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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago

  • That sucks. I'm sorry that happened =(

    It was like that for me on the Marvel Rivals subreddit on Reddit. I didn't like all the smurfs (new accounts made by higher ranked players in lower ranked lobbies) but when I complained about it and said lower ranked or more casual players deserve to have fun, too, a bunch of people diminished my experiences, gleefully said they smurf, it's a skill issue, it's not a real problem (despite me checking enemy user profiles and sure enough, they're all experts at this game with barely any time played and all wins in their competitive matches), just to not play, etc. It's like pro basketball players dunking on little kid community games. They deserve to have fun, too!

    Don't have any advice or anything, and what I said may not have made any sense to people who don't play the game, just empathizing on how much the internet sucks sometimes and your comment reminded me of that. Now I'm angry just remembering it lol.

  • It also feels like half the activity on Reddit now comes from bots. It makes it feel emptier than it probably is to me when I go visit there occasionally, especially on the big subs. Which then makes me focus on the small subs, which end up feeling smaller or equal to the fediverse already, just on more niche topics.

  • There isn't really a single form of communist government, same as there isn't a single way to do democracy or capitalism. Every country does it different, experiments a different way. For all we know, the perfect way to do it is just waiting for us to discover.

    For example, I'd say the US's form of liberal, bourgeois democracy is one of the worst ways to implement it, but it was also an early experiment with it and deserves credit for at least trying it and helping us learn what to do and what not to do.

  • Same, man, same lol. I'm still patriotic during the Olympics, but if we're going to be funding genocides, assassinating leaders, and starting wars and shit, fuck it, I hope we lose them all lol. Let's just start over on the whole project.

    I invite US balkanization at this point so I can go hang out in the new sovereign state of whatever CA, WA, and OR will be called. Hawaii can come, too.

  • You should compare countries of similar development. That's a good thing. People always compare the richest capitalist countries with the poorest communist countries, but by doing that always ignore the mass amount of poor capitalist countries, ones that are poor specifically because of capitalism.

    Russia, for example, was extremely poor and behind. Comparing them to other majority agrarian societies during the Tsar makes way more sense than comparing them to countries that had been post-Industrial Revolution for awhile already, like Britain, Germany, or the US. That wouldn't make any sense. They were trying to catch up but they were still only just getting a proletariat from their burgeoning heavy industry and rail industries when the Revolution happened. They were way behind the West otherwise. Yet in a short period of time they managed to catch up.

    China even more so was basically all peasants. Vietnam, Cuba, Korea, etc all the same, extremely poor, small, or both. So they should be compared with countries of relative equal development, which tends to be the countries in the global South, like Africa or Latin America.

    Then there's the fact that they are kept at low development through purposeful exclusion from global markets, via sanctions, propaganda like the "Radio Free" programs, coups, support of separatist or terrorist groups, taking of national resources, being kept in debt by the IMF, and so on.

  • The USSR had to deal with a civil war, rising up during WWI and being sabotaged by the Germans, more civil war, foreign meddling, and all while being the first successful communist revolution. Yet they still managed to raise literacy, raise health outcomes, raise average life expectancy, gender equality, science and technology, end the cycle of famines (after the first one or two they had when they were still building up), had faster growth during that period than any capitalist country (except maybe the US, which was doing imperialism at the time and the biggest hegemon), all while helping sustain other socialist countries, like Cuba, Venezuela, or North Korea.

  • There are some rpg communities I'd love to see more activity but I haven't even been pushing as much as usual recently, let alone posting our moderating. Maybe one day.

    It's a good idea to spread PSA's like this though so pretty people can.

  • Ya I think he's said something about replacing that advice with node-based adventure design or something, but this article by itself has helped me improve tons of mystery scenarios by itself that I think the advice works as is.

  • That's a food idea to include it on a session 0. For a long time I didn't realize how lucky I was to have such creative players until I started DMing with players new to rpg's who aren't used to that "I can do anything?!" mindset.

  • On the other hand, I always see people who use the term tankies calling everyone who the US propaganda says is an oppressor an oppressor. It's so weird how that works out that way, that the colonized countries trying to get self-determination are the oppressors, and the western colonial and imperialist countries are the only ones with "freedom". They eat the propaganda right up.

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