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6 mo. ago

  • 1: you are absolutely correct


    She's college educated with a degree to teach math k-12, which just goes to show even a good education isnt always enough to make people see logic and reason.

  • The way I figure it, one of a few possibilities is true:

    1 there is a god. He lets all the bad shit happen, and therefore isn't worthy of dedication.

    B: there is no god. Shit happens. Nobody is there to be worthy of dedication.

    III- there is a god. It kicked off the big bang and sat back to watch. Either it has the ability to affect positive change and doesn't, or it can't. In which case, it's still not worthy of dedication.

    The end result is the same for me

  • "Slow, or quick?"

  • shitty game devs couldn’t cater to their paying customers

    Oh look, OP caught one!

  • Sweet baby deity, I hate sidewalk blockers.

    I had a bruise for months on my shin because some douche nozzle parked with a hitch sticking almost to the other side of the 4ft sidewalk.

    If you can't park nicely inside the space, at least have the decency to walk your happy ass across the parking lot and park in the back.

  • I'm absolutely sure there were at least four people on a crew going around to the reported ones, my point is a single person out for a stroll with a step ladder could do the same thing with barely any effort.

    Incidentally, a single guy with a stepladder could totally cost the city another $1500 in about 10 minutes, and keep the crew in business.

  • My mother, who literally works at a hospital fighting with insurance companies all day long to get things approved, "doesn't understand" why this happened in the first place, and thinks all the people who are pleased about it are "sad and pathetic"

    Personally I think she fully understands why people cheer it on, she just chooses to ignore it because things aren't bad enough for her yet so CLEARLY everyone else is overreacting....

  • 1: this makes me want to travel 2,000 miles to stick every googly eye I have on every statue I can find

    B- 1500 DOLLARS????? For SEVEN STATUES

    Someone is ripping the city off, or someone in the office is stealing because that's like... 5 minutes at each statue. 6 if you want to make sure no sticky residue is left.

  • Even when nobody mentions you, you still show up to let everyone know...

  • My wife is super bad at not volunteering information.

    She's partially deaf and a few other issues that make phone conversations hard, so she often asks me to sit in and listen to explain anything she didn't catch, and make sure she heard everything correctly.

    I'm often making the neck cut "stop talking/mute mic" motion to get her to stop saying things the other people don't need to hear.

    For instance, she quit a previous job over an employee basically stalking her while she was on the property, and screaming in her face over any imagined sleight. This employee was a problem with others as well, but who you know is more important than how you work in some places so nothing was ever done.

    The other places she interviews with don't need the whole back story of why she quit. "Safety concerns" is completely correct, and leaves out the possibility that the new job might think you don't work well with others. She does. The other guy didn't.

    So every time she starts telling the potential employer about it, I cut her off to remind her of that.

    I'm very much the "ALL my information is need to know and you don't need to know" kind of person when it comes to things like that, and she just kind of vomits words all over the place when she feels uncomfortable.

  • I live just outside a no-fly zone around an airport. Maybe a mile away, slightly under.

    I never take my drone above the trees unless I'm away from home because I'm paranoid about anything going wrong and my drone just taking off in one direction until it dies or hits something.

    I'd rather be extra cautious and be lightly mocked than cause the airport to shut down and have the alphabet boys knocking on/down my door.

    Especially since I live close enough to a military base that my drone could theoretically reach it in a flyaway, if winds are helping it along.

    Note: I have been lucky enough that in four years, I have never lost contact with my drone, but the paranoia remains.

  • The sentence that was handed down based on the evidence should be served by the fabricators. And because punishment for the poors is extremely disproportionate (snatching $20 from a counter is not deserving of a year in prison) I say add 20% to the sentence, minimum.

    Make them serve 18 years, minimum. Of course, their choices are solitary for their protection or Gen-pop.

  • "Cruel fascist simp and the people stuck up his ass continues to be cruel fascist simp"


  • A MAGAt would eat his own shit if he knew a WoKe LibRuL would have to smell it

  • I could see them actually doing this.

  • My parents have between 1,000 and 3,000 books.. Even they aren't sure.

    Last time they were neatly arranged I was a child.

    Right now they have 3 floor-to-ceiling bookshelves stacked as densely as possible, 3 books deep, with as many stacked In and laying on top as can fit Ina rectangle 10ft tall, 4ft wide, and 18ish inches deep.

    Plus a handful of waist high shelves, multiple moving boxes filled up that haven't been emptied since they moved in2017 and a ton scattered all over the house..

    They have more fantasy/Sci fi books than every library in a 50 mile radius combined.

    I still have less than 30 books to my name since most of mine are digital, but I've been going to half price books looking to get physical copies of everything.

  • They barely watch dvds anymore since they're spending like 100/mo on various streaming subs.

    They've had a book in hand for as long as I can remember, nowadays it's a Kindle but their disorganization has been present as long as I can remember, too.

    Last year I watched their dog while they were out of town, and I reorganized their dvd collection in alphabetical order, keeping the various series together.

    In less than 6 months it was essentially back to complete chaos. And in that time,according to them, they barely watched any dvds, they just looked through the shelves a bunch to figure out what they have.Why that requires them to pull movies out and out them back in a different spot, I'm not sure.