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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
10 mo. ago

  • Ew, those poor balls. Having to be squished in cheeto dust and sweat. Disgusting! I would NEVER subject my balls to the mistreatment of letting trump sexually engage with me! Ew ew ew! I take care of my balls properly, and care for them with manscaped! Use coupon code DystopianNightmare for 15% off your first order!

    (And you guys thought the fediverse was immune to ads!)

  • Oh no! Not the easily predictable lepards! Historically speaking, they've always eaten faces. So who could have seen it coming when we trusted them to be in the same room as us, and now they want to eat OUR faces!!! Truely unforseen circumstances!!!

  • "My Weird Brain" sounds like an 80s sitcom about a brain in a jar that can still somehow talk to people. And the backstory would be something like "One night, a lonely teenager tried ending his life by driving off a cliff. His body was unsalvagable, but his brain is preserved! Now he lives in a jar in the kitchen of government scientists kept secret from the public."

    "My Weird Brain is filmed by a live studio audiance"

  • At this point, Zelenskyy is just fucking with trump, and he knows it, and trump knows he knows it, and Zelenskyy knows that trump knows it. But what other card does Zelenskyy have to play at this point?

    Honestly he should just make his requests more mundane to the point of sounding like a mother lecturing her child.

    Zelenskyy urges trump to wear a winter coat. It's cold out there, baby!

    And that way, trump can't try to pass it off as Zelenskyy being a tyrant, or a dictator. Or any of the other bullshit he'd do.

    Zelenskyy urges trump to check his fly. Ha-ha, made you look!

    There's no such thing as coming to trump as a rrspectable man and be treated as a respectable man. That's not how trump works. The way trump thinks is that everybody bows down to him, and those that don't kiss the ring are doomed to face the wrath.

    Whereas Zelenskyy is a respectable man, and is trying to act as such. But having a backbone clashes with trumps agenda.

  • Really Nintendo? San Fransisco? The first one is in NYC, one the cultural hubs of the world.

    Then you want to open a west coast location, which makes sense. Naturally, I think "it's going to be or around L.A."

    L.A. being the opposite end cultural hub. Whereas NYC is all about embracing the gritty aspects of life, and celebrating old archetecture. Where all races and creeds come together to equally smell rat piss in the subway, L.A. takes things in a very different approach. It celebrates the shiney new fake plastic personalities. Ditzy airheads and extravagant prices. Which makes sense that Hollywood is right there.

    Or, if that fell through, I wouldn't have been surprised if you chose Seattle, given that your north american HQ is there. That would also make sense.

    But San Fransisco??? Why? Mario loves pasta, not rice! It makes no sense. May as well have put the damn thing in CLEVELAND at that point!

    Ya know what? Fuck it. If we're just doing things willy-nilly like that, lets go there. Lets put a Nintendo store in downtown Cleveland! We could even put Drew Carry in a fat suit, and dress him up like Mario for the grand opening.

    What? You think I'm just saying these things because I live in Cleveland and want a nearby Nintendo store? Psshhh! No! Stupid! That's not it at all! Idiot!

    ................dammit. They figured me out.

  • If they're talking about Whole Foods, it's because you walk in there, and you're like "ok, let me get some chicken, let me get some porkchops, and let me get some cereal."

    The prices on all that shit is INSANE. I saw a 5 pack of pork chops for $19. Then I walked over to the chicken. $22. Then I walked over to the cereal. $8.

    Total money I spent that day: $0.

    Total times I've been back since: 0.

    These companies have lost sight long ago on the fact that you can do all the bullshit in the world to improve behind the scenes processes, but if people walk in and see THOSE prices, when aldis sells the same chicken for $8, porkchops for $6, and cereal for $3? Fuck it. I don't give a shit if your chickens are cruelty free grassfed. I'll kick a chicken and fart in their mouth right now if it means food is cheaper! People out here having to choose between food or rent. Yeah, the high price businesses will suffer. The cheap businesses will flourish.

  • Here's what I don't understand.

    McDonalds has an app. McDonalds also does mobile orders like ubereats. Why not use your own app to allow ordering from the app, so you can be 5 minutes away, order, and when you get there it's already paid for, you just pick it up.

    It eliminates extra fees for customers willing to pick up their own food. It eliminates the line. It reduces the wrong orders (as most mistakes happen from the register worker not ringing it up right to begin with). And no AI needed.

    Why is this so hard?

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