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Should I look for an alternative to firefox in Fedora?
  • WebKit based browsers like GNOME Web do still exist and do a reasonable job. That's funded by Apple though so...

  • Do you donate money? How, why, why not?
  • Yes. I donate to various open source projects (e.g., KDE, Sunshine, Dark Reader), the conservation fund, the ACLU, and the EFF.

    As for how, I try to do it via their preferred platform on an annual basis instead of monthly (if possible) to minimize fees.

    Why? I believe charity is a path towards shaping the world for the better (and I can afford to). Rule #1: take care of yourself before taking care of others.

  • A sorcerer appears and states that they will erase any one song from existence - which song would you choose?

    This song. My freshman year roommate is probably responsible for a million of those plays and he ALWAYS played it at max volume on his laptop.

    Either his mom filled out his roommate survey or the university didn't read them. That was a rough semester.

  • Domino's or Pizza Hut?
  • I echo the suggestion to support local shops, but I do occasionally go with a larger chain... It's not better pizza than the local shops it's just a different pizza.

    I tend to prefer Domino's over Pizza Hut and especially over Papa John's (something about their formulation tends to upset my stomach way more than any other pizza... Plus the former CEO is very active in politics and not in a way I approve of).

    To my Domino's tastes significantly better ... Pizza Hut used to be great, but I've been thoroughly unimpressed every time I've tried it in recent memory.

    There's also local variance in these chains; some towns have a better Pizza Hut than Domino's 🤷‍♂️

  • Leak claims RTX 5090 has 600W TGP, RTX 5080 hits 400W — up to 21,760 cores, 32GB VRAM, 512-bit bus
  • You kinda can... Nvidia card users have been having the toughest time with the Hunt Showdown update because CryEngine is happily gobbling up VRAM. For AMD cards it's not a problem but various Nvidia card owners have been having bad experiences running at the resolutions they normally do.

    Maybe 16GB is the number where things are okay, I haven't heard complaints on cards above 12GB. However, point being... Nvidia being VRAM stingy has bit some folks and at least one game developer.

    Still 32 seems EXCESSIVE.

  • Paralyzed Jockey Loses Ability to Walk After Manufacturer Refuses to Fix Battery For His $100,000 Exoskeleton
  • For me it's a mix of what you said and how they treat their employees/where they're making the product.

    I spend extra time trying to find higher priced, higher quality, more fairly manufactured products.

  • First hand experience with TSA biometric collection in airport
  • I agree honestly. I've gone through the exact process op has described several times now and flew even more before the process started.

    I think the lines are worse than they used to be. I have not seen the scan improve anything. The only time I've seen things move slower for me is recently the agent hadn't done an opt out in a while and had to remember how to do it. The TSA precheck line I was in did not have opt out signs posted. I just politely asked anyways (and they did comply).

    I had a similar situation happen with customs where the guy was confused by my request and hadn't done one it the old way in a while but honored it without argument.

  • ClamAV setup
  • ClamAV is mostly for filtering things on mail servers or uploads to a shared resource like a wiki.

    You can also use it as a system virus scanner, but most viruses it detects are Windows viruses.

  • Kaspersky removes itself and installs UltraAV without permission
  • What companies use Kaspersky?

    Isn't this mostly a consumer level issue?

  • Google Is ‘Thinking Through’ How to Make the Pixel Watch Repairable
  • I'd settle for first party repair and a repair window of up to 20 years.

    Modification is great and should always be legal... But I'd take the win to get away from so much throwaway technology.

  • What if spouses took their partners first name instead of last?
  • Well those are all historically guys names AFAIK.

  • Google Is ‘Thinking Through’ How to Make the Pixel Watch Repairable
  • Not as complicated, but the parts are bigger. Few would want an even bigger smart watch just to get repairability.

  • Do I really need DOCSIS 3.1 modem?
  • Can't comment on the DOCSIS, I don't know enough about it to not be making stuff up.

