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Biden pledges to campaign "every day" on Trump's border meddling
  • I really don't like Coke at all. I'd try the RC its been a couple decades since the last time I had any.

  • Removed
    Nikki Haley: Texas has the right to secede from the United States if it wants to
  • I think they're referring to the new Civil War movie.

  • “I Need Six to Eight Pardons”: Sidney Powell’s Secret Scheme to “Find” Trump’s Votes
  • None of that logic works.

    Random people can't legally pardon anyone. That's why they can't pardon themselves.

    The President can legally pardon people accused of federal crimes. It's only common sense that stops one from pardoning themselves, not the law.

  • Rudy Giuliani targets Trump for ‘unpaid legal fees’ in new filing
  • How was this guy a mayor?
    Trump has a decades long history of not paying his debts. I assumed all his lawyers would insist on payment in full first.

  • Biden wins a New Hampshire write-in campaign
  • it gets harder for the media to pretend that any of the also-rans are relevant to the race.

    Do you mean the Republicans? As far as I could tell, the major networks basically ignored the Democrat hopefuls

  • Ukraine’s average soldier is 43. How can they keep Putin at bay?
  • Bots wouldn't have that many spelling and grammatical errors.

  • Locked Removed
    Bite mark analysis has no basis in science, experts now say. Why is it still being used in court?
  • Primarily because if courts admit it's fallible, everyone convicted in part on bite evidence would need to be retried. Which would be a crazy amount of work. And people are lazy. Epically courts.

  • Biden’s top priority for a second term: restoring abortion rights
  • They did nothing when the decision was leaked.
    Nothing when it was official.
    Nothing in the years since.

    So they could use it as campaign chip in this election.
    Fuck off.

    Both parties use their constituency as pawns, rather than employers. It's why we all need to support Represent Us and the Forward Party who are trying to make our representatives actually represent us.

  • His Shock Win Flipped a Pennsylvania County. Now He Vows to Raise Hell over Its Lethal Jail.
  • That's what happens when you try to say eight things in two sentences.

    Given that dumb requirement, I think they did a decent job.

  • Iowa governor says it's 'not sustainable' to give $40 per month to kids from low-income families for food
  • UBI would be great for those who are working or not.

  • Removed
    Gen X and President Biden: Reality bites
  • Yes! I would love to vote for anyone from any party, who has done one thing that transfers wealth from the shareholder class to the working class. For my entire life (born in 1980) every law I've ever heard of has done the opposite, and I'm sick of it.

  • Huntington Beach California Nixes Black History Month, Other Ethnic Celebrations
  • Yes? Probably? It depends a little on why you're using quotes. I assume you don't mean the literal academic theory. And instead mean some kind of more reasonable version, of what Republicans and conservatives seem to mean (and irrationally fear) when they use the term.

  • Huntington Beach California Nixes Black History Month, Other Ethnic Celebrations
  • That's fine on it's own.
    As long as it doesn't take away from fixing the actual problem. The way student loan forgiveness eclipsed trying to actually control higher education prices.

  • Huntington Beach California Nixes Black History Month, Other Ethnic Celebrations
  • At no point have I felt excluded for being white, nor threatened by what has been shared.

    Right. Of course not. That's not the issue. The issue is that minority history months treat the minority history as something separate from 'normal' history. Instead minority histories should be taught as an indistinguishable part of the respective time period.

    The fact that you didn't learn those new things in history when you were in school is the problem. That's where the solution and proper equity is to be found.

  • Removed
    Texas Lt. Guv Threatens to Take Biden Off State’s Ballot After Colorado Ruling
  • I'm not sure if that's insane or brilliant.

  • Removed
    A woman who had a miscarriage is now charged with abusing a corpse as stricter abortion laws play out nationwide
  • Of course that's their answer. It would be breaking HIPAA laws to tell the press. Or the police, unless she was in custody.

  • ‘I Will Come For You’: Court Filing Reveals Judge in Trump Case Received ‘Hundreds’ of Threats
  • There is a long history of law enforcement not taking threats of violence seriously, when they come from white conservative groups.

    The Secrete Service might. As far as I know they take all threats to the president as pretty serious. But that only helps the president, not the rest of us.

  • Why stop at the four-day workweek?
  • I'm an XRay Tech in a hospital. I LOVE my 3, 12 hour days! It's only an extra 4 hours each day. Then I have 4 day weekends, EVERY WEEK! It's amazing! I could never go back to 5 day work weeks.

  • Moms for Liberty and the ‘parental rights’ agenda flopped in 2023
  • How many candidates did they run? It certainly wasent 24,000.

  • Danica Roem becomes Virginia’s first openly transgender state senator
  • Awesome! Honestly that's more important to me than her being trans. I just assumed she'd be another lawyer. But having real jobs represented is great!

  • Steve Steve

    I am Steve

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