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How Many RPG's Are Being Made Because of the WotC OGL Debacle?

I just discovered Kobold Press's Black Flag Role Playing system and Tales of the Valorant game being made. I had no idea that was a thing.

Added with the ones I did know about:

  • Critical Role's Daggerheart
  • MCDM's new RPG (Matt Colville's company)
  • And we can count the Pathfinder 2's updates if we want

I wonder how many other RPG's are being made as a result of that debacle.

It does seem like a lot. WotC really shot themselves in the foot spawning all this new competition, didn't they?

  • Wasn't Kobold Press making 3pc for Pathfinder a while back? I'd swear I've heard of that company before

    • They did! Our GM at the time was super into the stuff they were putting out.

      • Well, one way or the other, more entities in the system development space is only a good thing. Praying that someone makes a system that feels as good to build detailed, unique character concepts in as Pathfinder with a slashdown on the amounts of bookkeeping required so people quit being intimidated by what used to be my favorite system.

        Ever since my last Pathfinder group fell in on itself, the circle I run with now absolutely won't go near it-- say they'd rather stay on 5e because Pathfinder 'needs too much notetaking' and I'm just here like "oh you DEF haven't played Shadowrun before if you think PF's bad about the bookkeeping"

  • WotC really shot themselves in the foot spawning all this new competition, didn’t they?

    They can do that as often as they like. This is great!