DrFistington @ DrFistington @lemmy.world Posts 0Comments 271Joined 2 yr. ago
I think he should call Trump's bluff and send in a few dozen battle hardened Ukrainian troops with a few dozen drones and show Trump's entire nursing home and support staff how things work nowadays. We need to put together an anonymous block chain fund with the purpose of putting multi million bounties on the treason party, funded anonymously by small donors and build a reliable mechanism for people to anonymously, but truthfully claim the bounties. What our political contributions fail to do, crowd funding can do. All of the technology exists to make this happen, and it's one of the main appeals of crypto currencies. Large scale anonymous transactions. If I find out there's a billionaire Trump donating traitor or heritage foundation member near me, and I can get a basic Intel file and there's a 500K bounty on them, then shit. They better hug their money goodnight one last time. Just send an email from a burner/anon account to a recipient with the time of death rough location and wallet address before any news is released. If all the details add up then release the funds to the wallet.
Make it worth while and let rule#3 take effect:
"Number three, never trust nobody Your moms'll set that ass up, properly gassed up Hoodied and masked up, shit, for that fast buck She be laying in the bushes to light that ass up"
Yeah, I hate to see the US being such a fucking shit ally, but the one silver lining is that Europe does seem to be warming up to the idea of putting boots on the ground and beefing up support for Ukraine.
Russia isn't going to stop trying to expand, especially after the tactical knowledge they've gained. All they want is a break to resupply and rebuild their army. Personally, I think we should have started sending in special covert 'peacekeeping' troops several years ago, and given Ukraine top tier kit when Wagner started marching to Moscow. We could have been in a position to devastate Russians military capability. Instead fucking Republican traitors held everything up. Screw the Arab spring, we need an American Spring. Get your scopes sighted in and your bugout bags ready
Yeah, I love how that argument completely ignores all the other advantages that come along with 'doing it the right way'
It's like being on a cruise ship in the ocean that rescues some sailors in distress, and then someone gets pissed because the rescued people didn't buy a ticket like everyone else.
You may be on to something. maybe there's a branigan's law about rapists and pedophiles in Florida. Once you hit a certain limit the state just stops accepting new ones.
Trump must be back at Mar-A-Lago rn
I mean... He seems exactly like the kind of person they would want to associate with. He must have spilled a lot of beans while in, or to get out of prison.
If anyone can do this it's Jon Stewart. I know he's mentioned on several occasions that he doesn't have any political ambitions whatsoever, and he's been true to his word. But sometimes circumstances allow great men to take great leaps, and on rare occasions, do great things.
The fact that The Hill is already running a piece trying to play him off as a comedy star from an era that has all but vanished due to the corporate landscape, is all I need to know to believe what he has to say. They're already trying to downplay and dismiss the results before they've occurred.
What are the terms of the interview? Will it be in person in front of an audience, via webcast, in front of the burning reichstag, etc...
It's actually incredibly easy to find where these people, or their family members are. It doesn't need to be one large event. It can be death by a thousand cuts
Whoa, these people are really angry at what we're doing... Let's keep doing it and just stop listening to them!
So then you're saying they need more threats from constituents for supporting Trump?
Jesus Christ, every single thing to come out of his campaign and mouth was projection. 'Sleepy Joe' my ass. More like drowsy Donny, who's uppers are always wearing off
He's more important than the president, that's why
Yeah. What the fuck, lol. So this happened under Biden too, huh?
If you hired an outside IT contractor to do the same shit, and they had these kinds of errors, you would sue the shit out of them for incompetence, negligence, fraud, etc... and win
I'm pretty sure soliciting a foreign adversary to interfere in US elections twice isn't being elected, it's committing treason. I'm hoping to buy his gallbladder off eBay for scientific research once the lynching is over
State laws determine exactly what a potential employer can ask, and divulge
Guess we'll never know who this badass person was. Oh well
Lol getting fired doesn't look bad. It doesn't look like anything because you aren't legally required to tell a future employer if you were fired, and they can't ask the previous employer
Yeah, thanks to kraznov we'll be in a fucking recession. Until he gets killed at least. Hope you've been saving up money for a home down payment. Prices are gonna drop hard this year
People literally saw Biden fix the fucking mess that Date Rape Donny left for all of us, and the ship had just started to right itself, and now this. Literally from jan 1 to today, my portfolio has gone from being up over 60% to just 7%.
That kgb removed and his whole entourage are gonna get fucking burned alive. We'll make what they did to Gaddafi look like a stern warning.
Make sure to start getting Intel on your local action items. Check open secrets for the biggest donors to trump in your area, cross reference that with members of foreign influence groups like the heritage foundation. Those people paid obscene amounts of money to make this shit a reality, but they are much softer targets. Shitbags like Diane Hendricks, Keith Rozolis, Kelcy Warren, Timothy Melon... Take your pick.