you to adopt the practices they want because they heard they bring profit
Reposting my Old Stuff #8: I decided I don't want to be a slaver and this somehow makes me evil?
Posting my Old Stuff #7: Now that we established superiority of casters over marHOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!
How to handle running Blades in setting with different species/ancestries/races
Reposting best of my old memes #4: Juśt 2-5 Liches on a pub crawl in the capital