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  • Look, are there downsides? Absolutely.

    But, just thinking about the few days for Christmas:

    Buddy and I were out and making plans to swim. Using our phones we found out what time the pool was open, then found out whether there was bbq nearby. We then added this to our calendars. All at thr same time without having to go home, look it up, coordinate then write it down.

    The next day, I got groceries. I used my grocery app which also contains a couple hundred recipes I've collected. The grocery store had a great deal on something I hadn't expected so I pivoted, used my phone to look through my recipes, found an appropriate one and adjusted.

    Later, running errands on my bike and finished a bit early. On a whim, I checked to see if a movie I wanted to catch was anywhere near. It was but not in an area I bike often. Booked my tickets on the phone, navigated there and streamed music to listen to as I rode.

    Heck, when I visited for Christmas, a friend sent a message warning the ferries to come home were getting cancelled. I checked while we were out at dinner, found the last ferry was still running and had space so was able to make it home instead of getting stranded.

    Outside of this week, I've dated a bunch of girls whom I'd have never met were it not for "the apps." Say what you will, it expands the network of dateable folks well outside your own social networks.

    In summary: streaming music everywhere, all sorts of apps making things easier (in this case, recipes etc) navigation, making plans on the fly, dating all sorts of folks, booking things without having to find a computer and way more.

  • There are a lot of good things that a smartphone provides that has made my life better.

    Weather they apply to you I don't know.

    Here are some great features of my smartphone that had improved my life.

    1. GPS navigation - being able to quickly and easily find your way is amazing. Though I will never have my GPS running with sound, I use it to have a map up when driving where I can glance to see the general idea of the way to my destination, this sometimes mean I miss a turn, but it's fine the system quickly calculates the route again and I don't get yelled at to follow directions when it might be impossible, reducing stress.
    2. Smart lighting, my phone can turn on my lights at home before I get home making me able to open my front door into a cozy lit up home rather than a black void.
    3. Translation on the go, being able to get translations of just about anything you need at any point is amazing, sure the translations are not perfect, but they are good enough.
    4. Entertainment is probably to biggest win for me, being able watch a movie, listen to music, read a book where ever you are on a small device you have with you is truly amazing.
  • So far I have managed to avoid getting a smartphone and am still using a flip phone. Every time I look into getting one it gives me a yucky feeling, but I'm still considering getting one at some point.

    Of course I have a computer, a laptop, and also a small tablet that I have some apps and games on for amusement. But for a phone to carry around, all I care about is having a way to make a call if needed and send/receive texts, so I have no need for a smartphone. I have taken my tablet to a cafe and used their Wifi to access the internet a few times, but I rarely want to do that.

    (edit to add): I can also use my flip phone as a wifi hotspot for my tablet if I really need to access the internet but I never do this as I usually don't carry my tablet around.

    Things that I can see a smartphone being useful for:

    • GPS/maps, but I don't really need that since I rarely travel that far away and I know my way around my city and nearby cities. However I can always download static maps of other cities to my tablet if I'm going to an unfamiliar place and/or look it up online ahead of time--like when I had to go to a funeral, I printed off a couple maps--one close up on the location area and one zoomed further out to see the route to the area.
    • Weather app with radar.
    • Signal app, which I'm not sure I'd use, but I think it would be nice to have in case I need secure messaging as we move into 2025.
    • ummmm, can't think of anything else 🤔

    Things I'm glad I don't have to worry about by not having one:

    • Tracking, data harvesting, surveillance. Including via the phone's mic.
    • going around like a zombie everywhere constantly staring a screen, unable to sit or stand quietly for more than 15 seconds without whipping it out (the phone! you knew what I meant). This is really not healthy. Maybe I wouldn't do that, but who knows, maybe I would start doing that, as it seems everyone else does, and (sorry, but) it looks pathetic and I think it's not healthy.
    • the constant beeping, dinging, vibrating, or whatever it's set to do for notifications, from dozens of apps demanding attention. That would drive me nuts. My phone only makes a sound if I get a phone call or text, which is not often. If I ever started getting texts too often I might turn off sound for them.