TheGreatDarkness @ TheGreatDarkness Posts 60Comments 131Joined 2 yr. ago
I run two groups right now - one for d&d and one for Blades in the Dark. Blades group are people with whom we tried D&D before but they found it too combat-focused and "like someone put his gross math fetish into a game". First group I may one day run Pathfinder 2e for ew camapign. Second one I don't even suggest this option.
You explained the part I got, I don't get the Phineas & Ferb or the title.
That, though, raises another question, because if the conspiracy theories are so easy to debunk that no rational person believes them, why worry about their existence?
Most people aren't rational, that's why.
there's like ten different ways people call the update - OneD&D, OD&D, ODD, 5.5, 5e 2024, 5.24. We have to wait and see which one will stick, I just hope it's not Od&D because that one was already used for original White Box.
If I had a penny every time Marvel made beefy Russian guy with whips, I would have two pennies. Which isn't much but it's weird there's two of them.
I did not expect to find Angela has connections to THAT Guild, if I'm reading the hinds correctly.
In Pathfinder 2e I think Half-Elf, half-Orc, and their equivalent of Tiefling and Aasimar are variants you can apply to other species.
We didn't have half-races in BECMI, despite having a guy who was going by the title "Half-Orc", he was just really ugly.
I wish it wasn't so obsessed with being upset about miniscule changes.
Isn't that twink a Goblin, tho?
Also, I'm ok with this, helps diffirentiate them from Goliaths. And Orcs were never potrayed as Goliath-sized.
A lot of the games that I see coming out are faar from a "5e clone". No need to be rude to people who are creative for not just playing pathfinder.
A lot of rpgs I see made this way go long way from 5e clone.
Publish your systems.
That's been true for multiple d&d editions too, especially 3/3.5 and 2e (argurably this is what killed TSR). 5e/ODD should have learned from these lessons, but shareholders jsut want to see the line go up, I guess.
I would go further, this isi an issue with EVERY game, not just D&D
Yes, this baffles me as well.
If I could draw, I would draw this and Tarrasque would be chasing kinds on bikes in this ford
I tried to push for more practical approach to playing without a single player, but both in my D&D and in my Blades in the Dark groups, players just feel...uncomfortable with the idea and don't want to play if all players aren't there. I once proposed a system where we could play in smaller groups to accomodate one player's schedule not matching others...and upon realizing they wouldn't be playing in full squad in this sytem, that player just quit the campaign.
Fun fact, MCDM's Flee Mortals! book has its own stand-in for Tarrasque - Goxomoc. Fool's Gold: Into the Bellowing Wilds also has Dire Tarrasque
Caverns of Tracia, Dark Tower, Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Expedition to Castle Greyhawk, Halls of Adren Vul, oh my
Not counting character creation or session zero of course, first actual gameplay session
I wouldn't be bringing this back if someone didn't tell me Blades in the Dark "doesn't count"
More people should treat homebrew the same way a lot treats published modules.
I am starting Blades Campaign alongside my D&D one and had this observation.
And it's not even a case of calling in Warlock's patron, they've been actively annoying him