A flower from my mother's garden
Kinda basic, but I love the colors and atmosphere of this photo. Shot on my mamiya c330, which is just a ton of fun to use.
*Quake World Championship* Starts Tomorrow-August 10th! 3 0
Honestly I'm surprised that Quake still has an active playerbase!
Just completed Undertale for the first time, this truly is something special. 3 0
Who was your favorite character of the bunch? I always like to see who people gravitate towards
Xbox Games with Gold ending, replaced by Game Pass Core 5 0
While I will kinda miss it being gone, I think it's probably for the best. With how little the price difference was between gold and game pass, and how much better a deal the latter was, I can't imagine there were many folks still buying the former anyhow
whats a game that you got significantly far into, only to realize you were doing something wrong or missing a key feature/ability altogether? 4 0
I was doing the same thing with driver combos back in XC2
Firefox @midwest.social
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