Normally I agree with your opinions, but you are just striking out left and right in this particular thread.
How I prove it is your problem, in fact it is only your problem. You are the only one asking me for "proof", and I made a good faith attempt to do that, but you aren't happy with that, so it is up to you to define what you want as proof. Unless of course you never wanted proof in the first place?
Oh, and don't forget to specify the quantities of proof that you will need as your minimum sample size, because apparently you need to be proven wrong a specific number of times to accept that you are wrong.
Or better yet, you made your own claim, show me your detailed and irrefutable proof and I will concede that you are correct and I was wrong. And I know you feel that a sample size of 1 is meaningless, but you seem like a man of your word, misguided, but still a man of your word, so I will accept as few as 4 proofs.
I am not sure exactly what kind of proof you expect me to deliver that isn't "trust me, bro" all the way to the bottom. I don't keep in touch with the racists in my life, so I can't supply you with a way to contact them and verify my analysis. Do you want an example of what I am talking about?
Then here's the most basic example that I can think of... I moved in next door to a guy that I eventually realized was into some of the same shit that I was. We started hanging around a bit and one late night we after finishing some repairs on my car, we took it for a test drive and decided to make a run to taco Bell cause it was the only thing still open. The guy at the window is black and this dude starts dropping hard Rs and asking the guy at the window if it is normal people making his food, or a bunch of monkeys, ect, ect. I then did my best to avoid him, and as soon as my 6 month lease was up, I got the fuck out of there because I didn't want get shot by someone with the wrong apartment number.
Over the span of about 30 years that particular area went from largely black to almost completely Hispanic. Most of the old food places went out of business, or moved, but a few of the best lingered on, so I would make the trip sometimes just for the food.
As I am standing in line outside one of my favorites, a guy comes walking out of the place and walks up to me like he knows me. I realize it is my old neighbor. This food place is owned, and operated by a family so dark that there's absolutely no confusion about them being black, so I am thinking that maybe this dude changed his ways and learned to not be a piece of shit, but then he starts in on how the neighborhood got taken over by illegals and other Hispanic slurs. The thing is, when I met him way back, he spoke Spanish, he was dating a Hispanic, and as far as I could tell, all of his friends were Hispanic.
I doubt that he was suddenly in love with blacks, but it was quite clear that black wasn't his most hated skin color anymore.
Seriously! How can we even make a suggestion without knowing some basic info like language or API. Even ancient Win32 (using C, C#, or VB6) has the ability to create regions and test to see if a given point is inside a specific region.
It sounds like it isn't me that hasn't been around enough racists. Once you have lived long enough to see the demographics of places change, you will see the target of the resident racists change.
Don't I wish. Frankly, I envy you your optimistic faith in humanity, but it seems a little naive to believe that someone who irrationally hates a group of people for some imaginary reason won't just find another group and another imagined reason if the original group was to be removed.
It's possible that they are more vocally anti-black, but it has been my experience that hateful people are just full of hate. They go after the most convenient target, and have no problems with changing to another target if it is just as convenient.
Me viewing this image from left to right:
Ohhh, even better...
Ok, ok... I like where this is going...
Uhh? Ruh roh raggy!
It wasn't just outside the car, they were sharing video and pictures from inside the car too.
Holy sweet baby Jesus! You need to put a trigger warning on your post. The traumatic memories that you brought to the surface are enough to send me back to therapy all over again.
Seriously. Much much worse.
First you had to pay a fortune for a device, with which you may or may not get very limited map updates. Then after that you had to pay quite a bit to update. Even then it could take a year for permanent road changes to make it to the map updates, and temporary changes were never shown. Road construction, wrecks, and temporary closures were your problem. And God forbid your route took you through a closed area because there was no way to route around it. You had to find a place to park so you could look over the tiny little map to figure out your own way around the blockage, or else you could pick a direction and then yolo your route until you were far enough away from the problem area that the gps would finally choose a route that didn't go through the problem area.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg. For instance, all the above assumes that it accepted the address you were going to as a valid address. There was nothing like the joy of typing in an address and having the device tell you that it doesn't exist.
Oh look, such a clever post complaining about a shitty pessimistic new years joke in a post about how shitty the previous year was, in a sub for mediocre comics. How could I ever have been so pessimistic about the new year?
I like how optimistic you kids are these days... I mean, it's adorable that you think 2025 could possibly be better than 2024.
Very few were funny or creative. If anything they were heavily trending away from anything funny or creative towards loud and obnoxious. They knew everyone got up to go to the bathroom or kitchen and wanted to make sure that you still heard and recognized their ad. Then with the advent of tivo type recording, they did their best to make the first and last 15 seconds as abusive as possible, that way they could force their advertising into your brain before you had a chance to grab the remote and skip it, or during that little bit of commercial you had to watch just before the show returned.
While I will admit that there were some absolutely amazing commercials, like the Trunk Monkey, those were not only incredibly rare, but also being rapidly abandoned. I think modern commercials may actually be better overall than those of the past. Just look at what Ryan Reynolds is doing. I loath commercials, but I am also subscribed to his YouTube channel and regularly watch his "videos" because they're amusing.
Because 7 ate 9? And by that I mean, in comparison to 7, 8 was so bad that they drug 9 out back and shot it in the head.
The reality of it is that there's a ridiculous amount of code out there that checks for 9 in the name to detect if the OS is windows 95 or 98. So, a version 9 would have been a shit show.
Then there is also the whole German nein issue... Pasting "WINDOWS NO!" everywhere isn't going to make the marketing droids happy.
The spectrum part is the key idea here. You can be fat while not being as fat as others. The existence of the people on 600lb life doesn't make you skinny or athletic. The existence of older people than me doesn't make me not old. Wether or not there exists someone older than me doesn't change how much I want you to stay the fuck off my lawn.
The right one looks like an Italian version of you?
Conservatives aren't anti-murder, they are pro-suffering.
They are anti-abortion, because they don't ever get a chance to make the fetus suffer. And golly, the mother barely gets dehumanized at all.
Just think about all the in suffering that fetus skipped by not getting a disease that is easily preventable with a vaccination, and also, it will never know the hell of getting sick from drinking raw milk.
Switzerland and Sweden aren't the same country? Well God damnit, there goes my dream vacation of visiting the home of Ikea and chocolate.
Wait, now which one of them am I supposed to refer to as Swaziland?
Have you ever considered glitter as a starting point?