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6 mo. ago

  • There's plenty in improvised weaponry that can maim or kill you if not done properly,

    the only way to find out is from people beforehand passing on knowledge, firsthand experience, or being really good at brainstorming.

    You'd probably figure it out before you went to throw, unfortunately if you're rushed (like in active combat areas) you don't always have the luxury of time to figure things out.

  • Mine can, a little bit.

    The trickier question is "can blacksmith forges coopt disaster for massive government overreach and restricting of privacy" but that's way less catchy for the conspiracy theorists.

  • My forge can melt steel, but I don't like it to. So I don't crank it to full unless I'm using my burners for metal casting.

    You want to get steel hot enough to glow, then it's easier to smash into shape with a hammer and anvil. If it melts on you, well the piece is now fucked, especially if you wanted to make something hardenable like a knife.

    There's entire sections of metallurgy dedicated to this kind of thing. It's pretty neat.

  • Throw to the side, sometimes called "sidearm" throw.

    A properly prepared in advance molotov isn't going to break or open while you throw, but improvised ones are often unsealed and can spill mid-throw.

    If you go up and over your back, like a baseball or snowball throw, you risk burning liquids falling onto your back and head.

    By swinging over to the side, left or right depending on which hand you throw with, any risk is sent to the side of you. So be careful your don't burn your buddies legs, too.

  • Everyone acts like there's no easy solutions...

    In fact we know of very effective solutions at stopping fascists, nazis, and terrorists.

    For some reason that just isn't an option for most people. It wouldn't be proper to fight back.

  • I've got matches, about 40 lighters, 3 propane torches, and two burners used in a blacksmith forge that can make quite impressive flames reaching 2,000 degrees.

    And I also know how to make and (properly) throw molotovs, so that's always fun to show off at parties.

  • "the best city builder of 2024"

    I mean, I like what they have so far but uh..... It's a pretty low bar, it'll be hard to trip over...

    Fun for what they have, but after maybe 10 hours you've played every aspect of the game. Each new game feels exactly like the game you just left. There isn't much "design tweaking" you can do, and there isn't much you can unlock that changes any gameplay.

    Still, I have it with game pass and I keep it just in case something updates. It is fun to play. And you can disable the weird competitive features. This is a city builder, not call of duty. I don't care to play against an opponent.

  • If every soldier turned toward Moscow right now, they'd have the higher ups scrambling to throw each other out windows, starting at the top, before they get to the city limits.

  • If the US tries to invade Canada, I'll happily lend my rifles to defend the land to the north.

    I consider it my patriotic duty to my fellow human.

    Just take care of my dogs if anything happens to me.

  • I'm not that pretty, but this was absolutely me last night.

    I had to ask my wife to take the chocolate/peanut butter covered crackers away and hide them before I eat them all.

    I would absolutely eat every single one of the 15,000 calories in one sitting and feel like shit for the next three days.

  • Yeah, my dogs will be gone by then so I would absolutely set up a tent close enough to catch it. I'd even bring a baseball glove for shits and giggles.

  • "When you are of working age and you have no more days off this week"


    No need for pointless generational divides, we're all exhausted from this hell life.

  • I wonder if they hand out shade cards or if they just hand out paper bags "for lunch" at the start of every shift...

  • I've started directly questioning the intelligence of people who can't understand how ocean and air currents work to stabilize polar vortices and disruption of those currents causes disruption of super cold air.

    And I have started getting a bit condescending while saying this as if any third grader should understand it so a fully grown adult not understanding it clearly shows some sort of mental deficiency that didn't get caught earlier in life.

    It probably means I'm a bad person but I feel a little satisfaction at their increased anger over just refuting with facts. Because you're explaining in what sounds like it should be simple ways why they are dumb and the usually slightly narcissistic minds I deal with like this simply cannot handle that.

    My mother in law's rebuttal, after a few days and in text form, was "I DO KNOW all about the science I just don't believe it's happening"

    And at that point, she has admitted she no longer believes reality.

    You can say "I don't believe it's raining" all you want, but that water hitting your face won't be any less wet.

  • You heard it here folks, you shouldn't question something unless you are directly affected by it.