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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago

  • Exactly. The entire reason Trump is President again is because we did not take the serious extreme and required actions after the 2020 elections to ensure that him, his supporters, and enablers could never participate in American society again.

    The same mistake we made after the civil war we decided that we would be generous and go easy on those who betrayed us. We are still paying for that mistake we are still paying for the mistake with Trump. The only thing fascist understand is violence in the only way fascism ends is through violence.

  • As an American, fucking do it, and make sure DC and Red states feel the most pain. And don't have some qwar ass back door conversation/deal to end the tariffs. Refuse to end them until he goes on live television and reads the following

    "To all my fellow Americans, the best Americans from the best America, in hind sight, as it concerns tariffs with our closest geographical allies, I was wrong. The decision I made was stupid, and it was made by an idiot, me. Unfortunately I don't have the intellectual or business aptitude to actually determine what a good decision would be, as opposed to a bad decision. In fact, I am as stupid as the idiots who voted for me. This was the idea that I thought I would be fantastic and I was completely wrong and it's the only idea I had. I apologize to Canada and Mexico, both their leaders and citizens"

    It would crush him to make a sincere public apology and backtrack. And he'll still get lynched before the end of year. Because he fucking deserves it.

  • Walz is a completely valid candidate. The only thing that held up Harris was that she was a black woman. I'm confident that any reasonable white man would have beat Trump, and that's unfortunate, but it's the reality of the American electorate

  • He already fucking is. Look at the markets. The Trump Slump won't stop, and the recent volatility in the markets is 100% due to him and his administrations dumb fucking mouths and actions. Hmm, you know who would love to see the US in a recession? Our enemies, and billionaires (who are also our enemies). To them it's just a good time to buy the country.

    Trump is straight up a fucking traitor. His death will be violent, and beneficial to the American people, as will Musks.

  • No, they haven't. Then outed themselves as ignorant traitors who are a vocal MINORITY. By the time we get things back on track, there's going to be a lot of dead MAGAts and want to be oligarchs and Christian nationals stripped of their citizenship, and their assets seized.

  • Just gonna say it. There's no fucking way to secure an entire mountainside. One determined person with very little advanced knowledge of the event could let his brain breath from a mile away and be gone before anyone knows where the shot came from

  • I mean, the framework is already in place with crypto. The silk road ran for years and facilitated enormous amounts of illegal activity, and in the end who got in trouble? Like one fucking guy.

    It's honestly no different than a bookie. You facilitate the transactions and keep a portion of the cut for each transaction. The key is keeping the payor, payee, and broker anonymous.

    And no Ukraine wouldn't be involved in this, if anything the Swiss might be on board, or Panama

  • Yes, and this is a key difference, on a cruise, that behavior in front of your fellow passengers will be seen in person, and shot down immediately by people with decency, any they would be looked on like total assholes and ostracized . There is no social media machine or group think on a cruise ship. They're are several hundred/thousand people confined to a limited space, and noteworthy events will still be transmitted the old fashioned away. From eyes to brain to mouth to ears to brain to mouth, and so on.

    That's why I love using cruise ships for an analogy when I can. It strips away a lot of the bullshit strawman, what if's, and 'but this will happen's'

    It helps highlight how actual human behavior often acts in opposition of the hive mind nonsense cultivated and propagated by News and social broadcast outlets that are owned by want to be oligarchs that view our rights as an obstruction to their God given right to rape the American people for profit

  • I think he should call Trump's bluff and send in a few dozen battle hardened Ukrainian troops with a few dozen drones and show Trump's entire nursing home and support staff how things work nowadays. We need to put together an anonymous block chain fund with the purpose of putting multi million bounties on the treason party, funded anonymously by small donors and build a reliable mechanism for people to anonymously, but truthfully claim the bounties. What our political contributions fail to do, crowd funding can do. All of the technology exists to make this happen, and it's one of the main appeals of crypto currencies. Large scale anonymous transactions. If I find out there's a billionaire Trump donating traitor or heritage foundation member near me, and I can get a basic Intel file and there's a 500K bounty on them, then shit. They better hug their money goodnight one last time. Just send an email from a burner/anon account to a recipient with the time of death rough location and wallet address before any news is released. If all the details add up then release the funds to the wallet.

    Make it worth while and let rule#3 take effect:

    "Number three, never trust nobody Your moms'll set that ass up, properly gassed up Hoodied and masked up, shit, for that fast buck She be laying in the bushes to light that ass up"

  • Yeah, I hate to see the US being such a fucking shit ally, but the one silver lining is that Europe does seem to be warming up to the idea of putting boots on the ground and beefing up support for Ukraine.

    Russia isn't going to stop trying to expand, especially after the tactical knowledge they've gained. All they want is a break to resupply and rebuild their army. Personally, I think we should have started sending in special covert 'peacekeeping' troops several years ago, and given Ukraine top tier kit when Wagner started marching to Moscow. We could have been in a position to devastate Russians military capability. Instead fucking Republican traitors held everything up. Screw the Arab spring, we need an American Spring. Get your scopes sighted in and your bugout bags ready

  • Yeah, I love how that argument completely ignores all the other advantages that come along with 'doing it the right way'

    It's like being on a cruise ship in the ocean that rescues some sailors in distress, and then someone gets pissed because the rescued people didn't buy a ticket like everyone else.