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A sorcerer appears and states that they will erase any one song from existence - which song would you choose?
  • Emily - Joanna Newsom. I don't hate it whatsoever but ever since listening to Joanna, this song in particular, I haven't achieved that musical high since. Maybe in this altered universe it can be created once more so I can feel that joy and wonderment again - if only for a moment.

  • Removed
    What's the best possible justification for vandalizing a library?
  • This thread has enlightened me on how biased and irrational lemmy is (more than usual). So far you guys have claimed it's:

    1. false flag operators
    2. valid because the college "supports" Israel
    3. just dumb teenagers that don't really care about the cause and just wanna destroy property
    4. okay to deface "private" stuff like bank walls but not books for a "private" library?
    5. really dumb people that can't possibly be on your side
    6. people that just want to destroy
    7. somewhat justified because it brought attention to the most talked about issue? 🤣
    8. "a joy of punching down on people/institutions I guess?" that's a direct quote, holy shit 😂
    9. "I appreciate the spirit, but people who read books are probably the wrong demographic to aim this kind of messaging at." holy moly the cope is unreal

    There's some that are actually being honest and saying there's no good reason because there isn't. I appreciate those commenters.

    I look forward to being banned for trolling AKA disagreeing with you guys!

  • Israeli soldiers who drove with wounded Palestinian tied to their vehicle 'violated orders', military says
  • Did I say you said it? What's the point in mentioning that 🤣

    What actual details? Like how Jordan or Egypt didn't give the Palestinians their own country? Or how Palestine was not considered a state until the 1980? Or how the Palestinians keep voting out political parties that want a two state solution and want to eradicate the Jews?

    Why engage with you when it's just a free education on your part? I actually take time out of my day to read books on the matter from different authors from both sides of this issue. You just go nu-uh. It's so boring.

  • Israeli soldiers who drove with wounded Palestinian tied to their vehicle 'violated orders', military says
  • Not really. I claimed the IDF didn't give the suspect over for reasons and when their suspicions were wrong, they gave him back. And each moment the earth moves, time passes.

    You keep getting stuck in a time loop by repeating the same thing. It's like you're dumb af or something.

  • Israeli soldiers who drove with wounded Palestinian tied to their vehicle 'violated orders', military says
  • Calling it a land grab is demonstrably false. Would you even care if I went into the history of the Palestinian territory since the late 1800's? Probably not. But I implore you to do some research - not only is it incredibly fascinating, you won't sound like a dumbass by saying things like land grab.

  • Israeli soldiers who drove with wounded Palestinian tied to their vehicle 'violated orders', military says
  • Dawg, Hamas raped and tortured people on Oct 7. They've been doing it before and since then but you think this is a one sided thing?

    What land grab? Please don't start this without reading at least a little bit about the disputed territories. It's so boring to have to correct literally everyone.

  • Israeli soldiers who drove with wounded Palestinian tied to their vehicle 'violated orders', military says
  • Ironically the 40 mutilated babies story. You're so uninformed it's actually making me sad.

    On Wednesday, a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told CNN that babies and toddlers were found with their “heads decapitated” in southern Israel after Hamas’ attack. By Thursday morning, an Israeli official told CNN the government had not confirmed claims of the beheadings.

  • Israeli soldiers who drove with wounded Palestinian tied to their vehicle 'violated orders', military says
  • Videos always surface, you bozos mald and then move on when they're proven false. Remember when Israel bombed the hospital when it was Hamas' misfire? Again, I don't support anyone blindly like you clowns.

    Israel is a country and "Palestinians" live in its designated territories. History is in disagreement with you 🤣

  • Israeli soldiers who drove with wounded Palestinian tied to their vehicle 'violated orders', military says
  • Let's be real the only side that's concerned about facts is Israel. There are people that make stupid claims and then are corrected oftentimes by Israel themselves. This is absolutely not true for Hams or any other militant group.

    Please explain to me how this video is proof it's a war crime. Please provide the case document that explicitly states this IDFs intent. Why can't you just wait for more information instead of doing this dumb dance every time?

  • App crashes and I can't get past the logo

    I reinstalled it and it works just fine. It's only after I restore my settings from the cloud where it repeats the crashing process and I have to reinstall again. Any idea why?

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