    Regarding WiFi though... The simple answer is if you're not having trouble accessing the WiFi in the places you use the WiFi and you're getting the full speed that you're paying for, there's not a ton of a reason to upgrade the router.

    The exception to this is that most routers only get a few years of security updates like most phones... That can potentially leave your network more vulnerable as the router might not properly block unsolicited traffic from making it to your devices. There's a solid argument that you should just have your devices secured via their own firewalls though.

    The Google routers are nice for the average Joe because they just kind of work and keep themselves updated (and Google tends to keep the hardware they sell under the Nest name receiving security updates a VERY long time compared to the competition). Netgear has been my go to for years but their update mechanism is ... fairly manual in my experience.

    I've since moved to having a pfSense box for the firewall and routing side of things and using my old negate router in access point mode (I'm much less concerned about this setup).

    I'll add that I don't recommend WiFi for gaming... And that most people have more download speed than they really "need." Files really haven't gone up in size much (sure games have) but evening else... meh (?). Video streaming is more popular but unless you've got a lot of people in your home or you stream at 4k, it's really not going to be that noticable between 30Mbps and 1Gbps. So like, by all means if you don't want to spend money, don't... you're probably fine.

  • Is the Gecko engine the only reason Mozilla still exists?
  • They definitely could've been Proton, but they've just constantly played follow the leader into obscure things like making a new operating system instead of useful products.

    Even when they do make something useful, it's normally tied to Firefox in a "you MUST use Firefox" kind of way, which is just so unnecessary.

  • Headlamp tech that doesn’t blind oncoming drivers—where is it?
  • Honestly it just feels like so much stuff is car hostile at this point... Like I went to leave a store the other day and I couldn't clearly see oncoming traffic because the shrubs were too high and right next to the road.

    I wish I could say that was a really uncommon experience.

  • Headlamp tech that doesn’t blind oncoming drivers—where is it?
  • Honestly a huge portion of the problem is asshole drivers that just don't turn off their brights and their fog lights or that tailgate the vehicle right in front of them while their headlights are mirror level.

    I've seen brand new trucks with LEDs that were so easy on my eyes then I've seen the exact same model of truck via rearview mirror only after I passed it because the lights were beyond blinding.

    They need to enforce maximum luminosity laws with an iron first; it's ridiculous that people get away with this stuff.

  • VPN: US-IL servers in number ~300 range using Czech IPs
  • These geo location services are not always accurate; keep that in mind.

  • Has anyone ever cloned a disk with the GPT partition scheme?

    So, I'm trying to clone an SSD to an NVME drive and I'm bumping into this "dev-disk-by" error when I boot from the NVME (the SSD is unplugged).

    I can't find anyone talking about this in this context. It seems like what I've done here should be fine and should work, but there's clearly something I and the arch wiki are missing.

    What are you into on Destiny lately?

    Hi folks, what sorts of things have you been doing on destiny lately? What are you finding fun?

    I thought the new campaign was good, but I'm increasingly finding it difficult to put time into Destiny post campaign. The gunplay is still great but ... the game has felt repetitive and little frustrations like ambiguity about how you get the new exotic class items just really are getting on my nerves. I spent probably 4 hours today redoing the same overthrow and feeling to get the wizards to spawn.

    I don't mean for this to be a negative post, but yeah; what do you enjoy about Destiny the most in 2024? Anyone here having similar feelings about the game?

    TikTok’s Pro-China Tilt TikTok’s Pro-China Tilt

    A bill that will force the app’s Chinese owners to sell will soon become law.

    TikTok’s Pro-China Tilt

    The times dives into an intelligence report on how TikTok's political algorithm anomalies align with the CCP's Geostrategic Objectives

    This report highlights major differences in the prevalence of hashtags related to subjects like Hong Kong Protests, Tainanmen Square, Tibet, the South China Sea, Taiwan, Uyghurs, Pro-Ukraine, and Pro-Isreal when compared to other major social media platforms.

