Kittens from a neighborhood stray
Kittens from a neighborhood stray
I have one last stray cat to catch but she's been too smart to trap. This is her most recent litter that she so graciously lets me record in exchange for food.
Kittens from a neighborhood stray
I have one last stray cat to catch but she's been too smart to trap. This is her most recent litter that she so graciously lets me record in exchange for food.
Thank you for your service!
cute mini fluff blobs
Are your concerns about how people can be so blase about potentially throwing their lives away for no particular reason at all, while you had to fight for your survival? I suppose none of us can really control what cards we're dealt, only how we play them.
For what its worth, I'm glad you're not dead.
I'm so confused by how you even saw the text in the first was removed by mod.
I wanna squeeze those lil nuggets
What kind of possums are these?