A less known problem is that charter schools are not allowed in the same pension program public schools are in. Many teachers may get screwed out of a retirement they haven't been fully vested in if the school they worked for suddenly becomes a charter school.
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I have one last stray cat to catch but she's been too smart to trap. This is her most recent litter that she so graciously lets me record in exchange for food.
Became an instant classic, guess the country based on an export distribution | In OEC we work hard and also party hard.
#Tradle #876 1/6 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 https://oec.world/en/games/tradle
Literally my GF's side of the bed. 3 sharks and that exact fox from Cabela's. She feels attacked.
We got a stop light and the gas station changed families. The stop light took me by surprise and I nearly ran it the first time.