    Additionally the times cited a Wall Street Journal analysis ( which "found evidence that TikTok was promoting extreme content, especially against Israel. (China has generally sided with Hamas.)"

    TikTok’s Pro-China Tilt TikTok’s Pro-China Tilt

    A bill that will force the app’s Chinese owners to sell will soon become law.

    TikTok’s Pro-China Tilt

    The times dives into an intelligence report on how TikTok's political algorithm anomalies align with the CCP's Geostrategic Objectives

    This report highlights major differences in the prevalence of hashtags related to subjects like Hong Kong Protests, Tainanmen Square, Tibet, the South China Sea, Taiwan, Uyghurs, Pro-Ukraine, and Pro-Isreal when compared to other major social media platforms.

    Additionally the times cited a Wall Street Journal analysis ( which "found evidence that TikTok was promoting extreme content, especially against Israel. (China has generally sided with Hamas.)"

    Linux Laptop WiFi Access Point Selection

    Hi all,

    I'm visiting a relative that has a Google WiFi system with multiple access points. There's an access point literally right next to me that I can see in the KDE BSSID list with 100% connection strength.

    For some reason, it's instead picking a BSSID with only 60% strength. Does anyone have any thoughts on why it's choosing this access point instead of one of the others? Is this something the Google WiFi controls/suggests to the laptop, is something bugged, or is there a good reason Linux might be choosing this particular access point?

    EDIT: It turns out the access point placement was actually just really bad, and the access point in question was not even making it to the rest of the LAN... The speed difference between my phone and laptop seems to be just that, something to do with a difference between the framework and the Pixel's wireless cards (or drivers). Even with everything corrected, the Pixel is significantly out performing the framework.

    Destiny 2 Dungeon Trailer
    State of Font Rendering on Linux

    Hi folks,

    I was wondering what people's thoughts are on the state of font rendering on Linux and if there are any important settings/packages I might not be aware of.

    I've never been particularly font sensitive. So despite being a long time user at this point... I'm still a Linux fonts noob. However, I know a lot of people are big into fonts.

    I recently installed Debian KDE as a desktop for my father. He likes it, but he wasn't crazy about the fonts. We turned the normal subpixel rendering on in KDE Font settings, but some pages definitely had blocky looking fonts (e.g. the Yahoo home page my dad still uses 🙃).

    Any tips? The documentation in this area seems to be lacking... and maybe it's just the resolution of the mintors and things (my dad had gotten used to his high resolution phone so jumping back to a 28" 1080p monitor is going to look blocky no matter what). Regardless, if there are any tips or things I might have missed, they'd be much appreciated!

    Hero Pass: A Better, More Rewarding RuneScape - News - RuneScape - RuneScape Error - RuneScape | Old School RuneScape

    Sign up to RuneScape today and access more than 150 incredible story arcs, new skills, play 20 awesome minigames, construct your own amazing home, and more.

    Error - RuneScape | Old School RuneScape
    Continued Necromancy Improvements - This Week In RuneScape Error - RuneScape | Old School RuneScape

    Sign up to RuneScape today and access more than 150 incredible story arcs, new skills, play 20 awesome minigames, construct your own amazing home, and more.

    Error - RuneScape | Old School RuneScape
    Thoughts on Necromancy?

    I've been (probably like most players) playing around with Necromancy the past few days. I'm finding necromancy to be one of the more interesting skills Jagex has released. I think like archeology before it, it has a lot of different components to the skill that helps keep it fresh, vs just lighting fires. It also seems to have a lot of tie ins with other skills and under utilized items (e.g. ashes) which seems nice (and perhaps a bit OSRS inspired).

    What are you thoughts? Are you loving it? Hating it? Somewhere in between?

    Dark_Arc Dark Arc

    Hiker, software engineer (primarily C++, Java, and Python), Minecraft modder, hunter (of the Hunt Showdown variety), biker, adoptive Akronite, and general doer of assorted things.

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